Behavior of Abused and Non-Abused Children in Interviews With Anatomically Correct Dolls
William McIver II, Hollida Wakefield, and Ralph Underwager*
ABSTRACT: Fifty non-abused and ten abused children
were given anatomically-correct dolls and their behaviors were
observed. None of the abused children had been previously
interviewed or treated for sexual abuse. For seven of the
children, following the initial portion of the interview, the interviewer
deliberately used leading questions, cues, modeling and reinforcement in
an attempt to elicit sexual behaviors with the dolls.
There were no differences in the behavior and
responses to the dolls between the abused and the non-abused
children. In general, the children did not identify the gender of
the dolls on the basis of primary sexual characteristics. However,
two-fifths of the children spontaneously talked about and/or touched the
dolls' genitals and three-fifths placed the dolls in clear sexual
positions and/or played with the dolls in an overtly aggressive
manner. Six of the seven children who were given leading
questions, cues, modeling and reinforcement responded by performing the
behaviors that were cued, modeled and reinforced.
The authors conclude that information obtained by the
use of dolls in interviews to assess whether a child has been sexually
abused will probably be misleading. The dolls are likely to
increase the error and decrease the reliability of the information
The so-called anatomically correct dolls are widely
used as diagnostic tools with children in cases of alleged sexual abuse.
They are used by social workers, police, prosecutors, and sometimes by
parents. They are generally used with children ages two through six,
although some workers have used them with children from 18 months to 11
years of age. We have a videotape of an interrogation in which a social
worker used the dolls with a 17-year-old female with a history of three
These dolls are made of plastic or cotton and are
usually about 20 to 25 inches in length. Pubic hair is simulated with
dark embroidery or synthetic fur. The breasts of the mature females
protrude and the boy and mature male dolls have penises. These penises
are often disproportionately large, although this is less true of the
more recent dolls. There are representations of oral and anal openings
and the female dolls have crude representations of the pubic area and
vaginal openings. The penis is able to fit into any of these openings.
The dolls are dressed in easily removable clothing. There is generally a
mature male and female doll and a boy and girl doll which lack the pubic
hair and large breasts. The dolls may be purchased from manufacturers or
handmade by someone. There is no standardization for their design.
These dolls were originally used in therapy as toys
and as aids in helping sexually abused children deal with the
experience. But now they have come to be used as diagnostic tools in the
investigation of suspected cases of sexual abuse. They are routinely
used by some mental health professionals in the assessment of a child
and claims are made that the type of doll play can prove sexual abuse.
Yet their reliability and validity have not been established.
Their use has been based on the assumption that
children who have been sexually abused will demonstrate sexual behaviors
with the dolls which children who have not been sexually abused will not
demonstrate. Underlining this assumption are several other assumptions:
1. Children will identify gender (or the
"sex" of the dolls) on the basis of primary sexual
characteristics. That is, children will "see" the dolls the way adults
2. The things children do with these dolls will be a
reflection of underlying psychological dynamics, and this will indicate
the same things to a child as it may to the adult interviewer.
3. Children will not demonstrate, either
spontaneously or in response to the interviewer's verbal and/or
nonverbal cues, sexual acts that did not occur.
4. Children will, somehow, naturally identify the
dolls as "Mommy ... Daddy ... Uncle ... Sister ... Brother ... ,"
etc. That is, the dolls will symbolize persons in their lives.
However, there is no research on these assumptions. What is the antecedent probability of a child's response to the dolls?
What is the response to a doll with genitals when children accustomed to
department store dolls without genitals are exposed to them? Questions
such as the effect of naming the dolls, who undresses the dolls and what
is said when they are undressed, what leading questions about explicit
sexual behavior do, and what is done when the child loses interest or
moves to different play need to be researched. Such baseline information
is necessary in order to interpret what responses to such dolls mean.
To date there are no solid empirical data that
support a differential behavior of abused and nonabused children when
the dolls are used as diagnostic or assessment devices. The data that
are available suggest that they cannot be used to distinguish abused
from non-abused children.
