"Police officers do not receive adequate training to
prepare them to handle child sexual abuse investigations"
Lawrence W. Daly, MSc
ABSTRACT: Police officers do not receive adequate training to prepare them to
handle child sexual abuse investigations. This is true not only for
patrol officers, but also for those assigned to child protection units.
In this study, 250 police academies responded to a questionnaire regarding
their typical police training. The responses indicated that officers
receive training in investigations, interviewing, and interrogation, but
that this training only prepared them for generalized areas of duty.
Respondents also reported that the majority of state authorities did not
mandate specialized training for child sexual abuse investigations.
Since 1960, the number of reported incidents of child abuse in the
United States has jumped from 150,000 to 2.9 million assaults per year
(National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1993). Of these
incidents, 17% (500,000) involved sexual abuse. As researchers
throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union
continue to study the dynamics involved in the investigation of these
cases, one clear conviction continues to emerge: specialized training is
essential to the successful investigation and prosecution of sexual crimes
against children (Lieb, Berliner & Toth, 1997; Hammond & Lanning, 2001;
McBride, 1996). Advocates of this training typically agree that it
should take place separately from the basic education offered through
police academies or in initial inter-department training (Lieb et aI.,
1997). Lanning & Hazelwood (1988) do recommend, however, that
specialist training should occur before officers begin investigating child
sexual abuse.
Several specific areas should be targeted during advanced training for
child sexual abuse (CSA) investigations. McBride (1996) suggests
that these include: forensic interviewing, collection of crucial evidence
(e.g. clothing of victim and/or perpetrator, pornographic items belonging
to perpetrator), and the importance of medical evidence Additional
research indicates that effective child protection training should also
focus on suspect interrogation (Hammond & Lanning, 2001) and perpetrator
detection and prosecution (Hughes, Parker & Gallagher, 1996). An
early child protection training model (Stone, Tyler, & Mead, 1984) also
offered police with training about managing their personal reactions to
child sexual abuse, dynamics of both extra-familial and interfamilial
child abuse, the importance of objectives, and sensitive interviewing.
This model seems to have been designed to aid officers in becoming more
aware of their personal feelings regarding abuse in order to help them
develop a more empathetic approach to victims.
Of all specialized training areas, instruction about the forensic
interview is generally viewed as the most significant need. This
training should cover a variety of key issues including: child sexual
abuse dynamics (McBride, 1996), child memory and suggestibility (Lieb et
aI, 1997; McBride, 1996), human development with a special emphasis on
children (McBride, 1996), the sexual abuse disclosure process (McBride,
1996), and interview techniques (Lieb et al., 1997), particularly
regarding the use of non-leading questions and interview aids, building
rapport, distinguishing between fact and fantasy, discussion of "private
parts", and preparing the child for a spontaneous disclosure (McBride,
1996). Lieb et al. (1997) and Davies, Marshall and Robertson (1998)
also found that the opportunity to conduct practice interviews is an
essential part of any interview training for officers who are assigned to
CSA investigations.
Gaensslen and Lee (2001) asked police to identify the top five factors
that determined the successful investigation of sexual assaults.
Officers identified physical evidence linking suspect and victim as the
most important and also cited statements made by victims and suspects,
crime scene processing, and the credibility of victims, witnesses and
suspects. While much of the current literature focuses on forensic
interviewing, Lieb et al. (1997) contend, "Training about interviewing
should occur in the context of training about the overall investigation.
While the forensic interview with a child in a suspected sexual abuse case
is almost always the key evidence, by no means is it the only evidence.
Investigations should begin, not end, with the forensic interview."
The report goes on to recommend that information obtained in the interview
be utilized in the ongoing investigation and collection of evidence.
Walsh (1993) concurs, stating that child abuse investigators need to
employ many of the same skills that are necessary in regular police work
including the use of search warrants, surveillance, one-party consent
telephone calls and pro-active investigations.
