Maternal Response to the Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse:
Systematic Review and Critical Analysis of the Literature
Theresa Knott, PhD., Audrey
ABSTRACT: This critical analysis is intended to examine the
breadth of contextual factors that influence maternal response among
non-perpetrating mothers of sexually abused children. The
existing theoretical conceptualization of maternal response is
inadequate, and has led to the dichotomization of maternal response into
positive and negative domains. Driven primarily by CPS policy and
practice, the identification of discrete maternal response categories
fails to recognize the fluid nature of the post-disclosure reactions of
non-offending mothers. Contextual factors including the
presence of domestic violence, financial dependence, substance abuse and
the mother's history of sexual victimization may contribute to an
ambivalent reaction to her child's disclosure of sexual abuse.
Further understanding of the complexity of an oscillating maternal
response dynamic is critical to advance practice with this vulnerable
1. Introduction
1.1 Rates of Child Sexual Abuse
In 2003, 78,188 (1.2 per 1,000 U.S. children)
substantiated child sexual abuse (CSA) investigations were documented by
Child Protective Services (U.S. Administration for Children and
Families, 2005). Results of a 1999 meta-analysis based on 22
American studies revealed that 30-40% of girls, and 13% of boys
experience child sexual abuse (Bolen & Scannapieco, 1999). More
recently, Johnson (2004), reported that, globally, the prevalence of CSA
among girls is 2-62% and boys is 3-16%. Psychological sequelae
associated with child sexual abuse may include depression, anxiety,
somatic concerns, and compromised social and academic performance (Beitchman
et al., 1992; Beitchman et al., 1991).
1.2 Maternal Response to Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse
As compared with other family & non-family
members, non-offending mothers of sexually abused children are most
likely to receive a CSA disclosure (Sirles & Franke, 1989). The
response of the non-offending mother is predictive of the child's short
and long-term psychological adjustment (Elliot & Carnes, 2001; Esparza,
1993; Everson, Hunter, Runyon, Edelsohn, & Coulter, 1989; Spaccarelli &
Kim, 1995).
Driven primarily by CPS investigative procedures,
the maternal response construct refers to the
non-offending mother's a) belief of the child's disclosure of sexual
victimization, b) provision of emotional support to the child victim,
and c) protection of the child from future maltreatment. While
limited research has examined the impact of non-offending male
guardians, the balance of evidence conceptualizes and measures the
non-offending mother's response to CSA.
A positive response ranges from 27%-87% among
non-offending caregivers of children investigated for sexual abuse
(Elliot & Carnes, 2001; Everson et al., 1989; Faller, 1998; Heriot,
1996; Knott, 2008; Sirles & Franke, 1989; Trocmé, et al., 2001).
The wide range of reported positive or supportive responses to a child's
disclosure of sexual abuse can be due to methodological differences in
collecting data and inconsistent operational definitions of 'positive
Factors which may have implications for maternal response to
disclosure of CSA, but have not been subject to rigorous examination
a) mother's relationship to the perpetrator
b) presence of domestic violence in the family
c) mother's history of sexual abuse
d) mother's substance abuse
e) age of the victimized child
f) culturally informed maternal response patternsxx
While recent literature identifies an evolving
conceptualization of the maternal response construct, few of the above
contextual factors have been adequately explored. Considering the
influence of maternal response on the victimized child's developmental
trajectory, it is critical to examine these mediating factors to ensure
that intervention with this vulnerable population is informed by the
weight of cumulative evidence.
1.3 Literature Review Methodology
This study constitutes a review and critical
analysis of the maternal response literature considering the fluid
nature of maternal support, belief and protection. Secondarily,
this study will examine the theoretical limitations of the maternal
response construct, particularly within the context of a CPS driven
definition and operationalization.
An extensive review of scholarly databases was
conducted; excluding grey literature and non-academic sources.
Databases were searched from 1980 to 2011. The databases that were
searched included Psychinfo (EBSCO), Sociological and Social Services
Abstracts (SOCA), Social Work Research and Abstracts (EBSCO), the
Educational Research Information Clearinghouse (ERIC), Sage Journals
Online (SAGE), and Social Sciences Full Text (WILSON). This review
isolated studies for which (a) Maternal response of a non-offending
guardian was measured; (b) Maternal response was isolated to the
disclosure of child sexual abuse.