There is evidence that the dolls can suggest
behaviors that may be interpreted as abuse. King and Yuille (1987) point
out that "... the dolls serve the function of a suggestive question with
young children. The genitals and orifices of the dolls suggest a play
pattern to children, and that play may be misinterpreted as evidence for
abuse" (p. 31). Gabriel (1985) states about the use of dolls in
assessing sexual abuse that "Many persons working in the child
protection field are untrained in play therapy and do not know about the
projection-evoking properties of toys. The result has been that material
produced by children in this manner can appear to confirm suspicions of
sexual abuse when it may actually be no more than a normal reaction to
the dolls and the situation" (p.42).
Gabriel observed 19 non-abused children who were
exposed to the dolls as well as other toys. Many of the children did
things with the dolls which could have been interpreted by other
interviewers as indicating likely sexual abuse. Roughly half of the
children showed interest in the genitals and manipulated them. Gabriel
stated that "On the evidence of the dolls alone, when used as part
of a 'fishing expedition' exercise, the suspect will
almost always be found 'guilty,' especially if the examiner is already
biased in that direction" (p.49). He concludes "Thus it can be
seen how extremely important it is not to allow suspect 'evidence' to be
introduced by unevaluated diagnostic tools" (p.50).
There have been some beginning efforts at developing
standardized procedures for the dolls. White, Strom and Santilli (1985)
developed a protocol for interviewing preschoolers. They suggest not
using the dolls with children who have reached the age of social
awareness (five to seven years). Their protocol emphasizes maintaining
objectivity by not receiving information prior to the interview,
avoiding leading questions, taking care not to cue responses, and
interviewing the child away from the parents. But many of their
suggested questions in the protocol are leading. Nevertheless, their
protocol as described represents an improvement over the videotaped doll
interviews we have observed.
White, Strom, Santilli, and Halpin (1986) report that
with this protocol, their sample of non-sexually abused children
interacted differently with the dolls than did the abused sample. However, there is no information on other differences which may exist
between the two groups (interviews about sexual abuse, previous therapy
for sexual abuse, prior experiences with the dolls, etc.). Without this
information, no conclusions can be drawn from their results. In a
comment accompanying this article, the editors of
Child Abuse & Neglect state: "We wish to emphasize, however, that to date no data
have been published which clearly delineate the responses to these
interviews by children who have not been sexually abused. This study is
necessary before the results of interviews of children who have been
sexually exploited can be accurately interpreted" (p. 519).
In a study from which preliminary results were
reported at the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, October, 1986, the
protocol suggested by White, et al. was used (Jensen, Realmuto, &
Wescoe, 1986). Two control groups, one, a normal non-abused group, and
the other, a psychiatric group but non-abused, and a sample of abused
children were interviewed by a single therapist who followed the
protocol faithfully. All interviews were videotaped. A panel of raters
then viewed the videotapes and rated the behaviors along White's scale
from not at all suspicious to very suspicious. No differences between
groups were found. Some of the non-abused children got the highest
rating of very suspicious and some of the abused children got ratings of
no suspicion of abuse.
Jampole and Weber (1987) studied 16 girls and 14 boys ages three to eight.
The children were
divided into two groups (sexually abused and non-sexually abused) and
observed with the anatomical dolls. Assignment to the abused group was
based upon a decision by police and child protection workers that the
child had been abused. This decision was made in advance of any final
determination by the justice system. Neither group had been previously
interviewed with the dolls. The behavior of the children was rated on a
scale which was developed on the basis of observing four children.
researchers report a significant difference between the two groups in
that the children who had been abused (as determined by caseworkers
and/or police) demonstrated more sexual behavior than the non-abused
group. On this basis they conclude that the anatomically correct doll is
a reliable, valid instrument as an investigative and treatment tool.
The major difficulty with this study is that,
although none of the children had been previously interviewed with the
dolls, there is no information concerning the content of any interviews
about sexual abuse, any therapy given to the sexually abused children,
or what discussions were held with these children about sexual abuse by
foster parents or social workers. The criterion measure means that the
contrast is not between abused and non-abused children but rather
children interrogated in the process of substantiating an accusation and
children who have not been interrogated.
Aman and Goodman (1987) report a study that they
interpret as indicating that the dolls do not lead to false reports of
sexual abuse. However, this is an over interpretation of this study.
