
Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager

This is the last print issue of the journal, Issues in Child Abuse Accusations.  We wish to thank all of those who have assisted us in many ways, especially those who have served as peer reviewers for the articles.  We are shifting to an electronic journal available on the Internet.  Volume 11 will appear on the Internet in the summer of 1999.

We began publishing this journal ten years ago because we believed there was a need for swift review and speedy publication of material that represented both a solid scholarly and responsible scientific approach to the research data relevant to child abuse and a sensitivity to the possibility of accusations that were not accurate.  We wanted the journal to be multidisciplinary and include articles from law, psychology, social work, medicine, history, and any other discipline with a relevant approach.  We believe this has been accomplished.  We wanted the journal to be at the cutting edge.  We believe this has also been accomplished.  Concepts that we first began to publish are now appearing in many other journals.  As an example, it is now clear to all professionals that the way and manner of interrogating children is a crucial factor in understanding allegations of abuse.

We have not yet determined whether we will have the journal on our current home page or if we will set up a new web site for the journal.  As soon as we have made that decision, we will let our readers know1.  Our current website and e-mail addresses are at the end of this note.  We have chosen not to charge anything for the electronic journal but to make it available to anyone who logs on.  We also believe that the rapid development of the Internet means we will get a larger audience and the articles will get more exposure to more people more quickly than in a print medium.  We will archive hard copies here and, if needed, will provide copies.

We will continue to include the new section of important out-of-print or difficult to obtain government documents we inaugurated with this issue.  We will continue the book reviews and the multidisciplinary articles we have had in the past.  Please continue to let colleagues or interested professionals know that the journal remains a publication option for material that may be controversial but for which the author seeks swift and prompt review and publication.

We look forward to continued publication to a wider audience and will continue to respond to our readers' concerns and needs.  If you have questions please contact us at any time.

Hollida Wakefield, Editor
Ralph Underwager, Associate Editor


(Former) WWW Page:

Webmaster's addendum:

The new website is "here" at

The new e-mail address will be

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