(Case Caption)

August 31, 1988


ss: Canterbury



Personally appeared, the undersigned, being duly sworn who hereby deposes and says the following:

1. She is the mother of the minor child, STEVEN FERGUSON, born May 20, 1977 and by divorce decree in Superior Court, Judicial District of Canterbury at Canterbury, Docket Number: FA XXXXXXXXXX dated April 14, 1983 which was subsequently modified by a Motion for Modification dated March 5, 1987 whereby the parties did hereby stipulate and agree that the minor child, STEVEN FERGUSON, be in the sole custody of the husband, HOWARD G. FERGUSON, who resides at 25 Happy Hills Road, Canterbury.

2. The undersigned resides at 234 Oak Creek Drive, Hometown, USA and has sole custody of the other two children of the marriage who have resided with her since the date of the judgment of dissolution.

3. On or about July 5, 1985 my son, STEVEN, informed me that his father was touching him in a manner that made him feel uncomfortable and afraid, specifically he was sleeping with him in the same bed, touching him between his legs and his father's penis became hard when this occurred.

4. The undersigned is aware that STEVEN'S father is homosexual and he was involved in a stable relationship until his partner moved away in May of 1988.

5. The minor child indicates that since May of 1988, this touching has occurred and he first informed the undersigned of this fact as previously stated.

6. The minor child is to commence school in the Canterbury School District on August 31, 1988.

7. I feel that my son's welfare is at stake and I believe that his health and emotional well being is not being served in the present situation.

8. I believe an emergency situation exists with respect to the best interests of my son.



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