Response to Crane Ruling
Ralph Underwager, Ph.D.,
& Hollida Wakefield, M.A.
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Crane case, January 22, 2002, is
thought by many to alter the way in which sexual predator civil commitment
are to be applied in specific cases. The issue which appears to be changed is
degree of voluntariness or control required in order for an individual to be
deemed to be appropriate for a civil commitment proceeding. This ruling does
not define
"inability to control behavior" in an absolute or precise manner. Rather, it
is held to be enough to to say there must be proof of serious difficulty in
controlling behavior.
This response is our current thinking after reading the ruling and as we
continue to work with it and get additional information, we may choose to add
First, we will briefly summarize the basic concepts and assumptions in the way
the legal system and the science of psychology deal with the issue of volition
and individual control of behavior. They are different and, as the Crane
ruling states
"psychiatry [science of psychology] is an ever advancing science, whose
distinctions do not seek precisely to mirror those of the law." This is also
stated in the
Introduction to DSM-IV, pp. XXXII-XXXIII
The law is based almost entirely on the assumption that human beings are
practical reasoning rule-following persons whose actions must be understood in
terms of beliefs and desires. In the law's actions toward the insanity defense
mental disorder is believed to be a causal variable. If it is the mental
disorder that causes the criminal behavior, then the person may not be held
responsible for the behavior. However, it is also assumed that the person's
mental disorder rendered
the individual unable to appreciate the wrongfulness or the nature of the
act. This
is also adducing reasoning rather than a deterministic and reductionist
The assumption is that moral responsibility, criminal liability, and state of
are negated if behavior is caused by some abnormal variable such as a mental
disorder, mental illness, or mental abnormality. In this instance, some have
that this is based on data of some sort that disprove free will or
However, causation is not compulsion. [For a discussion of this see Morse, S.
(1977-1978). Crazy behavior, morals, and science: An analysis of mental health
law. Southern Law Review, 51, 527-654.] The issue of internal voluntariness
remains as
this ruling recognizes. It is accurately stated that an absolute, specific
assessment of internal voluntariness cannot be made.
The science of psychology has shifted the view of determinism and voluntary
choice since the 1950s. It used to be held that behavior was determined and
was little or no choice for the individual. At the present, there is
considerable research and data showing that agentry or a free will concept is
compatible with the
science of psychology. Conscious choice and volitional control can be
operationalized and can be studied scientifically. [See White, P. A. (1990)
about causation in philosophy and psychology. Psychological Bulletin,
108(1), 3-18.; Howard, G. S., & Myers, P. R. (1990). Predicting human behavior:
ideographic, nomothetic, and agentic methodologies. Journal of Counseling Psychology,
37(2),227-233; and Bargh, J. A., & Chartrand, T. L. (1999). The
unbearable automaticity of being. American Psychologist,
54(7), 462-479.]
The understanding of serious mental illness has also been shifting away from a
single etiological variable that is viewed as the cause of abnormality to the
recognition that human behavior is multi-causal. There is no single,
unidimensional cause of any serious mental illness and the behavior associated
with a given diagnosis. Instead, serious mental illness must be seen as a
system of biological and psychosocial dimensions and a complex network of
interactions and mutually
influencing variables. [See Coursey, R. D., Safarjan, B., & Alford, J. (1997).
Significant advances in understanding and treating serious mental illness.
Professional Psychology: Research and
Practice, 28(3), 205-216.]
Although the Crane ruling apparently leaves the question about how much lack
of control there must be to the states and to future development of the law,
it does
provide guidance on how to resolve the lack of precision on the level of
involuntariness there must be in order to allow a person to be committed in
the civil process and distinguished from the applicability of the criminal
system. This
distinction is necessary "lest 'civil commitment' become a 'mechanism for
retribution or general deterrence' ."
On page 5 the Supreme Court gives this guidance in the requirement that the
sexual predator must be distinguished from the criminal population:
It is enough to say that there must be proof of serious difficulty in
controlling behavior. And this, when viewed in light of such features of the
case as the nature of the psychiatric diagnosis and the severity of the mental
abnormality itself, must be sufficient to distinguish
the dangerous sexual offender whose serious mental illness, abnormality, or
disorder subjects him to civil commitment from the dangerous but typical
recidivist convicted in an
ordinary criminal case.