Their sample was 30 three-year-old and 30
five-year-old non-sexually abused children. The real life event, an
interaction with an adult male, was ten minutes long and included five
play activities, permitting about two minutes for each activity. (Such
brief exposures are not analogous to the real life events likely to be
the subject of an investigative interview using the dolls.) A week
later, the children were questioned about the event. There were three
conditions (which resulted in ten children per cell). In the first
condition, children were questioned with anatomically-correct dolls; in
the second condition they were questioned with ordinary dolls; in the
third condition no dolls were used. All children were asked a set of
objective and subjective questions. The number of correct verbal and
behavioral responses by each child in response to the free recall
portion of the interview was analyzed.
The most important finding of this study is a clear
age effect throughout. The younger children were consistently more
suggestive across all variables. False alarm errors, that is, errors
that could lead to false reports of abuse, were significantly greater
for three-year-olds than five-year-olds. One in five three-year-old
children made such errors.
Although the authors reported that there was no
overall doll effect, there was a significant age X doll interaction.
responding to questions described as objective, the three year olds in
the doll condition were significantly less accurate in answering the
objective questions than were the three year olds in the no doll
Sivan and Schor (1987) report a study of 144
children, ages three to eight, on labeling of body parts using allegedly
anatomically correct dolls. Younger children gave more responses but
older children gave clearer responses. Younger children were reported to
be willing to provide answers to questions when they have no meaningful
response. The attitude and approach of the interviewer was a crucial
factor in eliciting responses.
Sivan, Schor, Koeppl, and Nobel (1988) report that
girls play with dolls more than boys; all children play with the dolls
more when the interviewer is female, suggesting that females subtly
suggest doll play. Of most significance is the finding that the dolls
are of little interest to children. They do not spontaneously choose
them to play with them.
In a study of non-abused children and their behavior
with the dolls, Boat and Everson (undated) found that manual exploration
of the sexual parts of unclothed dolls is not uncommon. They report that
a small number of non-abused older preschoolers will demonstrate
explicit genital intercourse.
Friedemann and Morgan (1985) have written a guidebook
for interviewing with the anatomically correct dolls. They caution
against many of the abuses that have become common in the use of these
dolls but present no standardized format.
There has been no research to establish standardized procedures for using the dolls in an investigation.
Although White,
Strom, and Santilli (1985) describe a protocol, there is no normative
data to standardize it. Standardized procedures that can be repeated by
others are an absolute requirement before anything sensible can be said
or any conclusions drawn beyond the immediate situation. Without
standardized procedures there is no way of determining what effect the
procedures have on the responses elicited.
Underwager, Wakefield, Legrand, Bartz and Erickson
(1986) and Wakefield and Underwager (1988) point out that the use of the dolls can
provide a modeling effect. All of the social learning literature shows
that one of the most powerful ways of teaching children is by modeling.
The learning is enhanced when the adults involved in the modeling are
reinforcing to the child. The research evidence establishes that verbal
reinforcement such as, "good," "that's right," or
attention from an adult sharply increase the imitation of the modeled
behavior. Therefore the use of the dolls in interviews must not be
viewed as a pursuit of truth but rather as a learning experience. The
child is being taught to produce the responses favored and reinforced by
the interviewer.
The present study was designed to examine the general
assumption that children who have been sexually abused will demonstrate
sexual behaviors with the dolls which children who have not been
sexually abused will not demonstrate. Specifically, the underlying
assumptions discussed above were examined for a group of abused and a
group on non-abused children. The assumptions tested were:
1. Children will identify gender (or the
"sex" of the dolls) on the basis of primary sexual
characteristics rather than on the basis of their clothing.
2. Children will not demonstrate, either
spontaneously or in response to the interviewer's verbal and/or
nonverbal cues, sexual acts that did not occur.
3. Children will, somehow, naturally identify the
dolls as "Mommy ... Daddy ... Uncle ... Sister ... Brother ... ",
etc. That is, the dolls will symbolize persons in their lives.
4. The things non-abused children do with these dolls
will be different from the things abused children do with them.
The subjects were 50 non-abused and 10 abused
children. Of the 60 children, 36 were females and 24 were males.
non-abused children (28 females and 22 males) ranged in age from 2 years
6 months to 7 years; the mean age was 4 years, 7.8 months. The abused
children (8 females and 2 males) ranged from 3 years 4 months to 5 years
8 months; the mean age was 4 years, 5.4 months. The children were
recruited in various ways — from friends, patients and their relatives and
friends. The first author obtained sufficient information about the
children to feel confident that the abused children actually had been
abused and that the non-abused children had had no history of abuse.
