Evaluating an Alleged Satanic Ritualistic Abuser: What We Don't Know
Martha L. Rogers*
ABSTRACT: A review was made of modal sex offender and homicide
perpetrators, offense characteristics, and modus operandi, to hypothesize what
one would anticipate in an alleged SRA offender. Such SRA offenders have not
actually been identified and studied, and the hypothetical profile is full of
contradictions compared to various known groups of offenders. Therefore,
evaluating persons who have been accused of SRA is based on common sense and
past forensic experience in assessment of perpetrators of sex offenses and
homicide in relation to the complaints. A careful review of exactly what is
alleged about the defendant is important and conducting a detailed independent
medical/psychological examination of the plaintiffs is critical.
What Do We Know From Studies of Known Perpetrator Patterns?
The available literature from law enforcement or sex offender
studies provides little help in understanding what the characteristics of an
alleged SRA (satanic ritualistic abuse) offender might be. As a point of
comparison, I have outlined what is known about modal offenders in various
classes, their personal characteristics, victim preferences, and modus
operandi, and base rates. Of course, there are crimes committed every day
which will not fit these broad patterns, as there are many variations of sex and
homicide offenses, and these known and previously studied dynamics and base
rates should be considered in the light of available evidence in a specific
Single Perpetrator/Familial Victim(s)
This is the single largest category of child molestation
offenses. The vast majority of children who are molested are the victims of
their fathers or stepfathers. Some are molested by older siblings,
grandparents, or other extended family members. Clearly, the usual patterns seen
in incest families do not seem highly applicable to an understanding of the
alleged SRA offender, although he or she often is stated to have engaged in
chronic incestuous activities along with some form of sex ring activities.
of the victims are girls, with whom a relationship is developed over time by the
father figure, gradually becoming more intrusive and controlling. Usually force
or physical injury is not part of the pattern, although in some cases there is a
pattern of domination and physical abuse of the wife and less frequently the
children; the child is usually bonded to the offender through gifts, bribes,
manipulation, and special favors rather than through fear and threats.
The offender usually operates alone, molesting one or more
children in the family one at a time. In rare cases, his wife or female
companion may molest with him but typically it is the male who is sexually
motivated while she is acquiescent to the spouse's expectations. The children
may or may not be aware of the molestation of their siblings. Substance abuse,
particularly alcohol, may play a role as can situational stress factors. About
half of the offenders may have a personality disorder, but a third may not
qualify for any psychiatric diagnosis. Most are passive-dependent and/or
immature-inadequate in their personality make up. There is usually poor quality
of interpersonal relationships, including social isolation and ineptitude.
Most of the offenders probably do not prefer children as
sexual objects. Between a fourth and a third exhibit a nonexclusive preference
pattern, having sex with their children while also having relationships with
adult females; 40% or more may also have molested children outside the immediate
family (Williams & Finkelhor, 1990). The majority of children who are
victimized are latency age girls, typically ages 9-12, with a modal age of the
reporting child as 10 in one study (Goodwin & Owen, 1989).
Many incest offenders would not be good candidates for
operating sex rings because of their poor social skills and preference for
social isolation. For the most part they do not prefer children, and are not especially
predatory in their approach. They may not have the motivation to seek out more
victims, but may molest within or sometimes outside the family more on an
opportunistic basis.
It is possible that some of the alleged SRA cases are
actually incest cases in which the victim's emotional disturbance, distortions,
or confabulated memories result in SRA-like manifestations emerging or being
suggested during the course of therapy. This is one hypothesis that has to be
seriously considered in some cases; since it is likely that this will be a
"fall back" position taken by some plaintiffs.
Single Perpetrator/Nonfarnilial but Known Victims
This is the next biggest category of offenses. If not
molested by a relative, most children are assaulted by someone they know and
trust, or at least someone with whom they have been previously acquainted.
are individuals who typically have better social skills than the incest
offender. They generally have a sexual preference for children, and usually
operate by developing a relationship with the child, swaying them with
attention, gifts and favors. These offenders may prefer girls or boys, and
usually there is a desired age range. They often can be considered predatory
rather than simply opportunistic. Typically, girl victims are a bit younger than
boy victims. The offender who victimizes both boys and girls is less common
(Groth, 1979), and those victimizing very young children are also less common;
latency age children are more often preferred.