2. Background
2.1 Child Protective Services (CPS) and Maternal Response
Empirical data has established a correlation
between positive maternal response and fewer mental health and
behavioral problems among child and adolescent survivors of CSA (Barker-
Collo, & Read, 2003; Bolen, & Lamb, 2004; Elliott, & Carnes, 2001;
Leifer, Kilbane, & Grossman, 2001). Comparatively, inadequate
maternal response to the disclosure of CSA has been associated with CPS
involvement, in some cases, resulting in the removal of CSA victims from
caregiver's custody (Cross, Martell, McDonald, & Ahl, 1999) and
potential retraction of the sexual abuse disclosure (Berliner & Elliot,
1996; Lawson & Chaffin, 1992). Despite these practice
implications, the maternal response construct has not been subject to
rigorous theoretical analysis.
The absence of a fully developed conceptualization
of maternal response has inhibited the initiation of evidence-based
practice guidelines. CPS intervention in cases of poor maternal
response has relied on identifying a constellation of risk factors
associated with poor maternal response, enforcing applicable child
welfare policy, and modifying child conduct to elicit maternal belief,
emotional support and protection.
2.2 Conceptualization of Maternal Response
The existing maternal response literature is
compromised as it lacks a precise, empirically based conceptualization
of the post-disclosure reactions of non-offending caregivers (Alaggia,
2002; Bolen, 2002; Leifer, Kilbane & Grossman, 2001; Smith & Swayer,
2010). Elliott and Carnes (2001) suggest that studies focusing on
maternal response to CSA disclosure often measure and evaluate the
conceptual domains differently. Bolen (2002) reviewed 27 maternal
response studies and found that there is a lack of agreement on how
"varying levels of support and belief are operationalized" (44).
Maternal response concepts are not theoretically based, but instead
loosely constructed around child welfare policy; ultimately creating
measurement challenges.
Despite these limitations, the CPS derived
construct has three domains which are indicative of maternal response
among non-offending caregivers of children exposed to CSA: maternal
belief of the CSA disclosure, provision of emotional support and
protection from further abuse. Hence, maternal response has been
categorized as supportive or positive, unsupportive, or negative, and
more recently, ambivalent (Bolen & Lamb, 2004; Bolen, 2002; Elliot &
Carnes, 2001). A supportive response tends to encompass meaningful
emotional support that includes a partial or entirely believed CSA
disclosure that leads to action against the perpetrator to protect the
victimized child.
Characteristic of an ambivalent response,
the non-offending mother may oscillate between supporting the victimized
child while simultaneously positioning herself with the perpetrator
(Bolen & Lamb, 2004). Given that ambivalence is a manifestation of
internal conflict, Bolen & Lamb (2007a) also inferred that non-offending
guardians may concurrently exhibit support and ambivalence.
Subsequent analyses have revealed that the support and ambivalence
domains of the maternal response construct are statistically independent
(Bolen & Lamb, 2007a). In light of the CPS practice implications,
further analysis is warranted to determine the level of ambiguity within
the maternal response construct.
2.3 Post-Abuse Adjustment among Non-Offending Caregivers
Disclosure of child sexual abuse may be a
traumatic stressor for both the victim and the non-offending parent
(Burgess, Hartman, Kelley, Grant, & Gray, 1990; Lewin & Bergin, 2001;
Lipton, 1997; Tamraz 1996). Apart from responding to the emotional
needs of their victimized child, non-offending caregivers may experience
guilt and/or an ambivalent response toward the child and/or the
offender, while coping with the involvement of police and CPS (McCallum,
2001; Regehr, 1990). Unsupportive caregivers are less likely to
report child sexual assault to authorities and may be less amenable to
interventions designed to ameliorate their post-disclosure responses
(Malloy & Lyon, 2006).
Maternal distress associated with the CSA
disclosure has been found to exert a powerful influence on the
psychiatric symptomatology of the sexually abused child (Lipton, 1997).
Lewin and Bergin (2001) found that non-offending mothers of sexually
victimized children reported heightened symptoms of depression and
anxiety, in addition to diminished parent child attachment when compared
with mothers of non-abused children. Mannarino, Cohen, Deblinger,
and Steer (2007) indicated that 26% of the 164 non-offending mothers of
sexually victimized children they examined met DSM IV criteria for
clinical depression. Deblinger, Steer, and Lippmann (1999)
reported a correlation between the non-offending mother's level of
depression and PTSD symptomatology among sexually victimized children.
Through the examination of the post-disclosure psychiatric
symptomatology of non-offending mothers, a more systematic understanding
of unsupportive and ambivalent responses is conceivable.
2.4 Children's Psychiatric Symptomatology as a Factor of
Maternal Response
Research evidence demonstrates that a supportive
response from a non-offending caregiver is associated with improved
mental health and social functioning (Lovett, 2004), better overall
adjustment of the sexually abused child (Elliott & Carnes, 2001), and
fewer externalizing and delinquent behaviors (Bolen & Lamb, 2007b).
