IPT Book Reviews

Title: Treating Child Sex Offenders and Victims: A Practical Guide  Negative Review
Author: Anna Salter
Publisher: Sage Publications © 1988

Sage Publications
275 South Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90212
$35.00 (c) / $16.95 (p)

This book consists of 15 chapters written by six authors, primarily from Vermont.  Although we need good treatment formats for sexual offenders, this book may have limited use.  It completely ignores the female offender.  Although it describes a unique treatment tool, the boredom-masturbation tape, it adds little else that is new.  The book clearly indicates the poverty of our interventions and methods of treatment.  While the author stresses that all practitioners should keep up with the current literature, she violates this principle herself as her references indicate.

This book will frustrate the reader by its confusion of rape and feminist theory with child sexual abuse and much of the book is naive and not well thought out.  The author appears informed by myths and ignores the burgeoning professional literature on erroneous sexual charges and the problems of accusations of sexual abuse in divorce and custody.  The book indulges in vague, inexact language, injudicious use of selected statements and ends up being a disservice to professionals in the field.

Reviewed by LeRoy Schultz, School of Social Work, West Virginia University.

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