Research also shows that specialized training in child abuse
investigations should not be limited to law enforcement alone (McBride,
1996). In a time when police are moving toward a multi-disciplinary
treatment of child sexual abuse, social service intake workers, mental
health providers, attorneys, judges, victim advocates, and medical doctors
all would benefit from advanced training regarding a wide variety of
issues involved in child protection, as well as specialized training
regarding working together to achieve the best results for children
(McBride, 1996). It has been suggested (Hammond & Lanning, 2001;
McBride, 1996) that the multi-disciplinary approach (a variety of
organizations working together to investigate and prosecute child sexual
abuse in addition to providing victim support) is the most logical and
effective method for dealing with every aspect of child sex crimes.
As noted by Hammond and Lanning (2001), "Child abuse is a community
problem. No single agency has the training, manpower, resources, or
legal mandate to intervene effectively in child abuse cases. No one
agency has the sole responsibility for dealing with abused children."
Police Training in the United States
Law enforcement personnel in the United States typically receive an
average of 402 hours of training in a police academy followed by
approximately 141 hours of field training (Reaves, 1990). The amount
of training officers receive before commencing their initial policing
duties varies from agency to agency, as does the amount of specialist
training for investigation of child sexual abuse, thereby making it
difficult to gain a clear picture of exactly how prepared officers are on
a nationwide scale. Concerns have been expressed (Lyon, 1995) that
the training that is available to officers investigating CSA, particularly
relating to child interviews, may be inadequate at best and
counterproductive at worst. Lyon also indicates that some of
training given to child interviewers may encourage suggestive questioning
rather than helping to prevent it.
Legislation varies from state to state making it difficult for the
researcher to obtain a clear picture of the actual level of training
provided to officers. State of Washington law dictates that all
officers who are assigned to child sexual abuse units must be given the
opportunity to receive advanced training (RCW 43.101.224). Officers
who attend the training are able to practice their interviewing skills in
order to improve them. In other states, however, the current
research found that child protection officers are denied recertification
if they do not receive refresher training during pre-established time
frames. Variations in law and practice are not limited to the state
level only. Lieb, et al. (1997) found that differences exist at county
levels also.
Research conducted by McBride (1996) examined the effectiveness of
interview training given to officers over an eight-hour time frame.
Officers were able to retain information but indicated a need to receive
training over longer periods of time (suggestions ranged from two to four
days). Officers also reported the need to practice their new skills
in training sessions. McBride found several deficiencies in officer
interview skills where further training was necessary. These
included: rapport building, fact versus fantasy, and discussion of private
parts. Officers also exhibited a strong tendency to use interview
styles that were appropriate for interrogation but not for child
interviews due to a lack of sensitivity.
Police Training in the United Kingdom
Concerns have also been expressed in the United Kingdom (U.K.) that
officers do not receive adequate training to prepare them to conduct
forensic investigations into allegations of child sexual abuse once their
initial training has been completed (Training Standards: Action is Needed
Now, 1999). This view was shared by police officers (19%) and social
workers (32%) in an earlier survey (Home Office, 1992) and in a 1996 study
(Hughes et al.), but the ongoing concern indicates that little has been
done to address the Issue.
Officers questioned reported that their initial probationary training was
satisfactory, but that subsequent training was insufficient to keep them
updated about new legislation and operational developments in police work. This was particularly true for officers in
specialist units, who felt that advanced training opportunities were "too
little and too late" (Training Standards: Action is Needed Now, 1999).
Though not all agencies maintained a child protection unit, a 1998 study
(Davies, et al.) found that 92 percent of those surveyed did have a
specific team of officers assigned to child protection. The remaining 8
percent had a fully trained officer on staff that was assigned to CSA
investigations and was equipped to handle child interviews.
