Title: |
Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis
Author: |
Phillip Jenkins |
Publisher: |
Oxford University Press, ©1996 |
Oxford University Press
198 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(212) 726-6000
This 214-page book consists of 10 chapters and a useful index. The
book is neither an exposé nor an apology and its dispassionate tone is
a refreshing departure from the hand-wringing tone often found in the
literature on this topic. The large number of footnotes indicate that
the author, a professor of history and religion at Penn State
University, has done scholarly research.
The main theme of this book is that the current issue of priests as
pedophiles is a socially constructed problem based on a moral crisis and
which closely follows the work of Jeff Victor and Joel Best. The author
points out the differences between the terms "child
molestation" (a legal crime) and "pedophilia" (a mental
health term). The book is divided into three large sections: (1)
generation of the problem and the media's acceptance of one type of
panic, (2) identification of interest groups (referred to as claims
makers) including therapists and feminist groups, and, (3) the
significance of what is known about cultural relationships in North
America. Jenkins maintains that causal agents are the feminist movement,
the medicalization of child abuse, a strong anti-Catholic revolution,
and an anti-male stance.
This book takes a broad social-panic approach and compares what is
happening with the issue of priests as pedophiles to the moral panic
against sex offenders in the 1930s and 1940s and to the false memory
movement of today. Readers will note that there are few preventive steps
that a democratic society can take to prevent future moral panics.
further complicate the issue, Jenkins observes that "Panics are
important because they reflect deep underlying social tensions over
matters as diverse as ethnicity, social change, and a crisis in values
and social attitudes" (p.170).
This book is highly recommended.
Reviewed by LeRoy G. Schultz, Professor Emeritus, West
Virginia University.
Victor, J. S. (1993). Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary
Legend (
). Chicago, IL: Open Court Publishers.
Best, J. (1991). Endangered children in antisatanist rhetoric. In J.
T. Richardson, J. Best, & D. G. Bromley (Eds.), The Satanism Scare
(pp. 95-106). New York: Aldine De Gruyter.