Title: |
Return of the Furies: An Investigation into Recovered
Memory Therapy
Authors: |
Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager |
Publisher: |
Open Court Publishing Company, ©
1994 |
Open Court Publishing Company
P.O. Box 599
Peru, IL 61354
(800) 435-6850
$39.95 (c); $17.95 (p)
This excellent book is a powerful and detailed indictment of
"recovered memory" "therapy," which is not therapy (in the sense of
healing) and is not memory (in the sense of historically accurate
recall). Moreover, it has no basis in anything that could remotely be
termed "science." As Wakefield and Underwager point out toward the
conclusion of one of the strongest chapters in the book (Chapter 12):
"The only answer given by proponents of recovered memories to the
question 'How do you know?' [that memory is historically accurate] is a
presentation of anecdotes, case studies, and personal, subjective
feeling. It is wrong to cite a testimonial or case study as support for
a particular theory or therapy. Those who do so mislead the public if
they don't point out that such evidence is open to a wide range of
alternative explanations and can be highly misleading. ... To the best
of our knowledge no proponents of claims of recovered memories even
attempt to answer the question whether or not they do better than
chance. We know of no scientific quantified data supporting any of the
techniques passed off as therapeutic and healing" (pp. 361-362).
The same blunt approach is found throughout. The section quoted above,
for example, is followed by the single sentence paragraph: "Recovered
memory therapy as it is practiced is unethical and constitutes
malpractice" (p. 362).
In the prologue of the book, the authors cite an incident in which
Underwager, as a young Lutheran pastor, noticed a 7 -year-old girl who
"looked a bit shabby" at a parochial school he had started in the fall of
1952. "Denise began to spend the time interacting with him. During morning
recess on a day in early January, she said, 'my Daddy screws me.' At that
time there was no child protection system. The police were not interested. That afternoon he took Denise to her home, pointed his finger at the
father and said, 'you are the man!', Nathan's words to King David confronting him with his adultery with Bathsheba."
After "the father was
confronted by the Elders in meetings," Underwager spent time counseling
the families and 10 years later Denise reported to him that "there was
never any further sexual abuse by her father and that he was happy she was
doing so well" (pp. 2-3).
That story exemplifies the personal style of the
authors. They point, they confront
— and then give generally good advice to
those caught in the riptide created by the reality of child sexual abuse
clashing with the totally invalidated claims of those who (sincerely)
believe they can diagnose or recover memories, for example, by observing
clients' high base rate symptoms that can result from a variety of
problems, and by urging these clients to engage in activities such as
hypnosis, guided imagery, and joining "survivors groups"
— activities that have been demonstrated to yield high rates of false belief and delusion.
The direct tone in presenting conclusions is complemented by very careful
scholarship throughout this book. The conclusions are well-founded. T he
authors have gone to great lengths to present in detail not only the
research that should lead to the rejection of recovered memory therapy,
but the belief of proponents as well. In fact, the authors do such a good
and responsible job of presenting the arguments of those supporting
recovered memory therapy that these arguments become almost plausible.
widespread is the problem the authors address? At the time the book was
written, its prevalence could be estimated only on the basis of
convenience samples, such as those of Smith and Yapko. Later, however, a
much more systematic poll of therapists has been conducted by Poole,
Lindsay, Memon, and Bull (1995). These authors randomly sampled licensed
U.S. doctoral psychotherapists from the National Register of Health
Service Providers in Psychology and British psychologists from the
Register and asked them to check any technique "that you have used in the
past 2 years to help clients remember childhood sexual abuse." (The first
version of the questionnaire simply asked "check any techniques that you
have used with abuse victims in the past 2 years," with highly similar
results.) They listed "8 techniques that are considered suggestive by many
cognitive psychologists" (an understatement). Only 39% of those surveyed
returned the questionnaire, but 71% of those responding indicated that
they had used one of these techniques and 25% indicated that they had used
two or more. The latter group reported working with a total of 3,542 adult
female clients in the previous two years. The United States sample
consisted of 3.75% of those in the National Register. If we make the
hyper-conservative assumption that no one not responding to the
questionnaire uses two or more of these techniques, we obtain an estimate
of 94,453 women who have seen therapists in the United States the previous
two years who used two or more. On the assumption that non-responders are
equivalent to responders, that estimate is 242,188. But there are only
16,000 psychotherapists in the National Register and an estimated 250,000
spread out throughout the United States. Those in the Register tend to be
the best trained. Assuming that others are at least as fond of these
coercive techniques as those who are well trained, the previous
assumptions yield a lower bound of 1,475,833 for the last two years. (This
reviewer finds this figure quite "unbelievable," but all the reader must
do is divide 3,542 by .0375 and then multiply by 250/16 to obtain it.) Wakefield and Underwager are absolutely correct in their assessment that
recovered memory therapy is widespread.