As in the United States, police forces in the U.K. show a wide variance
with respect to amount and length of training, including refresher
training for officers assigned to child protection units (Davies, et al.,
1998). Their study found that officers entering the child protection unit
received an average of five to ten days of initial training. Further
probes found a few departments offering less training and a few offering
more. Generally, the study found that course content determined the length
of the training, indicating that those officers who had received longer
training were more equipped to investigate child sexual assault
allegations than those who did not. Davies et al. also found that the
training format varied, with some officers being trained in one intensive
session while others were trained in a modular approach with a series of
less intensive sessions. All of the law enforcement agencies examined in
the study utilized a combination of lectures, case studies, and practical
exercises in officer training. The training also provided students with
the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills through role-play
(Davies et al., 1998). Both police and social service personnel provided
training in some of the agencies studied, while the Area Child Protection
Committee (ACPC) conducted training programs for other agencies. Training
covered a wide range of topics including child development, interviewing,
interagency working, the law, abusers, investigations, and working with
families of the victims. Initial training for child protection duty also
included information regarding evidence, forensic issues, medical signs of
abuse, taking statements and the investigation of network abuse (Davies et
al., 1998).
Child development training discussed such topics as memory and recall,
child competency, age appropriate sexual behavior, rights of children,
dynamics of child abuse, myths and realities, cognitive development, and
development in children with special needs (Davies et al., 1998), though
not all of these issues were addressed in every course. Officers expressed
concerns, highlighted in an earlier study, (Hughes et al., 1996) that they
were not given enough information in the area of child development,
suggesting that input from a child psychologist could be helpful. Officers
cited some of their difficulties as asking age-appropriate questions and
addressing a child's undeveloped concept of time (Davies et al., 1998).
Davies et al. (1998) found that all officers interviewed in their study
received training on child interviewing, but investigators in an earlier
study (Hughes et aI., 1996) reported that they had received no training in
child interviewing. As with all other aspects of the training, Davies et
al. (1998) found that the instruction investigators received varied
slightly from force to force, but generally officers were trained
regarding video interviewing (both technical aspects and evidence
protocol), the phased interview, preparing and planning for interviews and
post interview procedures. Officers expressed
concern that they did not receive adequate training to prepare them for
the actual "how to" of interviewing and questioning techniques, though all
of the courses studied offered some form of practice session for
investigators to hone their interviewing skills. These opportunities
ranged from role-play sessions to working with hired actors. Some officers
were also allowed to witness interviews conducted by more experienced
investigators (Davies et al., 1998).
The advent of PEACE training (acronym for elements of proper interviewing:
planning and preparation, engage and explain, account, closure, and
evaluate) in the 1990s, provided officers with instruction regarding how
to conduct interviews using elements from two interviewing models: the
cognitive interview and conversation management (Milne & Bull, 2001). PEACE is designed for use in multiple areas of interviewing and
investigators can use the model for interviews with victims, witnesses,
and suspects (Milne & Bull, 1999). Evaluation of officers after PEACE
training had been completed, however, concluded that officers showed
little or no improvement in interviewing skills, particularly with regard
to victim and witness interviews. Milne and Bull (2001) suggest that this
may be related to several factors including the inability of officers to
utilize and process all of the information taught and the failure to adapt
and modify various elements introduced in training in order to
successfully interview in a variety of situations.
Different findings were reported in two studies that questioned police
about training regarding perpetrators and their behavior. Officers
reported to Hughes et al. (1996) that they had been given very little
training regarding perpetrators. They cited their primary source of
knowledge as "practice wisdom" that had developed through experience, but
also expressed concerns that this knowledge might be unreliable and
inaccurate. Investigators identified a need to learn about the social
characteristics of child sexual abusers in addition to information about
their other characteristics. Hughes et al. also found that officers wished
to be educated regarding the influence of different personality types,
different social classes and backgrounds, and different employment or
professional backgrounds and how these factors influenced perpetrators in
abusing. This knowledge would also extend to an understanding of the
methods used by perpetrators in avoiding responsibility for their crimes
through fantasy, denial, or other forms of rationalization. Finally,
officers expressed the need for knowledge about the grooming and selection
methods used by child abusers and the process by which they convince their
victims to remain silent. In contrast, 67% of departments in a 1998 study
by Davies et al. reported that child protection officers received training
about offender profiling and sex offending behavior. Investigators in the
Hughes study (Hughes et al., 1996) also expressed feelings that they were
extremely ill equipped to handle perpetrator interviews.
