IPT Book Reviews

Title: Daddy's Girl  Positive Review
Author: Clifford Irving
Publisher: Summit Books © 1988

Summit Books
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020

This is a story of a trial of a young woman and her lover charged with the murder of the girl's parents.  On June 19, 1982, James and Virginia Campbell were found murdered in their bed after allegedly engaging their daughter in sexual intercourse with the father.  The lover had never checked out his girlfriend's statements of sexual abuse and the jury did not believe her story.  She and the lover were both found guilty of murder.  The book deals with the testimony, appearance and status of the expert witness and is a good example of what never to do as an expert witness.  It points out the importance of being fully prepared and avoiding jargon on the witness stand.

Reviewed by LeRoy Schultz, School of Social Work, West Virginia University.

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