IPT Book Reviews

Title: Victims No Longer  Neutral Review
Author: Mike Lew
Publisher: Nevraumont Publishing Co. © 1988

Nevraumont Publishing Co.
16 East 23rd St.
New York, NY 10010


This 393 page book was written to offset the emphasis on female victims and is based on group work with men recovering from incest.  It consists of 27 informally written chapters with a case history at the end of each chapter.  The book provides general information "about men" and about the effects of incest, recovery, and other people as social supports.  It closes with a selective and biased reading list for survivors of incest, which ignores much of the recent literature.


A major problem with this book is its uncritical assumption that incest is the same experience for men as it is for women.  In addition to a naive acceptance of the medical metaphor, "healing," generational and age differences and possible antecedents to the problems of incest are completely ignored.  All the clients' present problems are blamed on incest, and the book is marred by family-bashing and confusion of incest types and degrees.  The author's groups appear to only deal with those severely affected by incest, and he does not adequately discuss the variations in the harm produced by incest, particularly in males.  He also makes the common mistake (not supported by empirical data) of assuming that the incest experience will make one a sexual abuser as an adult.  The author acknowledges that the helping professions were slow to assume men and boys were victims and asserts that therapy which encourages role playing the victim may do damage.  He discusses the importance of consent to touch, but offers thin platitudes such as "just say no."  However, much of what the author advises on self-help group formation and group content is useful and could be applied to other types of group work.

Reviewed by LeRoy Schultz, a professor of social work at 708 Allen Hall, Suite 710, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506.

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