Lovett (1995) studied 60 CSA victims, ages 7-12,
and reported that girls who perceived lower levels of rejection from
their non-offending mothers had higher competency ratings and fewer
behavioral problems as measured on the Child Behavior Checklist when
compared with CSA victims who perceived otherwise. Morrison and
Clavenna-Valleroy (1998) examined 50 mother-daughter pairs using a
repeated measures time series design to understand how maternal support
was related to self-esteem and depression in adolescent victims of
sexual abuse who were undergoing treatment. Significant
differences were found between the groups that perceived and did not
perceive maternal support at the time of discharge from treatment.
When non-offending mothers were perceived as supportive, victimized
girls reported increased self-concept and diminished depressive
Maternal collusion in the sexual victimization of
children is not an accurate explanation for an unsupportive maternal
response to CSA disclosure. The "myth of the collusive mother"
(Faller, 1988), is refuted when examining the rate of positive maternal
response to CSA disclosure. Knott
(2008) reports that among 373 suspected and substantiated CPS
investigations of CSA, as many as 87% of non-offending mothers responded
with support, belief and protection of the sexually victimized child.
Despite the historical prevalence of theories suggesting that mothers
were collusive in the sexual victimization of their children, data
suggests otherwise. The utility of the of the maternal collusion
myth as a comprehensive explanation for an unsupportive or ambivalent
maternal response is limited.
Kouyoumdjian, Perry, and Hansen (2005), and
Holguin and Hansen (2003) suggest that assumptions made among adults
about the abuse experience impact the non-perpetrating caregiver's
negative expectations of the child's functioning abilities. In
fact, Kouyoumdjian, Perry and Hansen (2009) found that, among 67
sexually abused youth and 63 non-offending caregivers, caregiver
expectations significantly influenced internalizing and externalizing
behavior among survivors.
3. Contextual Factors Influencing Maternal Response to CSA
Alaggia (2002) reports that maternal response is "a process that is
fluid, rather than static" (51). An oscillating maternal response
to disclosure of CSA is mediated by contextual factors, such as those
articulated below.
3.1 Mother's Relationship to the Perpetrator
In developing a robust conceptualization of
maternal response it is critical to recognize the myriad factors
influencing mothers' post-disclosure reactions. Non-offending
mothers were more likely to be supportive of their sexually victimized
children when they did not reside with the perpetrator, or when the
perpetrator was neither the father nor the step-father (Cyr, Wright,
Toupin, Oxman-Martinez, McDuff, & Theriault, 2003). Conversely,
non-perpetrating caregivers were least likely to support the victimized
child when the victimized child identified the perpetrator as a family
member (Malloy & Lyon, 2006). Non-offending mothers were more
likely to take protective action in support of the victimized child if
the non-perpetrating mother felt hostility towards the perpetrator
(Heriot, 1996). Maternal support was also positive when the
perpetrator acknowledged the sexual abuse, suggesting that the
perpetrator's admission may mitigate the doubt associated with the
veracity of the CSA disclosure. The admission creates enhanced
allowance for maternal support (Cyr et al., 2003). When the
child's first disclosure of abuse was to the non-offending mother, she
was also more likely to be supportive (Cyr et al., 2003).
3.2 Domestic Violence
Empirical data reveals the increased likelihood of
co-occurring domestic violence among families for whom an allegation of
child sexual abuse has been suspected or substantiated (Bell, 2002;
Bowen, 2000; Hiebert-Murphy, 2001; Kellogg & Menard, 2003).
Co-occurring CSA and domestic violence has implications for maternal
response given that non-offending mothers may experience diminished
capacity for adaptive coping as a result of DV victimization.
Additionally, the broad range of the non-offending mother's response may
be inhibited by financial reliance on the CSA offender.
Compromised emotional availability as a factor of mothers' exposure to
domestic violence has been repeatedly documented (Alaggia & Turton,
2005; Hiebert, 2001). Kellogg and Menard (2003) reviewed 164 CSA
cases and found that 58% of CSA perpetrators were also physically
violent toward their partners. Despite this, 60 percent of
non-offending mothers who experienced domestic violence were reportedly
emotionally supportive, 21% exhibited a neutral response, while 19%
demonstrated poor maternal response.
3.3 Compromised Maternal Response Secondary to the
Non-Offending Mother's Substance Abuse
An evolving body of evidence suggests that
non-offending mothers may be compromised in their response to CSA
disclosure as a result of their drug and alcohol use (Knott, 2008;
Leifer, Kilbane & Kalik, 2004; Rodriguez-Srednicki, 2001).
