Title: |
Teen Legal Rights
Author: |
Kathleen A. Hempelman |
Publisher: |
Greenwood Press, ©2000 |
Greenwood Press
88 Post Road West
Westport CT 06881
Hardcover: $49.95
Legally, anyone under age 18 is a minor child. Since the early
part of the century the laws have changed dramatically to protect minors
in ways they have not been protected by the law in the past. Both
those under 18 and those parents whose children are under 18 can benefit
from reading this compendium of the protections the law accords to
citizens under 18.
This is a revision of the book first published in 1994 (
). It brings
readers up to date in understanding what has changed in the law. The
book is a rather complete coverage of areas that are likely to concern
both parents and children. They include driving, school, in the
home, employment, personal appearance, divorce, marriage and children,
sexuality, abuse and neglect,. contracts, and how to get to a courtroom.
It is simply and clearly written and is recommended for those who have
children or parents.
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager, Institute for Psychological Therapies.