Title: |
The Parental Alienation Syndrome and the
Differentiation between Fabricated and Genuine Child Sex Abuse  |
Author: |
Richard A. Gardner, M.D. |
Publisher: |
Creative Therapeutics. © 1987 |
155 County Road
Cresskill, NJ 07626-0317
Dr. Richard Gardner, a well known child psychiatrist
with a specialty in child psychotherapy, has brought his years of
experience in child custody cases to this work. Dr. Gardner first
traces the history of the adversary system (our societal sanctioned
means of conflict resolution) with particular emphasis on the evolution
of child custody litigation. He outlines the gradual shift in
child custody litigation from the tender years presumption (presumption
that unless the mother was demonstrably unfit, the child is better off
living with the mother) to the more sex-neutral position of best
interest of the child presumption.
The evolution of the latter concept has, along with a
new tendency toward granting joint custody, reduced the likelihood that
custody will be automatically granted to the mother. Within the
last decade, Dr. Gardner reports an ever increasing number of custody
litigations which involve extreme and irrational levels of hatred and
vilification of the non-custodial parent (at the time of the litigation)
on the part of the child.
Labeling this the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS),
Dr. Gardner describes four factors which contribute to its presence: (1)
Brainwashing of the child by the mother; (2) Subtle and unconscious
parental programming; (3) Factors arising within the child; and (4)
Situational factors. Dr Gardner attributes the emergence of PAS to
the fact that mothers no longer are automatically granted child custody
and fearing the loss of their child, engage consciously and
unconsciously in activities and behaviors which engender the PAS.
An increased awareness of sexual abuse among children
dating to the early 1980s has resulted in a new weapon for such mothers
to use in the custodial wars. Mothers have learned that a sexual
abuse allegation results in the immediate attention of the court and
usually means immediate cessation of visits with the non-custodial (now
accused) parent. Dr. Gardner notes that pre-1980, it was generally
accepted, and correctly so, that children rarely fabricated sex abuse
allegations because of their lack of knowledge of such encounters.
This is no longer the case given the frequency with
which child sexual abuse is discussed and described in the media,
greater sexual explicitness on television (particularly the soaps and
cable), and the introduction of sexual abuse prevention programs which
provide students with all of the information they may need.
Dr. Gardner goes on to describe the Sex Abuse
Legitimacy Scale (SAL Scale) which he uses in his evaluations of cases
of sexual abuse allegations. The criteria delineated may be
applied to three individuals: the child, the complaining parent arid the
accused parent. In each case, three levels of validity are noted:
Those which, based on his experience, are very valuable as
differentiating criteria; those which are moderately valuable; and a
third category of criteria which are of low (but potentially higher)
value in differentiating true from false allegations.
Dr. Gardner goes on to discuss aspects of the
clinical evaluation including who should be seen, the length of the
evaluation, use of audio or videotapes, issues in the interview with the
child including data collection techniques, use of drawings, dolls and,
in particular, anatomically correct dolls. Dr. Gardner stresses
the importance of not serving as a contarninant in the process, of
remaining objective, and not introducing aspects of the alleged abuse to
the child prematurely. Of special importance, the greater the
interim between accusation and evaluation, the greater the likelihood
that contamination will occur relative to the child.
In the final two chapters, Dr. Gardner turns to
interview techniques for judges who become involved in custody and
allegation cases and to his recommendations for changes in the legal
system and different therapeutic approaches that may help prevent the
PAS and false allegations of sexual abuse. He takes up the
controversial position in which he suggests a return to the presumption
that the mother is the preferred parent in child custody cases.
Dr. Gardner recommends custody decisions be based on a determination of
which parent the child has the strongest, healthy psychological bond
with. This would be essentially a sex-blind decision, but one
which would, more typically result in custody being given to the
mother. As a child gets older and environmental factors become
stronger, this presumption would become weaker.
Finally, Dr. Gardner presents his views on child
abuse reporting laws. Expressing concern about the
counter-productive results of requiring therapists to report suspicions
of abuse, he proposes that they be exempt from such reporting as long as
the individual or family remains in and is benefiting from
treatment. Dr. Gardner expresses his concern that the current
state of affairs penalizes those who voluntarily seek out treatment and
actually increases the likelihood of abuse continuing. He
additionally calls for penalties to be levied against those who would
make malicious or frivolous accusations of sexual abuse.
Discussions of false allegations of child sexual
abuse have become controversial in recent years and one is not surprised
by the reactions reported by Dr. Gardner to his attempts to share his
views with others. Despite such attempts at limiting access to the
data, Dr. Gardner has boldly published a book detailing the results of
his experiences with evaluations of false allegations of child sexual
abuse. For this, he is to be commended. He provides a sound
and reasoned foundation for the emergence of the Parent Alienation
Syndrome and an increase in the number of false allegations of sexual
Professionals involved in child custody litigation in
which either the PAS or an allegation of sexual abuse is present will
welcome the formulation presented by Dr. Gardner as one which probably
crystallizes many of the experiences and thoughts they have had
themselves. His detailed description and numerous examples as he
describes each of the criteria listed in the Sex Abuse Legitimacy Scale
are invaluable. The Scale additionally provides a structure by
which an evaluator may probe for information or structure the data which
has been collected.
Dr. Gardner's scale and description of the PAS
represent one of the first attempts to objectify the process by which
one can distinguish true from false allegations of abuse. Though
describing a scoring process by which an evaluator may determine whether
or not abuse was real, the real value of this scale lies not in the
final score, but the information collected along the way. In fact,
the final score obtained may be unreliable for at least two
reasons. First, there is no report of the independent measure
against which the accuracy of the scale was measured and one can only
presume it to be Dr. Gardner's clinical judgment. Secondly,
psychometrically, the placement of criteria into three categories (very,
moderately or of low value) and attempting to quantify the result is not
sound. Placement of some criteria can be questioned and appears to
be based on Dr. Gardner's clinical experience rather than on any
empirical data. For example, several criteria are noted to be moderately
useful with the caveat that the divorce itself may stimulate the
occurrence of the behavior (such as regressive behaviors, psychosomatic
symptoms, etc.). Yet, it would seem that sleep disturbance would
fall into this category as well and yet that criteria is placed in the
low value category. Additionally, with such items, if the criteria
is meet, a determination must then be made as to whether the behavior is
due to the divorce or actual abuse. The scale does not allow for
this. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a good rational
basis for equating criteria applied to the child with those applied to
adults in the case. Child centered criteria would appear to have
greater significance. Perhaps the most significant concern
relative to the SAL scale is the potential for misuse and
Essentially, the information presented by Dr. Gardner
in both his book and with respect to the SAL scale represents a step
forward in the pursuit of the truth in child custody cases. In
helping to illuminate some of the issues in these cases, this book has
been invaluable. In helping potential evaluators of sex abuse
allegations, the SAL scale is a useful tool by which to structure the
evaluation process and assist the evaluator to make discriminations
regarding the information that is being collected.
Reviewed by James J. Krivacska,
Educational Program Consultants, Milltown, NJ 08850.