Title: |
Multiple Victimization of Children
Editors: |
B. B. Robbie Rossman and Mindy S. Rosenberg |
Publisher: |
The Haworth Press, ©1998 |
The Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press
10 Alice St.
Binghamton, NY 13904-1580
(800) 342-9678
$49.95 (c); $24.95 (p)
Abuse of children by adults can take many forms. There is a wide range of
behaviors that are held by someone to be abusive. While there is overlap,
there are also disagreements about what is abusive. Nevertheless, it appears
both reasonable and likely that some children are abused in several different
ways simultaneously. This is an important and significant issue. This book
is about that possibility.
The 341-page book consists of 17 chapters by a variety of authors. It includes
articles that also appear in a journal published by Haworth Press. Some
of the chapters are cogent, well-organized, and represent careful efforts
to deal with relevant scientific data. Others are primarily propaganda and
repeat ill-founded dogmas and the mythology that has been spawned around
the tragic reality of child abuse. An illustration is the discussion that
summarizes the findings about resilient children who show little or no effect
of abuse. Another chapter ignores the findings that many children are not
negatively affected, but repeats assertions that all abused children are
destroyed for life. The section on treatment of children subjected to multiple
forms of abuse has little or no evidence to suggest the efficacy or utility
of the therapies suggested.
This book can be read with profit but it must be read carefully with close
attention to evaluating the empirical support for any opinions expressed.
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager, Institute for Psychological Therapies.