The association of the rescuer with the person or persons rescued is shown in Table 2. If the rescuer attempted to rescue persons in two categories, the association was categorized in terms of the person most close; e.g., a man tried to rescue his granddaughter and other girls; he would be among those listed as rescuing relatives. Relatives include cousins, nephews, and uncles who would — unlike first degree relatives — be eligible for awards in the absence of death or injury.
Seventy-three of the 411 male rescuers (17.76%) and seven of the 39 female rescuers (17.95%) died in their rescue attempts. As noted earlier, persons did not receive awards for rescuing family members unless they died or were seriously injured in their rescue attempts. Keeping this in mind, the association of deceased rescuer with the person rescued is, for males: relative (including spouse), 23; known but not related, 22; not known to rescuer, 28; and, for females: relative, 6; known but not related, 1; with no deaths occurring in attempts to rescue unknown unrelated people. A significantly higher proportion of rescuers died rescuing persons they knew (but were not related to) than in rescuing persons they did not know (X2 = 10.15, 1 df, p<.001. Of those males who rescued or attempted to rescue biological relatives (not spouses or stepchildren) 17 males and 15 females were younger and two males and four females were older than the rescuer. Five females rescued or attempted to rescue biological relatives. Of these, seven males and one female were younger and none older than the rescuer. In all, 40 of those rescued were younger and only six older than the rescuer. Rescuers of relatives. are. far more. likely to rescue younger as opposed to older relatives, as would be expected from an inclusive fitness point of view. However, when looking at all cases, as in Table 1, the differences in ages are trivial between rescuers and people rescued and between sexes among both rescuers and those rescued. These differences are slight, despite the fact that only 13 rescuers as opposed to 181 of those rescued were children of age 14 or younger. Differences in proportions of rescuers to persons rescued are similar though less marked at the other end of the age continuum, with 19 rescuers and 58 persons rescued being 60 years of age or older. When reading the individual citations, it was strikingly apparent that Carnegie heroism awards went to people residing in small towns. Some of this preponderance of small town or rural heroes or heroines may be a result of differences in reporting acts of heroism. There is no way of assessing this possible bias from the data available. However, it is possible to contrast the size of the place of residence of heroes and heroines with data concerning the general population. The 1990 population of the United states was 248,709,873 (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1992, p.8, Table 1), of whom 192,728,000 (approximately 77.5%) resided in metropolitan areas (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1992, p. 29, Table 33). Of the 400 acts of heroism engaged in by Americans, 23 (5.75%) were heroic acts of persons residing in cities over 1,000,000 in population, 57 (14.25%) of residents of cities of 100,000 - 999,999 population, and the remaining 320 (80.00%) acts were performed by persons residing in places with less than 100,000 population. The median size of residence of Americans performing heroic acts (based on a random sample of 100 acts) is 11,881 (population data are from U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1992, pp 35-37, Table 38). The 50 acts of heroism performed by Canadians were, by size of place of residence: cities of over 1,000,000, 4 heroic acts; 100,000 - 999,999, 12 heroic acts; under 100,000, 34 heroic acts. The median city size of residence for all Canadian heroism awardees is 11,642 (Minister of Supply and Service, 1990). Along with heroism being a rural or small town phenomenon, the other aspect of the award statements that was striking had to do with the occupations of rescuers. No females had professional occupations. Several males who attempted to rescue relatives had relatively high status occupations. Only two male rescuers of unrelated persons ( a surgeon who risked his life and also his professional skill — possible burns on his hands — saving a person from a burning car and a school principal who agreed to serve as a hostage to permit the freeing of other hostages) had high status occupations. Some of this bias toward males of relatively low occupational status being over-represented among heroes comes from the nature of the job; many low status jobs are dangerous jobs, and if one's work mate is in trouble, one tries to rescue him. Not all of this difference results from the rescue of work-mates. For example, rescuing persons from burning houses or cars or from drowning is an option for all persons, yet only one professional did so. There is no way to determine statistical significance in these matters since the proportions of persons of differing levels of occupational status are likely to vary between rural/small town America, where most acts of heroism occur, as opposed to the general population, for whom occupational data are available. The occupations of males who died in rescue attempts of
unrelated persons appear to be similar to those of the entire
sample and are as follows: six students, five laborers, three
truck drivers, two welders, two retired men (prior occupation not
listed) and one each: retired truck driver, plumber's helper,
service station attendant, telephone solicitor, houseparent, roofer, forestry
technician, press operator, chemical plant operator, electrician, electrician
servicer, poultry processor, maintenance foreman, store manager, quality
control inspector,
power plant inspector, contractor, rancher, car dealership