The only chapter of the book I
find questionable is the one in which the authors offer advice for
distinguishing between true versus false memories ("When Memories Are
Real," Chapter 11). Suddenly, a great many statements concerning the
authors' own "beliefs," "skepticism," and "assessment" of what is more or
less "unlikely" appear. They offer "hypotheses and suggestions by
ourselves, Martha Roger, and Richard Gardner" for distinguishing between
historically accurate versus historically inaccurate memories, but then
conclude that these hypotheses and suggestions should all be
"provisional since there's little research as yet on the criteria
differentiating real from false allegations of childhood abuse" (p. 340). Why present these ideas all? The authors are criticizing others who
present such ideas without any empirical verification, and their ideas
have none as well. Admittedly, empirical verification of hypotheses for
distinguishing between past historical fact versus fantasy concerning
sexual abuse is extremely difficult to obtain. But it is the recovered
memory therapists who claim that therefore criteria established in all
other contexts are irrelevant, and that therefore their own hypothesized
criteria should be given some credence. A "we don't know" conclusion would
be more consistent with criticism of the recovered memory approach than is
one of presenting unverified "hypotheses and suggestions."
inconsistency does not, however, damage the very next chapter, which may
be the most powerful in the book. While it is titled "Good and Bad
Therapists: How to Tell the Difference," it really concerns the ethics
of recovered memory therapy. After quoting Striker and Meehl and McFall
that persisting in approaches despite clear negative evidence is simply
unethical, Wakefield and Underwager address one of the most serious claims
of recovered memory therapists (pp. 364-365): "Some of the recovered
memory therapists argue that it is a therapeutic necessity to believe the
patient even if the memories are not real. They claim that it has
therapeutic benefit and helps clients when the therapist believes their
story. There are no quantified data to support this claim and the idea is
wrong and foolish. It rests on the assumption that error can be
beneficial. We believe that error can never, in the long run, contribute
to healing nor to a better life. Science can be about lots of things but
one thing it is never about is encouraging error" (followed by examples
such as insulin shock therapy, prefrontal lobotomies, and curing
schizophrenia by pulling out all the teeth).
The whole book is, in fact,
oriented toward what the authors see as a struggle between empiricism and
rationality versus the error of pure intuition and emotionality, which
here has resulted in the return of the Furies. I am not certain whether
this framework enhances or detracts from the book: For example (p. 19):
"Today in the United States freedom is abandoned and individual rights
surrendered for fear of crime and rage that drugs. Violence is met with
greater violence and harsher and more draconian punitiveness. Gender
warfare breaks out in wild and bizarre attacks and convoluted reasoning
produces wholesale blaming of entire categories of persons, for example:
all men are rapists; all women are emotional and hysterical. Whining and
complaining replace courage, self-reliance and personal responsibility. Random acts of violence shatter the veneer of order. Victimization
supersedes virtue and political correctness covers rudeness and
ill-mannered behaviors unthinkable 20 years ago." The trend is certainly
Moreover, Wakefield and Underwager are
— in this reviewer's
— correct when they state that "the great mass of human anguish and
pain is not caused by some mysterious cosmic force, as Luke Skywalker
encounters in Darth Vader, but rather by plain, simple, garden variety
human stupidity" (p. 21). I further agree that the rational and critical
approach to life
— as exemplified by science
— is not natural as emotional
acceptance of authority and selfserving ideology1 (although I see more of
a need to integrate emotion and reason than to juxtapose them). The
problem with this framework, however, is that it initially presents
recovered memory therapy as just one instance of "the return of the
Furies," while in fact the bulk of the book concerns recovered memory
therapy per se; moreover, there is simply not enough space to substantiate
the general assertion about rationality, vindictiveness, and emotionality.
I can not do justice to the whole book in this brief review. I recommend it
highly. I also recommend that it not be chewed entirely at one setting. The Wakefield and Underwager bluntness in stating their opinion combined
with the details of their reporting of the scientific literature make it a
book that is difficult to read quickly. Moreover, there are the anecdotes. The authors use them quite responsibly to illustrate points rather than to
form a basis for generalization. Many, however, (for example the
attorneys' report in Chapter 7) are simultaneously heartwrenching and
infuriating. Like the rest of this challenging book, they can not be read
quickly. All of it, however, deserves to be read and studied by all
concerned with this "therapy.

1 "Scientific thinking, which is analytic and objective, goes against
the grain of traditional human thinking, which is associative and
subjective. Far from being a natural part of human development, science
arose from unique historical factors." Alan Cromer, Uncommon Sense: The
Heretical Nature of Science (
(Reprinted in Science, 28 July '94, 265, 688.)
Poole, D. A., Lindsay, D. S., Memon, A., & Bull, R. (1995). Psychotherapy and
the recovery of memories of childhood sexual abuse: U.S. and British
practitioners' opinions, practices, and experiences. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 63, 426-437.
Reviewed by Robyn M. Dawes. Carnegie Mellon University. This review is reprinted with permission from the
FMS Foundation Newsletter, January, 1995.