The 10 abused children had experienced a variety of
abusive situations including fondling, being rubbed with the penis, oral
sex and attempted penetration. For 4 of the children these were single
instances and for 6 of them the abuse occurred repeatedly — the range was
from 1 to 15 times. The children were interviewed from 3 days to 70 days
following the abuse, the median length of time was 14 days. The abuse
was verified apart from the children's statements by eyewitnesses or by
admission from the perpetrators. None of the abused children had been
interviewed by counselors, police or anyone outside of the immediate
The children were interviewed individually by the
first author. Twenty-two of the children were interviewed in an office
and 38 were interviewed in their homes. The office was informally
furnished with a couch where the dolls were placed. When the children
were interviewed in their homes, the interview was conducted in a spot
removed from normal family activity. In a few instances the interview
was briefly interrupted by other children.
Four anatomically-correct dolls from Migima Designs,
Inc. (P.O. Box 70064, Eugene, OR 97401) were used for all of the
children. There was a adult female, an adult male and a boy and a girl
doll. The adult dolls were approximately 20" and the child dolls
16." All of the dolls had oral and anal openings and both the adult
and child female dolls had vaginal openings. The male dolls had
testicles and penises which fit easily into any of these openings.
adult female doll had breasts. The penis, testicles, breasts and vagina
were fairly proportionate to the rest of the body. There were a
of extra dresses, blouses and slacks for the female dolls and pants and
shirts for the male dolls. The clothing was all easily removable with
Velcro fasteners.
All of the interviews were video or audiotaped. In
the non-abused group, 38 were videotaped and 12 were audiotaped; in the
abused group, 8 were videotaped and 2 were audiotaped. It was originally
planned to videotape all of the interviews, but this proved to be
unworkable due to equipment failure. In these instances, the interviews
were audiotaped.
The interviews ranged in time from 8 minutes (a
hyperactive 2 year, 6-month-old non-abused child) to 46 minutes. The
mean time was 27.13 minutes (non-abused 27.52, abused 25.20).
In the interviews the children were greeted and about
5 to 10 minutes was spent building rapport. The children were then shown the dolls.
The dolls
were always presented dressed with the extra clothing placed alongside.
Cross-dressed dolls (male dolls in dresses and female dolls in pants and
shirts) were presented to 21 non-abused and to 5 abused children. It was
randomly determined whether the child received the sex-appropriate or
the cross dressed dolls.
The children were encouraged by open, non-leading
questions to say whatever they wanted and to do whatever they wanted
with the dolls. The goal was to see if and how children identified the
dolls' genders and differentiated between the child and the adult dolls,
and to observe what the children would spontaneously say and do with the
dolls. The children were allowed to freely play with the dolls if they
All of the children were asked general questions or
given standard statements about the dolls:
"What are these?" (dolls)
"Are they girls or boys?"
"You can change the clothes if you like."
"What do these look like?"
(Pointing to various body parts) "What's
"What do you call this?"
"Are you a boy or a girl?" "How do you
The subsequent questions were geared to the child's
responses. When, in response to "Are they boys or girls?" the
child gave an answer, he would then be asked "How do you
know?" If the doll was identified as a parent or a boy or girl, the
interviewer asked in a deliberately low-keyed fashion, "Uh huh, How
do you know?" When body parts were identified (hands, rear end,
lips, belly button, etc.) the experimenter asked "What does he (or
"she," depending upon the identification given by the child)
do with it?" Stringent efforts were made to keep from attributing
gender or any personality characteristics to the dolls.
For 7 of the children (6 non-abused and 1 abused),
following the initial portion of the interview, the interviewer
deliberately used leading questions, cues, modeling and reinforcement in
an attempt to elicit sexual behaviors with the dolls. The behaviors
engaged in by the interviewer in this portion of the interview were
similar to those observed in typical videotaped interviewers of
allegedly sexually abused children.
Following the interviews, the behaviors were
classified from the videotaped and audiotaped interviews independently
by the interviewer and one of two other raters. The interviewer was
aware of whether the children were in the abused or the
non-abused groups; the two other raters were not. In cases where there
was disagreement as to the classification of a behavior, the tape was
viewed again by the two raters and agreement was reached.
The children's responses were rated according to the
following categories:
- Gender identification
- On basis of clothes, eye or lip color, size and
other non-sexual characteristics.
