Title: |
Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Healing through Group Work: Beyond Survival
Author: |
Judy Chew |
Publisher: |
The Haworth Press, ©1998 |
The Haworth Press
10 Alice St.
Binghamton, NY 13904-1580
(800) 429-6784
$31.96 (c); $14.95 (p)
This 160-page book is described by the publisher as a detailed discussion of the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings involved in doing group therapy with adults who were sexually abused as children. There are descriptions of 13 group sessions with outlined activities, concepts, and some suggested content. The book ends with a bibliography and an index.
There is little or no empirical, quantified, scientific evidence that supports the treatment approach suggested in this book. It is a standard, routine presentation of insight-oriented, feeling-expressive psychodynamic group therapy. The population aimed at for this treatment are adult women who have memories of childhood sexual abuse. Those who are not concerned about the empirical validation of treatments vended and the effectiveness of therapy may
find the book useful for doing an easy course of group sessions.
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager, Institute for Psychological Therapies, Northfield, Minnesota.