This is not to say that babies and preverbal children are not
molested, because there are many of these cases within the family (Goodwin &
Owen, 1989), although most related and nonrelated victims are older. In my
experience, perpetrators who assault nonrelated preverbal children or
handicapped older children or adults who cannot speak for themselves are usually
very disturbed people, which is readily ascertained through detailed forensic
examinations. They may have gained access through babysitting, or through
schools and residential facilities for the handicapped. Most such offenders
operate alone and not in concert with others.
Single Perpetrator/Unknown Victims
This is a relatively low frequency crime where a perpetrator
seeks out a child who is a stranger to him. These individuals are much more
dangerous because they are more likely to use force after having lured the
child away. Children are preferred sexually. Vulnerable victims are sought in
places frequented by children or to and from school or play activities.
The lone sex offender may have a preference for either males
or females; he typically operates individually, and may assault unknown
children, usually one at a time. These are usually children of school age who
are mobile and not always under the immediate supervision' of adults. When fear
of apprehension becomes too great, such as after having previously offended and
having been arrested and served prison time, the offender may reach a stage
where he decides to leave no witness and the child may be killed.
In other cases these are offenders whose need for control and
power results in demonstrating increasingly sadistic use of the victim, where
the process of killing the child is part of the gratification received. These
offenders do not try to bond with their victims beyond obtaining initial control
of them where they may use some kind of "nice man" guise. This type of
sex offender can become a serial killer. He has no meaningful bonds to anyone
and moves on when the "heat" is too great. If one can access the
fantasy processes of these individuals, the dynamics of their offenses can be
understood. This is not easy to do, but often they engage in writing, taking
photographs, or keeping memorabilia, creating data which will be used to convict
them in many cases, and from which their mental processes can be inferred.
Some may take up the accouterments of "satanic
ritualistic abuse," one of the more recent examples being that of the
"Night Stalker" in Los Angeles, who drew pentagrams on his body and
exclaimed, "Hail, Satan!" for the benefit of all his
"groupies" in the Court room. The FBI is of the opinion that most of
these individuals are highly deviant apart from their identification with any
satanic beliefs or practices and would probably be committing their crimes
anyway, with or without the satanic identification. Law enforcement experts have
stated that an investigation of alleged satanic crimes should proceed as any
other crime, e.g., based on careful analysis of the crime scene evidence (Hicks,
Historical "Solo" Sex Rings
In solo sex rings, there is usually one adult offender who
has molested multiple child victims. This is probably the most frequent form of
multiple abuse situations. Most often the victims are boys between the ages of
10-16 (Burgess & Grant, 1989; Lanning, 1986). The perpetrators are males
about 95% of the time and would be described as true pedophiles or preferential child
molesters who control through seduction techniques such as attention,
affection, kindness, gifts and manipulation.
I am unaware of any female perpetrators in solo sex rings
other than some of the women who have been accused in some preschool cases, at
least some of which are in doubt. The male offender may become involved with a
boy's mother or sister in order to have access to the boy and his friends.
Control is very important and concealing illegal behavior from becoming known
between children may be of concern when the ring leader adult is a prestigious
person such as a teacher, priest, leader in a church youth group, scouting, or
sports activities.
When in some cases, the children do know about each other
being victims, peer pressure and rewards are used to enforce secrecy in some
form of club headed by the perpetrator. Those children who want to leave are
held by fear of their homosexual acts becoming known. When they become older,
they are typically pushed out because they are no longer within the preferred
age range of the offender; in some cases they may be used to recruit younger
victims or may be passed on to another offender who likes older children. Pornography and alcohol are often used to manipulate young adolescent boys,
whose inhibitions are reduced with the use of heterosexual pornography and
In the historical child sex ring, at any given moment victims
are in different phases with the perpetrator, being molested, recruited, or
dumped. While it may be easy to recruit, it is more difficult to let victims go
who do not disclose to someone, so from a law enforcement perspective, it may
actually be easier to apprehend these offenders than the incestuous offender
within a single family where the perpetrator has much more of a hold and control
over his victim(s). In this case we are talking about male offenders with good
social skills who have a preference for boy victims. They develop a relationship
and build more often on bonding rather than threat and fear.
Lanning has advised that in recent years there have been some
offenders of this type who have used satanism or the occult as a bonding and
controlling mechanism. The usual mechanisms seen in historical rings are
qualitatively different than hypothesized with SRA victims, who are reportedly
are threatened, tricked, brainwashed, and continue to be controlled by the
perpetrators for the rest of their lives.
