Title: |
Evidence-based Psychotherapies for Children and
Editors: |
Alan E. Kazdin and John R. Weisz |
Publisher: |
Guilford, ©2003 |
Guilford Publications
72 Spring St., New York, NY 10012
Ph. 212-431-9800
fax: 212-966-6708
Price: $50.00 Hard
The effort to apply the science of psychology to the actual life of
human beings has been at least nominally guided by the Boulder model
since shortly after World War II. The Boulder model is that the
clinical psychologist is first and foremost a scientist and secondarily
a clinician. However, the ideal has been just that,. an ideal,
with not much substance to it. It has been evident since the
1950's and the work of Hans Eysenck that psychodynamic, Freudian
psychotherapy is not effective and may indeed be harmful.
Nevertheless, the dominant approach to integrating psychology and life
has been just that, psychodynamic and Freudian.
In 1995 an APA Task Force reported on the review of psychotherapy
research to determine which therapy techniques had enough scientific
support to be ethically taught at the universities.1
Essentially, the report concluded the cognitive behavioral methods were
the only approaches with sufficient credible scientific support to be
ethically taught. This opened up a highly charged controversy which
is still going on. Many clinicians whose careers and work are
invested in psychodynamic, unsupported procedures are resisting change.
So it remains the case that unsupported and possibly harmful therapies
continue to be vended. At the same time, effort is being made to
continue the process of empirically validating psychotherapies and finding
those that are efficacious and actually work to improve human life.
This book is a timely and necessary review of what is now known about
the scientific basis for therapies intended for children and adolescents.
It must be read and understood by anyone bold enough to sell services for
children and adolescents and anyone who must decide what therapy is
appropriate for children and adolescents.
Anyone who knowingly collects money from the government, insurance
companies, or private pay patients for therapies that are not empirically
supported is guilty of fraud and malpractice. It will not be long
before some group of plaintiff's attorneys realizes that there is a pot of
gold at the end of that rainbow and begins to go after it. For no
purpose other than self-defense, mental health practitioners need to study
this book and examine their own practice and procedures in the light of
its review of the research evidence. To do less is to leave one's
nether parts exposed to the cruel elements.
We recommend immediate purchase and swift study.
Reviewed by Ralph Underwager, PhD,, Institute for Psychological Therapies.
1 Task Force on Promotion and
Dissemination of Psychological Procedures. (1995). Training in and
dissemination of empirically-validated psychological treatments: Report
and recommendations. The Clinical
Psychologist, 48(1), 3-23.