Title: |
Becoming Kate: A Journal Into the Life and the Healing
of a Multiple Personality
Authors: |
Theodore Jansma and Katherine St. Clair |
Publisher: |
Roundtable Publishing Co., © 1990 |
Roundtable Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 6488
Malibu, CA 90264
(310) 457-8433
$19.95 (c)
This difficult-to-read book is by Theodore Jansma, a psychologist in
private practice in Grand Rapids, Michigan. No information is
provided on Katherine St. Clair; The book is written for a popular
audience. In 34 chapters the authors offer a tedious recapitulation
of treatment efforts with 230 personalities in a client who claims that
she had been raped by her family 20 years ago. The book contains
bits of poetry written by various personalities, who were to be fused into
one, magically, by the therapist.
The book will confuse readers as to which personality is talking and
why. There is a theme of revenge and hatred that runs through both
the client's statements and her poetry. No attempt is made to verify
or corroborate the accounts of abuse, even though the behaviors alleged
are bizarre and improbable. The client claims to have been raped and
abused by her parents and grandfather, that she was part of a pornography
ring, and that she had her vagina sown together. No one, however,
was ever criminally charged.
The book is replete with typing and reproduction errors. The reader is
never told why the therapist did what he did. Many of the therapeutic
techniques, such as hypnosis and regression, are questionable. There is no
talk of planning for the future or helping the client to adjust to society.
The whole flavor of the book can be summed up by one statement: "The basic
rule-of-thumb appears to be: the more traumatic and the more ongoing the abuse,
the greater the number of personality and personality fragments" (p. 249).
This book is not recommended.
Reviewed by LeRoy G. Schultz, Emeritus Professor of Social
Work, West Virginia University.