This limiting guideline means that it must be demonstrated that a given
individual must be shown to have a lack of control powerful enough to
that individual from the "... typical recidivist convicted in an ordinary
case." This is an operational definition and it is possible to discover
empirical and factual information to make that a usable guideline. That is the
data on the overall recidivism rate of those in the criminal population.
There are four Bureau of Justice Statistics studies that are relevant. The
first is based on data from 1979, Examining Recidivism, (NCJ-96501, 1983. Then
Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 1983, (NCJ-116161, 1989. A 1992 report,
Recidivism of felons on probation, 1986-89, (NCJ-134177, 1992) follows. Finally
there is a 1995 report, Probation and parole violators in state prison, 1991,
(NCJ-149076, 1995). These are four independent studies done by different
using different data sets and spread out over a decade. All provide the same
information. The recidivism rate for all sexual offenses, the population of
convicted of any sexual offense, is not as high as the recidivism rate of the
"dangerous but typical recidivist convicted in an ordinary criminal case." Thus it is
shown by hard facts from the Justice Department that a person convicted of a
sexual offense cannot be distinguished from recidivists in the ordinary
population. For violent criminals the BJS studies show a recidivism rate of
25% or greater. For sexual offenders the recidivism rate overall was found in
a major review study to be about 13%. [See Hanson, R. K., & Bussière, M. T.
Predicting relapse: A meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 66(2), 348-362.] The recidivism rate for
Iowa population of sexual offenders is under 5%. [See
Iowa Department of Human
Rights (2000, December), The Iowa Sex Offender Registry and Recidivism, and
Iowa Department of Human Rights (2000), The Iowa Sex Offender Registry and
Another consideration is that the concept of the sexual offender as a
who can be distinguished from the general population of criminals is not
supported by any empirical evidence. The facts show that sexual offenders are
as versatile in
their commission of crimes as is the general criminal population. There is no
empirical support for the myth that sexual offenders commit only or even
sexual offenses. As a whole, they are criminals who happen to commit sexual
crimes as well as a wide range of other crimes. [See Simon, L. M. J. (1997).
The myth of sex offender specialization.
New England Journal on Criminal and
Civil Confinement, 23(2), 387-403; and Simon, L. M. J. (2000). An examination of the
assumptions of specialization, mental disorder, and dangerousness in sex
offenders. Behavioral Sciences
the Law, 18(2-3), 275-308.] The inability to
distinguish sexual offenders from criminals on the basis of any empirical fact
also means that the requirement of the Supreme Court that they must be
distinguished from the
typical ordinary criminal is an not possible.
This appears to make the required task of distinguishing a dangerous sexual
predator from the typical criminal recidivist an impossibility. This would
appear on the face of it to render it unconstitutional to civilly commit
anyone under the current sexual predator laws.
It could be argued that there are sex offenders who are distinguished by a
very high interest in sex along with a deviant sexual arousal pattern. Sex
offenders of
this type may masturbate frequently to deviant sexual fantasies and may be
to become aroused to consenting adults. If they have offended against
children, such individuals are likely to have been diagnosed as pedophilia. If
their crimes consist of
repeated violent rapes, they are apt to be diagnosed as sexual sadism. If they
have other problems that may affect their ability to control their impulses,
such as
antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse, this would predispose the
individual to committing sexually violent acts.
But not all sex offenders are of this type. Many do not meet the criteria for
pedophilia. Not all are preoccupied with deviant sexual fantasies. Many fit
Lenore Simon's description of the typical sex offender who cannot be
differentiated from other antisocial sex offenders. [Simon estimates that
between 40% and 60% of
incarcerated criminals meet the criteria for antisocial personality disorder.] In such
offenders, their sexual crimes have occurred along with a lifelong history of
antisocial and criminal behaviors.
In addition, the diagnosis of a paraphilia (including pedophilia) in itself
does not
mean that the individual lacks emotional or volitional capacity. Clearly,
persons who reach the point of being referred for civil commitment have made
some extremely
poor choices about their behaviors. But this does not mean that they lack the
to control their behavior.