Number 3 - Summer 1993


Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: A Complex Type of Emotional Abuse Responsible for Some False Allegations of Child Abuse in Divorce
Deirdre Conway Rand

A Paradigm Shift for Expert Witnesses
Ralph Underwager & Hollida Wakefield

Increasing Accuracy of Decision Making
Ralph Underwager

The Reliability and Validity of Gardner's Indicators of Pedophilia
Terence W. Campbell

Response to Campbell's "The Reliability and Validity of Gardner's Indicators of Pedophilia."
Richard A. Gardner

Reliable Classification vs. Idiosyncratic Opinion: A Reply to Gardner
Terence W. Campbell

Book Reviews:

Long-Range Effects of Child and Adolescent Sexual Experiences
(by Allie C. Kilpatrick)
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager and LeRoy G. Schultz

International Handbook of Traumatic Stress Syndromes
(by John P. Wison & Beverly Raphael)
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager

Child Psychiatric Epidemiology: Concepts, Methods, and Findings
(by Frank C. Verhulst & Hans M. Koot)
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager

Behind the Playground Walls
(by Jill Waterman, Robert J. Kelly, Mary Kay Oliveri, & Jane McCord)
Reviewed by LeRoy G. Schultz and Hollida Wakefield

Once Upon a Time
(by Harry N. MacLean)
Reviewed by Hollida Wakefield

Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary Legend
(by Jeffrey S. Victor)
Reviewed by Hollida Wakefield

Realism and the Aim of Science
(by Karl R. Popper)
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager

Effects of Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
(by John R. Weisz & Bahr Weiss)
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager


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