- Took notice of breasts.
- Took notice of penis.
- Took notice of vagina-pubic area.
- Children with cross-dressed dolls who identified
and did not change gender.
- Children with cross-dressed dolls who identified
gender and did not change on the basis of one or more primary sexual
- Identification primarily on the basis of primary
sexual characteristics with either one or more dolls.
- Spontaneous behavior or comments about things the
dolls did, interest in genitals, sexual and/or aggressive behavior
with dolls.
Showed interest in genitals (talking about,
- Made spontaneous comments about what the dolls
do ("Daddy pooped on his head").
- Spontaneously placed the dolls in clear
"sexual positions" (intercourse-vaginal and anal, oral sex,
kissing), hitting, kicking, etc.
- Spontaneously used dolls to symbolize people
(family, etc.) in their lives.
- Knew physiological reasons for their own
- Led to demonstrate with minimal cues, leading
questions, and reinforcement (7 children who received this at the end
of the interview).
The results were compared for abused and non-abused
children and t tests were used to test for significant differences.
Comparisons were also made between the 36 younger (below age 5) and 24
older (age 5 and older) children.
Gender Identification
In general, the children did not identify the dolls as males or females on the basis of the primary
sexual characteristics. The children were able to say that the dolls
were "boys" or "girls" (or "Mommy" or
"Daddy"), but when asked how they knew, they generally
responded in terms of size, dress, hair, or color of eyes (the male
dolls had brown eyes and the female dolls blue eyes) or color of lips
(the lips of the female dolls were red and the male dolls were brown).
Some of the children gave very vague reasons: "I don't know,"
"Mommy told me," "Because." This happened even when
the dolls were undressed and the genitals were recognized. For the
children as a whole, 87% identified the dolls using non-primary sexual
characteristics and only 20% identified them using primary sexual
characteristics (Table 1).
All of the children correctly identified themselves
as boys or girls but only 16% could give a physiological reason for
this. The most common responses were vague answers such as
"Because," or "I know," "Cause my name's
'Mary'," "Cause my Mommy told me," "I just
know." The abused and non-abused children reacted similarly —
were no significant differences between them.
Table 1
Gender Identification
Identify dolls using non-primary sexual
characteristics |
Identify dolls using primary sexual characteristics |
Know physiological reasons for own gender |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Non-abused |
43 |
86% |
9 |
18% |
8 |
16% |
Abused |
9 |
90% |
3 |
30% |
0 |
0% |
Total* |
*52 |
87% |
*12 |
20% |
8 |
13% |
*Total does not equal 60 because of
unclear classification for 4 children |
As one would expect, there are significant
differences depending upon the age of the child. Only 2 of the 36
children under age 5 (5.6%) identified the dolls using primary sexual
characteristics whereas 10 of the 24 children 5 and over (42%)
identified them in this way (p=.002). Also, all 8 of the children who
were able to state a physiological basis for their own gender were over
5 (p=.001).
Most of the children (78%) recognized and identified
the breasts on the adult female doll. A somewhat smaller number (62%)
recognized the penis on the adult male and the boy doll but fewer (27%)
recognized the vagina and/or pubic area on the adult female and girl
dolls (Table 2). There were no significant differences between the
non-abused and abused children.
Table 2
Recognition, Notice or Identification of
Primary Sexual Characteristics
Breasts |
Penis |
area |
N |
% |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Non-abused |
40 |
80% |
32 |
64% |
13 |
26% |
Abused |
7 |
70% |
5 |
50% |
3 |
30% |
Total* |
47 |
78% |
37 |
62% |
16 |
27% |
Again, this was related to the age of the children. For the 36 children under 5 years of age, 24 (67%) recognized the
breasts, 18 (50%) recognized the penis and 5 (14%) recognized the vagina
and/or pubic area. For the 24 children over 5, these numbers were
23(96%), 19(79%), and 11(46%). These differences were statistically
significant (breasts, p=.007; penis, p=.023; vagina/pubic area, p=.006).
What happened when the child was presented with
cross-dressed dolls? Two thirds (69%) of the children identified the
doll according to the clothing and didn't change the gender when the
dolls were undressed. One third (35%) changed the gender on the basis of
the primary sexual characteristics after the dolls were undressed.
these 9 children, 8 were over 5 years old (Table 3). There were no
significant differences between abused and non-abused children, but the
age difference was significant (p=.001).