manager, real estate investigator, bakery supervisor, charter
boat captain, procurement engineer, photographer, entertainer, lumber broker,
and "disabled" (presumably retired). (Occupational data were not
provided regarding the remaining few rescuers. DISCUSSION Ninety-one percent of the acts of heroism are acts of males and 61 percent of the persons whose rescues were attempted were males. The fact that a preponderance of males needed rescuing suggests that males have more dangerous jobs and involved themselves in more dangerous activities when off the job. Eagly and Crowley (1986) stated that the greater frequency of male altruism toward non-kin is, basically, a result of watching too many John Wayne movies. Perhaps so, but about one in five paid with his life for having done so. Much had been said about the high proportion of crimes of violence in which males were the perpetrators. The same kind of male willingness to involve themselves in risk taking is present in their altruism. Eagly and Crowley (1986) state that males are more likely to be altruistic to strangers and females to persons with whom they are close. Table 2 supports their statements to a limited degree. However, women, too, help strangers in over 50 percent of their. rescue attempts. While the condition of the awards inflates. mortality rates of those rescuing relatives, a contrast of the mortality rates of persons rescuing or attempting to rescue persons they knew (but to whom they were not related) vs. didn't know indicates that amount of contact with the persons rescued influences the degree of risk taken by the rescuer. If altruism has a basis of kinship selection, then rescuers should be more likely to risk their lives for younger than older biological relatives. This is the case, with 40 younger vs. 6 older biological relatives rescued, but may be explainable in terms of the greater needs of younger relatives (usually young children) rather than greater willingness to take risks on the part of the rescuer. While biological relatives rescue younger relatives far more often. than older relatives, the differences in age between rescued/rescuer are slight for the entire sample. If younger persons were rescued more often, one could argue that the probability of being rescued was, to some degree, influenced by reproductive potential. Instead, the mean age of rescuers and the rescued are similar but the variation across ages among those rescued is far greater. The old as well as the young are rescued. Need, not reproductive potential, may be the more important predictor of whether one will be rescued. Reciprocal altruism theory (Trivers, 1971, 1985) is based on the belief that we behave toward others in altruistic ways because we believe that by doing so we increase the probability that others will behave altruistically toward us when we are in need. In the same vein, we behave altruistically towards others because we have been recipients of altruism in the past. Altruism would be expected to be more frequent in a milieu in which an individual's acts of altruism were known to the other I people in that milieu. Clearly, it is in rural or small town America where one's own altruistic acts would be known to others and more likely to evoke reciprocity. The vast preponderance of altruistic acts are performed by rural or small town residents, as would be expected from reciprocal altruism theory. Daly and Wilson (1988) note that men who kill usually are men who have little to lose in terms of Darwinian fitness; they are less likely than others to pass on their genes. Rescuers are not comparable to Daly's and Wilson's violent men; the rescuers — both male and female — were employed unless they were students or retired persons, and probably are stable and productive citizens. However, they appear to be from far lower occupational levels than one would expect for the population at large. Perhaps small town working class Americans and Canadians retain the belief that each of us is our brother's (or sister's) keeper to a greater degree than do other segments of the population. As Carnegie stated in the introductory quotation (see p.1,
Carnegie Commission, 1992), he recognized that there is no time
to enter into elaborate calculations before engaging in a heroic act. Even so,
these data suggest that heroism is, to a degree, predictable from demographic
information. The present data are from 1989 to the
present. An analysis of the data from 1904 to
the present probably would permit researchers to examine secular
trends in heroism and bring empirical data to bear on the common belief that
our culture has become more and more anomic over
time. ReferencesCarnegie Hero Fund Commission: 1992 Annual report, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2394. Daly, M. & Wilson, M. Homicide (1988) ( Eagly, A.H., & Crowley, M. (1986). Gender and helping behavior: A meta-analytic analysis. of the social. psychological literature. Psychological Bulletin, 100, 283-308. Ferguson, G. A. (1976). Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education
(4th edition) ( Hamilton, W. D. (1964) The genetical evolution of social behavior. I and II. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1, 1-52. Johnson, R.C., Danko, G.P., Darvill,T.J., Bochner, S., Bowers,
J.K., Huang, Y.H., Park, J.Y., Pecjak, V., Rahim, A.R.A., &
Pennington, D. (1989). Cross cultural assessment of Minister of Supply and Service (1990). Canadian Gazetteer Atlas, Ottawa, MacMillan of Canada. Rushton, J. P., Chrisjohn, R. D., & Fekken, G. C., (1981). The altruistic personality and the self-report altruism scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 2, 293-302. Trivers, R. L., (1971). The evolution of reciprocal altruism. Quarterly Review of Biology, 46, 35-57. Trivers, R. L., (1985). Social Evolution ( U. S. Bureau of the Census Statistical Abstract of the United States (112th edition). Washington, D.C.