Another deficiency cited by Hughes et al. (1996) was the lack of training
to prepare officers to properly investigate complex or multiple-victim,
multiple-offender (MVMO) cases. Such cases often require a more
multi-disciplinary approach and involve a much larger task force to
successfully investigate all allegations properly. The study also found
that CSA investigators did not receive adequate training in the more basic
aspects of investigating, including the performance of house searches and
the gathering of evidence
(Hughes et al., 1996). Officers reported that they were often overlooked or
ignored for this type of training.
Though the majority of agencies studied expressed a desire to provide
refresher training to update officers on new developments, few actually
did so (Davies et aI., 1998). One possible solution was being tested that
would offer police a three-day course every two years in order to update
child protection officers regarding new advances in the field and refresh
their earlier training. This refresher course also required officers to
provide videotapes of interviews they had conducted in order for a
critical assessment to be performed (Davies et al., 1998). Officers in the
Hughes study (Hughes et al., 1996) stated that child protection units were
often overlooked when new research, policies, protocols, and techniques
were disseminated to other specialized police units, and felt this was due
to a general belief among management that such issues were irrelevant to
CSA investigations.
Both Davies et al. (1998) and Hughes et al. (1996) received very positive
feedback from officers who were questioned about the possibility of a
national training standard. The possibility of accrediting individual
officers garnered little support (Davies et al., 1998), but accreditation
of institutions and specific training courses received a much more
positive response. It has been suggested that U.K. officers might benefit
from the development of a Police University (Training Standards: Action is
Needed Now, 1999).
Factors Contributing to Inadequate Training
Researchers cite a variety of
factors that augment a lack of advanced training among officers assigned
to CSA investigations. Guyot (1991), Maguire (1993), and Hughes et al.
(1996) advance the position that the law enforcement profession is not
fully professionalized. This perceived lack of professionalization refers
to the less stringent educational requirements that remain prevalent among
the majority of law enforcement agencies. As discussed above, most
officers in the United States complete an average of 402 hours of training
through a police academy and then supplement this training with
approximately 141 hours of field training (Reaves, 1990). Those entering
the law enforcement community are frequently allowed to do so with far
less educational background than that which is required in fields of
similar responsibility. Professionals in law, medicine, social work, and
mental health services (the central figures in child protection) receive
both general and specialized education at the college level prior to
entering the field in which they work, with a 4-year degree being the
minimum requirement. In contrast, 10% of all local police departments will
hire new recruits without requiring a high school diploma (Reaves, 1990). 2% of local police departments require officer recruits to receive minimal
college training, 4% call for a two-year degree, and a 4-year degree is
required by fewer than 1% of all agencies (Reaves, 1990). Officers
assigned to special investigative units may be offered specialized
training, but this training is not always utilized. For example, in the
State of Washington, the law requires the Criminal Justice Training
Commission (CJTC) to provide officers with the opportunity to receive
training about the investigation and prosecution of child sex crimes, but
does not mandate that officers attend the training (Lieb et al., 1997).
This lack of professionalization, according to Maguire (1993), can also be
evidenced by the comparatively small amount of scholarly, abuse-related
literature that is produced by members of the law enforcement community. The publications that have been generated typically discuss general topics
without reference to previous research or without adding new insights,
though this trend is not universal. Even when scholarly literature is made
available to police, there is doubt that officers read it (Maguire, 1993). Maguire's criticism of police professionalism, though valid, does not
produce concurrence among all professionals. In a 1993 report by Walsh, he
finds that "law enforcement practitioners primarily learn their skills not
through reading professional journals but by formal and on the job
training." According to Walsh, the nature of police work is consistent
with a more direct, yet formal, training approach which would include
"recruit training, in-service training, outside seminars and site-visits
to other departments." He concludes that the most effective training
occurs when experienced senior officers and supervisors train those with
less experience.