Non-offending mothers may experience diminished capacity to make
accurate risk assessments secondary to impaired judgment resulting from
substance abuse. A host of contextual factors influence the
non-perpetrating mothers' perception of heightened risk for CSA
including, but not limited to mother's substance abuse, her own history
of CSA, and her experience of domestic violence. Leifer, Kilbane
and Kalik (2004) reported that a lack of maternal protectiveness was
conceptualized as a factor of mother's use of alcohol and/or drugs
secondary to her own historical CSA trauma.
3.4 Age of the Victimized Child
Elliot and Carnes, (2001) reported an increased
tendency among non-offending mothers to believe the CSA disclosure of
younger rather than older victims of sexual abuse. Parent-child
attachment and maternal investment in the protection of younger children
has been offered as an explanation for this response pattern (Leifer,
Kilbane & Grossman, 2001). The disclosure of younger children may
be more likely to be believed as adults perceive younger children to be
otherwise ignorant of the details surrounding sexual intercourse (Elliot
& Carnes, 2001; Sirles & Franke, 1989). For these young children,
any knowledge of sex or sexual behavior is assumed to be a manifestation
of sexual victimization.
3.5 Implications of Cultural Identity on Maternal Response
Shaw, Lewis, Loeb, Rosado and Rodriguez, (2001)
examined psychiatric symptomatology as a factor of racial identity among
CSA victims and their families. Non-offending Hispanic mothers
reported increased levels of depression, somatic complaints, anxiety,
and aggressive behaviors among their victimized children when compared
with the reports of non-offending African-American mothers. The
Hispanic girls in this study reportedly perceived their families as both
unsupportive and unresponsive (Shaw, et al., 2001). A similar
maternal response pattern among Hispanic CSA victims and their
non-offending mothers was documented by Sanders-Phillips, et al., 1996.
Religious commitments, patriarchal family structure, and emphasis on
family unity have been offered as explanations for culturally specific
maternal response patterns. An emphasis on recognizing culturally
informed models of maternal response is critical to effective service
delivery with this vulnerable population.
3.6 False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse
While it is not our intention to address the
legitimacy of the false allegations body of literature, within the scope
of this maternal response paper, it is critical to acknowledge that
false allegations of CSA can, and do occur. The association
between negative maternal response and children's recantation of
legitimate CSA disclosures has been documented (Lovett, 2004), and may
occur as a result of lack of support from the non-offending caregiver.
In some cases, however, intentionally false claims of CSA are made by
children and youth; most frequently within the context of custody and
access disputes. When intentionally false CSA claims are made, and
supported by the alleged non-offender a potentially deleterious impact
on the victimized child may occur. The child's potential to
generate false memories is heightened, and the child's attribution of
blame associated with an intentionally false allegation may propel
psychiatric sequelae.
4. Recommendations for Future Maternal Response Research
Continued expansion of the maternal response body
of research should focus on the inclusion of victimized families of
color, for whom culturally informed patterns of maternal response to CSA
disclosure are not well conceptualized and responded to by service
providers. McGuffy (2005) suggests that existing evidence fails to
reflect the experiences of large segments of the population and
supplementary research should focus on eliciting the unique
characteristics of maternal response among low SES families and families
of color. Increased emphasis on response patterns when male
victims report abuse is critical to the conceptualization of the
maternal response construct, and provision of evidence-based practice
with this population. Shifting the body of literature towards
capturing empirical data focused on inclusivity and diversity will
benefit the social work discipline through increased knowledge related
to the intersections of race, class, and gender (Plummer, 2006).
Maternal protectiveness in cases of repeated and
intergenerational sexual victimization has been relatively unexplored.
This suggests a need for further research in this area focusing on the
prevention of recurrent abuse (McCallum, 2001; Pullins & Jones, 2006;
Tjersland, 2006). Non-offending mothers are at risk of
post-disclosure trauma themselves, and may experience diminished risk
assessment inadvertently resulting in children's continued exposure to
CSA. Through recognition of the non-offending mother's
post-disclosure trauma, and focus on prevention efforts, mothers may be
better equipped to prevent recurrence of CSA (Malloy & Lyon,
Continued emphasis in the literature on
dichotomizing maternal response into positive and negative categories
fails to advance our understanding of the fluid nature of
post-disclosure reactions (Bolen & Lamb, 2007a), and limits the breadth
of child welfare responses. Given the recognition that maternal
response oscillates as a result of contextual influences, research
efforts must continue to focus on the factors that characterize maternal
ambivalence, ultimately resulting in the development of more relevant
CPS policy and practice.
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