Transitional Sex Rings
This type of molestation is less common than the historical
sex ring or the individual offender molesting unrelated children. In transitional sex rings, there may be
multiple adult offenders and victims, who again are usually adolescents and most
often boys. The victims may include abducted children, runaways, and victims of
family violence. The perpetrators are usually true pedophiles or preferential
child molesters. The children may be tested for potential prostitution roles and
some may then enter syndicated sex rings. These offenders also have a profit
motive and thus the children may progress into a syndicated sex ring in some
cases (Burgess & Grant, 1988).
Syndicated Sex Rings
Although there has been much publicity about this type of
case, they occur infrequently in comparison to other forms of child abuse.
multi-victim, multi-offender rings involve the buying and selling of children in
sexual activities and making of pornography. Parental-like figures including
professional child foster care workers may sometimes be involved by
photographing children in sexual acts and sell the photographs and/or use the
boys for their own sexual purposes. Women offenders are virtually unknown in
these cases. There may be both a profit motive as well as motives for pedophilic
sexual activities. The victims are typically adolescents, either girls or boys,
but more often boys.
Alleged SRA or "Multidimensional" Child Sex Rings
Lanning (1989) refers to these cases as multidimensional
rings. This concept appears to be a hypothetical framework, however, as he has,
throughout his writings and public addresses on this issue, pointed out the lack
of actual data to substantiate "these kinds of cases." Despite
hundreds of investigations in the U.S., he stated there has never been a single
documented case of satanic murder, human sacrifice, or cannibalism. In the
scheme of things, taking into account the full range of documented forms of
child abuse, if these multidimensional rings exist at all, they are probably
In the past, Lanning has appeared to bend over backward in
enumerating all the hypotheses that might account for the growing number of SRA
complaints. In more recent publications, be seems to have become less
accommodating to SRA proponents, stating that after having investigated hundreds
of these cases over an eight year period of time, it is no longer the onus of
law enforcement to prove that an organized conspiracy with large-scale baby breeding and human sacrifices is
happening as alleged, but the burden of proof now falls to the mental health
professions to deal with the fact that some victims are alleging things that
"... don't seem to be true. Mental health professionals must begin to
accept the possibility that some of what these victims are alleging just didn't
happen and that this area desperately needs study and research by rational,
objective social scientists" (1991). He further states that
unsubstantiated claims where law enforcement and social services are made to
look incompetent because they cannot find SRA evidence should not be published
in professional journals because this only serves to needlessly erode public and
professional trust in the law enforcement community, which hurts victims in the
long run.
Profile of Alleged SRA Offenses Compared to Known
Criminological Patterns
There is actually a paucity of information about the alleged
offenders, although they often may be described as multigenerational offenders
who pass down their satanic traditions from parent to child. The following are
features of these hypothesized crimes:
1. Multiple young victims are most often described as between
two and six years of age, and typically are females. In a single case, there
may be as few as three or four and up to several hundred abuse victims alleged.
Both boys and girls may be targeted but with an apparent preference for females.
And the age range is markedly different than usually seen in most sex rings as
described above, where the modal victim is a boy who is substantially older than
the alleged SRA children. Allegedly many thousands of children and babies are
sacrificed. But, realistically, it should be noted that in the U.S., somewhere
around 50 to 150 children per year may be kidnapped and murdered each
year, most of these being adolescents rather than little children (O'Toole,
2. Multiple offenders in a given case are said to range
from two to three individuals up to several hundred persons operating in some
kind of cooperative network that may span a geographical region or the entire
country. Preponderantly, known sex offenders operate alone, or occasionally in
pairs, but rarely in groups except possibly syndicated rings.
3. As many as 40% to 50% of the perpetrators are alleged
to be females. This is substantially different than any other known pattern
of child molesters where women appear to compose 5% or fewer of known offenders.
Often these
are middle class, college educated females with no criminal record. A comparison
of prior studies of female sexual abusers with recent figures (Finkelhor,
Williams, & Burns, 1988) based on study of 270 day care cases purporting to
show higher frequencies of females may reflect significant numbers of false
positives (Wakefield, Rogers, & Underwager, 1990; Wakefield &
Underwager, in press).
In contrast, known individual female sex offenders may be the
spouses of pedophiles, or may be described as socially isolated, alienated
loners coming from an abusive background. Often they have suffered one or more
significant losses in their background that figures into their committing sexual
abuse in a particular instance (Wakefield, Rogers, & Underwager, 1990).
are not usually preferential sex offenders, but have molested situationally.