Table 3
Gender Identification in Children with
Cross-dressed dolls
Identified and did not
change gender |
Identified and changed gender
on basis of primary sexual characteristics |
N |
% |
N |
% |
Non-abused |
14 |
57% |
8 |
38% |
Abused |
4 |
80% |
1 |
20% |
Total* |
*18 |
69% |
*9 |
35% |
*Total does not equal 26 because of unclear classification
for 1 child |
Spontaneous Behavior and/or Comments About the Dolls
Table 4 summarizes the spontaneous behaviors and comments made by the
children while interacting with the dolls. There were no significant
differences between abused and non-abused children on any of these measures.
Two-fifths of the children (44%
non-abused and 30% abused) spontaneously talked about and/or touched the
doll's genitals.
Table 4
Spontaneous Behavior or Comments about Dolls |
Talk about or touch doll's
genitals |
Comments about what dolls
do |
Place dolls in clear
sexual positions and aggressive behavior |
Use dolls to symbolize
people in child's life |
Non-abused |
22 |
44% |
29 |
58% |
31 |
62% |
7 |
14% |
Abused |
3 |
30% |
4 |
40% |
5 |
50% |
2 |
20% |
Total |
25 |
42% |
33 |
55% |
36 |
60% |
9 |
15% |
Three-fifths of the children (62% non-abused and 50%
abused) placed the dolls in clear sexual positions and/or played with the
dolls in an overtly aggressive manner. This included placing one doll on top
of another doll in the missionary position, sticking a male doll's penis in
one of the openings (anal, vaginal, oral), wrestling, spanking, throwing or
hitting the dolls or having one doll do these to another doll. Many of these
spontaneous behaviors could have elicited suspicion of a sexual abuse in an
interviewer who accepted the assumptions that the doll play reflects actual
experiences in a child's life.
Around half (58% non-abused and 40% abused) of the children
made spontaneous comments about what the dolls did. Examples of these comments
are "He did something naughty," "(He) jumped on his bed,"
"Daddy went poopy on my head," "He peed" (while holding
the doll on the interviewer's head), "I jump on top of him" (using
the doll to illustrate), "These guys throw each other around"
(demonstrated by throwing dolls against the wall), "A rhinoceros stands
on the Dad's head. ... A car falls on my head. ..."
Only 9 out of 60 children, or 15% (14% non-abused and 20%
abused), of the children used the dolls to symbolize persons in their lives.
These identifications generally were "This is a Mommy," This is a
Dad, he's bigger than the little kid," etc.
When children under 5 years old and children over 5 years
old were compared as to these behaviors, no significant differences were
Led to Demonstrate
For 7 of the children (6 non-abused and 1 abused),
following the initial portion of the interview, the interviewer deliberately
used leading questions, cues, modeling and reinforcement in an attempt to
elicit aggressive and sexual behaviors with the dolls. The interviewer asked
questions such as "Can you show me?," "How else could they go
together?" and then reinforced the responses with "Uh Huh,"
"Anything else?"
In response to this, all but one of the children responded
by performing the behaviors that were cued, modeled and reinforced. Behaviors
elicited in these 6 children included hitting the Daddy doll, hitting,
punching and kicking the boy doll, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal and vaginal
intercourse and the Mommy doll sitting on the boy doll's face. As this portion
of the interview progressed, the children continued to demonstrate and produce
more and more behaviors.
The assumption, Children will identify gender (or the
"sex" of the dolls) on the basis of primary sexual characteristics
rather than on the basis of their clothing is not supported by this study.
of the children gave the dolls a male or female identity. When asked "How
do you know?," most of the children responded in terms of clothing, color
of lips, color of eyes, etc. Only about a fifth of the children gave the
primary sexual characteristics (breasts, penis, vagina and/or pubic area) as a reason for
the gender identification of the dolls. This was true even though most of
children noticed or attended to at least some of the genitals on the dolls.
When presented with the cross-dressed dolls, roughly one
third of the 26 children identified and changed the gender of the doll on the
basis of the breasts, penis, or vagina/pubic area. All but one of these
children were over 5 years old.
Similarly, even though all of the children were very clear
as to whether they were boys or girls, only 8 out of the 60 children appeared
to know the physiological basis for their gender. These 8 children were all
over 5 years old.