Another concern cited by Maguire (1993) is the apparent lack of any
national organizational structure within law enforcement that could serve
to facilitate the changes necessary to bring training to an adequate
standard. The United States in particular seems to present significant
challenges due to its unstructured organization. Mastrofski (1990) noted
that American policing trends were more inclined toward localized,
decentralized, and fragmented leadership structures, saying that this
system "inhibits the implementation of purposive, top-down, system-wide
change." In his 1993 report, Maguire agrees with this analysis, stating,
"Personnel policies, together with the widespread fragmentation of
agencies, serve as an impediment to the implementation of large-scale
change in American policing, thus hindering enhanced professionalization
in CSA cases." Such changes would require a commitment to steady progress
as experience and research uncover more effective methods that could be
utilized by officers responsible for the investigation of sex crimes
against children.
As new research becomes available it is crucial that it be integrated into
current policing protocol, an advance that can only be assured by the
implementation of a national standard among existing police agencies. Walsh (1993), however, cites a serious concern that must be addressed if
such a standard were to be beneficial, rather than detrimental. He
comments, "There is no master blueprint for law enforcement agencies, nor
should there be. Each of the more than 1600 municipal, county and state
agencies are a product of the resources, needs and the priorities of the
communities that they serve." While this is true, it should not prevent
the law enforcement community from pursuing national standardization of
policies and procedures regarding mandatory specialized training for
officers in the child protection area. The author feels that such a
consideration should guide rather than hinder researchers in developing a
standard that would consistently address the needs of a wide variety of
agencies while raising the bar in the area of training. Another study
(Davies et al., 1998) recognized the value of local initiative, citing that
readiness to experiment with new innovations or methods provided a healthy
influence on police practices between departments, but maintained the need
for established national guidelines for police training still exists. Without national standards
for training in child assault investigations, police will experience
"gross variability in the way cases are investigated and interviews
conducted, with resulting discrepancies in submission rates to the CPS and
consequent differences in outcome at court" (Davies et al., 1998). Officers
in the U.K. expressed overwhelming support (84% of those interviewed) for
the establishment of a national curriculum for officers in child
protection units (Davies et al., 1998). The same study presented a variety
of advantages to police from such a standard, including: "consistency of
practice across police forces; more uniform levels of service to children
alleging abuse; greater ease of transfer of staff between different
forces; enhanced status for child protection, bringing it into line with
other specialized areas of police work; and, greater credibility of
officers when giving evidence in court."
A study by Reiss (1990) found that on a nationwide average less than 1%
of funding in police budgets was allocated for research and development. Without this
evolution in practice and understanding, law enforcement cannot hope to
improve its service to the community. From the author's perspective, this
lack of commitment to research and development indicates a more serious
problem within the law enforcement community: reluctance to change. Mastrofski (1990) found that police generally have a strong dislike for
outside interference in the performance of duty. In the study, officers
reported their feeling that the general public, including researchers and
scholars of criminal justice, remains uninformed as to what police
actually do. This conviction is directly responsible for their criticism
of recommendations made by researchers that officers feel would not be
effective if implemented in a real world setting (Mastrofski, 1990). Mastrofski noted this resistance to change on both an individual and
organizational level. As individuals, officers seemed reluctant to branch
off from a group mentality and exhibited a commitment to "preserve
traditional values, structures, and practices, and whose orientation makes
them reluctant to embrace change in general" (Mastrofski, 1990). Resistance to change, it is suggested, is the most crucial issue that the
contemporary police administrator must face (Tafoya,
1990). One possible
solution is suggested by Maguire (1993): "If we can show the police that a
specific training program will enable them to respond more effectively to
victims, or that a particular investigative technique will improve their
chances of obtaining a conviction in court, we can promote progress in
their response to child sexual abuse." Walsh (1993) seems to agree,
stating that practical results should be emphasized by agencies that wish
to effectively train officers regarding child sexual abuse. It would
appear that the burden of proof lies primarily with researchers who desire
to see changes in the standard practices of investigators in child
protection units.
Guyot (1991) found that departmental hiring practices might also
contribute to the problem. Due to the relative non-existence of lateral
transfers, agencies tend to become in-bred in training and practice,
failing to advance or benefit from the knowledge and experience that
officers trained in other agencies could provide. Though Walsh (1993)
agrees that the absence of change initiated by lateral transfers is a
reality, he asserts that this does not significantly impact departmental
response to the investigation of child sexual abuse.