The assumption, Children will not demonstrate, either
spontaneously or in response to the interviewer's verbal and/or nonverbal
cues, sexual acts that did not occur was not supported. Over half of the
children played with the dolls in ways that suggest overt sexual behavior
and/or aggressive behavior. Children placed the dolls in missionary positions
and put the penises of the boy dolls into the anal, vaginal and oral openings
of other dolls.
This behavior was particularly dramatic in all but one of
the 7 children who, at the end of the interview, were cued and reinforced for
producing such behavior. One child put the male doll's penis into every
possible opening of the other dolls. When he was then asked "Could she
ever sit on him?...," "Could you show me?," he proceeded to get
up and sit on the face of the doll. This demonstrates the concrete manner by
which a child often interprets the questions and statement of adults. Another
child stated that "Daddy pee peed on my head," when asked "What
else can he do?" It is noteworthy that this behavior was obtained with
comparatively subtle questions and cues.
In that the typical interview with the dolls contains a
large proportion of leading questions, modeling, selective reinforcement and
even coercion (Wakefield & Underwager, 1988), this finding casts doubt on
the validity of the information obtained from children in such interviews.
dolls, in the way they are typically used, are likely to increase the error
and decrease the reliability of information obtained in interviews of
children concerning alleged sexual abuse.
This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the
assumption The things non-abused children do with these dolls will be
different from the things abused children do with them was not supported.
There were no significant differences between abused and non-abused children
on any of the measures. A major difference between this study and other ones is that the abused children in this study
had not been talked to by anyone outside of their immediate families. It is
probable that interviews about abuse with social workers, police,
investigators and/or therapists could account for any differences found
between abused and non-abused children in other studies.
Only 9 of the 60 children (15%) used the dolls in their
playing with them to symbolize people in their lives. Therefore, the
assumption Children will, somehow, naturally identify the dolls as
"Mommy ... Daddy ... Uncle ... Sister ... Brother...," etc. That is, dolls
will symbolize persons in their lives is not supported. It is likely that an
interviewer could label the dolls as "Daddy," "Mary,"
"Uncle Fred," etc., model and reinforce this identification to the
child, with the result that the child would then play with the dolls using
these identifications. But there is no evidence that such a learning
experience for the child means that subsequent play reflects actual incidents
in the child's life. There is no evidence that if children identify a doll as
a "Daddy" or "Mommy" this indicates that they are
referring to their Daddy or Mommy.
A recent study by Herbert, Grams, and Goranson (1987)
produced results similar to ours. These investigators used a standardized
investigative interview approach in studying 14 children, ages three to five,
with no suspicion of sexual abuse. The investigative method used was the
allegedly anatomically correct dolls. Questions asked of the child when the
dolls were in use were typical of the first level of questions asked in such
interviews and then were followed by the use of leading questions.
Herbert, et al. found that the children did not approach
the dolls spontaneously but required the interrogator to direct them to
approach the dolls. None initiated undressing the dolls but all accepted the
direction of the interrogator to undress them. The children showed inability
to identify gender on the basis of the symbolic genitalia. Although none of
the children placed the dolls in postures representing sexual behavior between
the dolls, all the children showed behavior that is often interpreted as
demonstrating sexual abuse.
The children demonstrated admixture of fantasy into their
responses which was not detected by the interviewer. The authors regard this
as a troubling finding demonstrating how easily an interview can be
misinterpreted. Almost all children demonstrated suggestibility in responding
to the interrogation. Evaluation of the interviews "as if" a sexual abuse
allegation had been made resulted in half the sample being identified as
probable victims of abuse. This suggests a high level of false positives when
such techniques are used. Exploratory play with the symbolic genitals or anus
of dolls is in itself not an indicator of of child sexual abuse and the
authors conclude that a search for proof of child sexual abuse is best done by
other methods.
The Aman and Goodman (1987) study, despite the conclusions
stated by its authors, cannot be said to show that the dolls have no effect on
increasing false reports. Younger children showed both suggestibility and
effect of dolls. In real-life sexual abuse interviews, it is the younger
children with whom the dolls are more likely to be used. The study
demonstrates the possibility of false reports from younger children. If one in
five can be led to produce false alarms by questions asked once, what will
happen when the dolls are used with repeated questions and pressure to
interact with the dolls until the desired behavior is elicited? When children
are pressured and coerced with repeated questions and demands for
demonstrating with the dolls, there will likely be a much greater proportion
of false reports.