Another significant factor presents itself in U.K. research. Officers
assigned to work in child abuse units report that officers working in
other areas of policing generally view child protection as a "cushy
number" (Hughes et al., 1996) or "the baby-sitting squad" (Davies et al.,
1998). Officers typically report that the police community considers child
protection to be lower in status and importance than other police work and
expressing their belief that child sexual assault is not a serious crime
(Lieb, et al, 1997, Willis & Wells, 1988). Other officers rarely recognize
the level of skill required for work in child abuse investigations (Hughes
et al., 1996), a fact that clearly has bearing on the importance attached
to training. Unfortunately, this attitude seems to pervade police
management as well as the general officer groups (Hughes et al,
Perhaps the most significant factor that currently prevents the child
sexual abuse investigator from receiving adequate training is limited
financial resources. While larger departments are able to allocate more
funding for advanced training, smaller departments must often "make do"
with whatever skills they are able to develop in their initial training. In 1990, Reaves found just over 12,000 local police departments operating
in the United States. Of these, only 222 (less than 2%) served communities
with a population larger than 100,000. Fully 90% (11,000) of all
departments were responsible for populations of 25,000 or fewer (Reaves,
1990). This clearly presents a problem when funding is needed for
operational costs and salaries before training issues can be addressed. Advocates for specialized training in child protection must also recognize
the training needs presented by other specialist units in law enforcement
(Davies et al., 1998). The costs of specialized training are often
exorbitant and beyond the reach of smaller agency budgets. An examination
of training opportunities in the State of Washington demonstrates this. Lieb et al. (1997) found that costs for ongoing training ranged from
$5,800 to as much as $20,000. In addition, agencies must provide resources
to cover officers' transportation, per diem, and lodging (Lieb et al.,
(1997). The Children's Justice Act [42 US. C. 5106c] seeks to defray some
of the costs by subsidizing police training through grants. Designed to
provide training that specifically addresses child abuse, these grants are
helpful, but not adequate. Also, records indicate that funding dropped
from $217,000 in 1994 to $193,000 in 1996 (Lieb et al., 1997). Overall,
Lieb and her colleagues found that professionals "have had limited
opportunities for training in effective investigative and interviewing
A questionnaire was developed in order to determine the level of
training that police officers receive regarding child sexual abuse. Questionnaires were sent to 611 police academies based on a list obtained
through Internet research. 250 responses were received. The questionnaire
was designed to be self-administered and questioned respondents about both
general and specialized training received by police recruits and
experienced officers. Respondents were provided with pre-addressed,
stamped envelopes.
Officers in the study were asked whether or not their police academy
trained recruits in basic interviewing techniques. 94% of respondents
(241) affirmed that recruits did receive this training while 3.5% (9)
indicated that they did not.
Officers were then asked whether recruits received training in basic
interrogation techniques while attending police academy. A fairly
significant difference emerged in comparison to interview training with
221 respondents (86%) indicating that interrogation training was given at
the academy and 22 respondents (8.5%) answering that it was not. Only one
respondent (0.3%) stated that they did not know for certain.
When asked if state or federal laws required academies to instruct
recruits regarding fundamental aspects of CSA investigations, only 108
(47%) replied that such regulations existed, while 118 (52%) indicated
that they did not. One positive note surfaced, however, when 88% (213) of
respondents indicated that their recruits were given basic instruction on
investigating allegations of CSA. Further information revealed that of the
118 academies not under legislation requiring this training, 93 (79%)
provided it in the absence of such regulations. This finding is promising,
indicating that training facilities recognize the need for such training
without a legal requirement.
Less promising, however, were findings in training provided to established
officers. Respondents were asked whether regulations existed which would
require officers to receive ongoing general training. 180 academies (75%)
said that these regulations did exist while 57 (24%) said that they did
not. In contrast, respondents were asked regarding any mandatory
supplementary CSA training for officers. Only 21 % (49) said that they
were under any type of regulation with 77% (183) responding in the
negative. Among those who indicated that ongoing training was mandatory,
eleven respondents (22%) said that this was only required for officers in
the sexual assault unit. One respondent replied that this training was
mandatory for officers desiring to receive a higher level of certification
while another respondent indicated that refresher training was only
necessary for officers who had experienced a break of service. This trend
reveals an alarming lack of attention to the needs of officers assigned to
child protection work.
The findings of the present research reflect a picture that is
less than hopeful for the future of child sexual abuse investigations. While the majority of officer recruits do receive training for CSA
investigations, this training is generally minimal and occupies
comparatively few hours in the overall training structure at the police
academy. This is a concern to the author for several reasons, primarily
because it is frequently the minimally trained patrol officer who first
encounters the child alleging the abuse, with only 14% of child abuse
complaint calls being dispatched to specialists (Martin & Besharov, 1991).
A lack of substantial training for the general officer population does not
factor as significantly in more densely populated areas because most have
trained child protection teams, but officers in small and rural
communities are far from properly equipped to
conduct an investigation that encompasses the variety of special needs
present in CSA cases. Localities with fewer civilians maintain much
smaller forces. Detectives in these areas do not generally specialize in
child abuse investigations and often one officer carries the sole
responsibility for all criminal investigations in the area (Lieb et al,
1997). These forces account for 90% of law enforcement agencies in the
United States (Reaves, 1990). Larger communities evince much more
promising numbers with 93% providing "rookies" with some type of training
in child abuse investigations and 92% maintaining at least one specialist
specifically designated for CSA cases (Martin & Besharov, 1991). 64% of
the forces also provided patrol officers with in-service child abuse
training and 63% maintained written child abuse and neglect policies. Unfortunately, Martin and Besharov found that this training remained
minimal with only 37% of agencies providing more than 40 hours of training
for specialists.
Even greater concerns emerge when the author considers the training
provided for officers conducting interviews with alleged victims. A wide
variety of issues must be addressed if the interviewer is to obtain a
reliable statement from children. These include: establishing rapport,
listening actively, encouraging the child to recall information with
minimal prompting from the interviewer, using open-ended questions, proper
use of follow-up questions, obtaining detailed descriptions, helping the
child to recreate the original context of the abuse and proper adherence
to established protocol (Lieb et al., 1997). Officers also need to be
provided with detailed instruction on child memory including its
weaknesses and strengths and the emotional, social, and cognitive forces
that factor into the amount, type and detail of information provided by
the child (Lieb et al., 1997). Without this knowledge a detective lacks the
necessary base of knowledge from which to examine a child's disclosure. Though the current study found that 94% of officer recruits do receive
basic interviewing training at the academy, this does not adequately
address the special needs represented in CSA investigations.
It has been documented (Lieb et al., 1997, Willis & Wells, 1988) that CSA
cases frequently carry a lesser status in the law enforcement community
than other crimes. This is again substantiated by the findings of the
current study. Three quarters of all established officers received
mandatory supplementary training in general areas of policing. In
contrast, only 21% were required to train for CSA investigations. Some
respondents indicated that this training was even further excluded from
the general officer population due to laws requiring it only for officers
specially assigned. This reflects a lack of serious concern among
legislators and law enforcement management. Ignorance of this type
presents a substantial hindrance to advance in the amount and type of
training officers receive when performing their duty.
This study is, by no means, a comprehensive one. Further research
detailing the number of hours recruits and officers typically receive
during CSA training as well as the topics discussed would be beneficial.
The author feels that system-wide change is long overdue. National
protocols must be established that will impact the training and practice
of all police agencies. Funding challenges must be addressed and the cost
of training modified in order to ensure that
agencies with smaller budgets have equal access to the information
necessary to conducting complete CSA investigations. The most powerful
changes in policing only occur when officers are provided with training
and education based on current research that initiates a change in
performance (Pagon, 1996). If training does not impact the way in which
officers perform their duty and interact with the public, it becomes
irrelevant. It is training that ensures that the quality of policing
provided to our society remains of the highest standard (Frost, 1996). Federal regulations need to be put in place that will address both initial
and refresher training received by officers. This research has
demonstrated that the present system is not working and that departments
and states fail to recognize the importance of acting without mandatory
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