The efforts to develop protocols (White, et al., 1985)
represent attempts to improve the ways the dolls have typically been used in
interviews of children who are alleged to be sexually abused. But if the
underlying assumptions are unsupported, the use of the dolls will not increase
the accuracy of the information obtained. At best, use of the protocols may
prevent some of the most blatant errors that have been observed with the dolls
in such interviews (Wakefield & Underwager, 1988). However, they are
likely to lull interviewers into falsely believing they have a valid and
reliable method of obtaining accurate information. At worst, they are likely
to remain teaching devices which contaminate whatever information is obtained,
teach non-abused children explicit sexual behavior, and train emotionally
healthy children to believe and act as though they had been sexually abused.
The American Psychological Association's Committee on
Psychological Testing and Assessment determined in its March, 1988 meeting
that the dolls "are considered to be a psychological test and are subject
to the standards when used to assess individuals and make inferences about
their behavior" (Landers, 1988). The significance of this determination
is that any psychologist who uses the dolls without making a prior statement
as to their lack of reliability and validity to the adult caretaker of the
child is vulnerable to an accusation of negligent and unethical practice.
psychologist who testifies in court without making a clear statement about their limitations and the necessary qualifications in
interpreting what behavior with them means is vulnerable to an accusation of
unethical practice. Any social worker or law enforcement official who uses
them is vulnerable to criticism for exceeding his level of competence.
The situation is roughly similar to the use of phrenology,
that is, the belief that the bumps on a person's head could be used to
understand the personality and predict the behavior of an individual. Phrenologists developed very precise maps of the skull and the differential
location of bumps, the size, and the height of the bumps, are carefully and
painstakingly detailed with attendant meanings that are supposed to be
diagnostic. The difficulty was that the fundamental assumptions of phrenology
are false. No matter how much precision is claimed in the implementation of
the theory, the whole thing is nonsense because the beginning is nonsense.
This study indicates that assumptions underlying the use of
the anatomically correct dolls are not supported. Non-abused and abused
children did not differ in their comments about the dolls or their behaviors
and play with them. Most children did not identify gender (of themselves or of
the dolls) in terms of primary sexual characteristics. Children frequently
demonstrated aggressive and sexual acts that had not occurred; this was
particularly marked when the interviewer asked leading questions and cued and
encouraged the child. The behaviors obtained were of a nature that would lead
many interviewers to believe that the child had, in fact, been sexually
Our results suggest that the information obtained by the
use of these dolls in interviews is misleading. The dolls are likely to
increase the error and decrease the reliability of the information gathered.
Any information obtained from such interviews should be discarded. There is
nothing to support their use as diagnostic or assessment tools.
The dolls are not generally accepted in the scientific
community and nothing obtained from their use should ever be admitted as
evidence in any legal setting. A California Appeals Court ruled in 1987 that
the use of the dolls was not supported by the scientific evidence and their
use did not meet the Frye test for admissibility. Testimony based upon the use
of the dolls was therefore ruled inadmissible (Law Week, 1987).
It is also the case, in our opinion, that with the present status of the research evidence related to the use
of the dolls, any psychologist who uses them as assessment and diagnostic
tools and bases any expression of opinion about an allegation of child sexual
abuse primarily on use of the dolls is guilty of medical malpractice and
unethical conduct under the code of ethics of the American Psychological
Association. The dolls simply do not have the necessary demonstrated validity
and reliability to be used as diagnostic or assessment devices.
Aman, C. & Goodman, G. S. (1987, September). Children's
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Interviewing Children, Washington, D.C.
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Children. Department of Family
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Child Abuse & Neglect, 12, 295-304.
Wakefield, H., & Underwager, R. (1988). Accusations of Child
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J. (1986, August). The role of the psychologist in the assessment of cases of alleged sexual abuse of
children. Paper given at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
* William Mclver is a psychologist in private practice.
His address is 1910 Norwood, Eugene Oregon, 97401.
Hollida Wakefield is a licensed psychologist and
Ralph Underwager is a licensed consulting psychologist at the
Institute for Psychological Therapies, 2344 Nicollet Avenue South,
Suite 170, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404. [Back]