Those who acted independently of a male co-abuser typically chose adolescent
boys as victims. Most were seriously disturbed emotionally, although not
psychotic. Many have limited intelligence. These known offenders are generally
markedly different than the women being accused in most of the preschool or
other SRA types of cases. To hypothesize a whole new class of violent female
offenders is also contrary to international studies over many years in which the
hypothesis that changes in society regarding women's roles is leading them to
committing more violent offenses has not been confirmed (Simon & Baxter,
4. Intergenerational pattern of crimes: It is alleged that
these offenses are the product of offenders who were themselves abused in
similar manner, passing the problem down to their own children. Allegedly the
adult SRA offenders are often well-functioning business and professional
individuals. This makes for some interesting contrasts. Such severe abuse
patterns would seemingly lead to a declining level of functioning across
generations that seems inconsistent with how well these perpetrators are alleged
to be doing in life, if they were also the product of their parents
abuse. If these people kill their children or children's children, how has an
intergenerational modus of crime survived? On the other hand, prospective
studies in the available cycle-of-violence literature indicate that the evidence
that abuse is transmitted across generations is surprisingly poorly supported (Widom,
1989). Current etiological models do not seem to focus so heavily on parental
psychopathology as the cause of child abuse (Cicchetti & Olsen, 1990).
Even where, as any clinician can testify, we see the sins of
the fathers visited upon the children, there is nothing in the literature related to any kind of planned and
programmed abuse passed from one generation to another as alleged to be
occurring by SRA therapists. The planning of conspiratorial, systematic and
well-controlled crimes that are perfectly hidden would require a great deal of
skill and a level of functioning not commonly seen in the vast numbers of known
child abusers.
5. They are often described as being part of a cult,
occult, or satanic group of some kind where secrecy is perfectly maintained and
the crimes are never discovered. In such organizations, fear, threat, and
brainwashing are purported to be the main controlling devices, in contrast to
what is more typically seen in both solo and ring child molestation. Perpetrators who primarily utilize fear and threat are typically asocial or
antisocial and don't tend to work in groups. In most known religious cult
groups, where there may be a bonding process promoting conformity, there are
inevitably members who become disaffected and who tell what happened that they
did not like. Fear in some cases may be used to prevent people from leaving.
It is in the very nature of all human interactional systems
as they grow larger and more complex, inevitably there is a splintering of the
group into factions or defection. Consistent with such systemic principles, law
enforcement experts have observed that the more people who become involved in a
crime, the more difficult it is to get away with it, because people inevitably
have fallings out with one another and, due to their own self-serving needs,
then inform on one another. In the Bible, we have an ancient story about such
systemic change in the account of the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). Members
of cult organizations inevitably leave and defect as has been seen "...
when such groups engage in violent or criminal behavior they often implode and
disintegrate in rapid order" (Lanning, 1991). But we have no data coming
from numbers of SRA perpetrators who have defected.
6. The activities are bizarre and ritualistic, including
group activities with uses of robes and costumes, candles, altars, drugs, urine
and feces, animal and human torture, mutilation, and sacrifice, and cannibalism.
Each of these phenomena is, in itself, an extremely low base rate type of
event — not that they don't ever occur — but such claims should be very cautiously
assessed in the light of the situation in which the claim arose, and in relation
to the quality of evidence and known base rates. The combination of events
raises greater concern. The descriptions provided by adult "survivors"
do not necessarily appear consistent with those of alleged preschool child
In some loner serial killers or occasionally a pair of
killers, there may be sadistic and ritualistic components, but the combination
of group commitment along with violent torture and killings by alleged civic
leaders, police officers, and even religious leaders is distinctly different
from either sex rings or by serial killers. Unlike other killings, according to
the FBI, there has never been any documented physical evidence of any kind in an
alleged SRA case — no bodies, no physical evidence that murders took place.
Most serial killers who engage in these kinds of sadistic
crimes tend to stay "on the move," to change jobs and locale in order
to avoid detection. There are exceptions, however: John Gacey committed his
crimes at home and buried his victims under his house. Others, such as the
prolific Randy Kraft, also had a stable home and committed some of his crimes at
home when his roommate was away, and many others out on the freeways, dumping
the bodies elsewhere (McDougal, 1991). He got away with it for 20 years until he
was pulled over on the freeway by the highway patrol when his driving seemed a
bit erratic. There was a dead marine in the car at that time. Despite his high
intelligence and skill, Mr. Kraft kept a coded score card of his victims, as
well as photographs and personal effects of the victims in his car and home as
mementos. SRA offenders apparently are similarly hypothesized to be stable and
to remain in the same location for generations carrying out their unspeakable
acts simultaneously to being pillars of the community but without ever leaving
any physical evidence to be discovered but to work in groups instead of as solo
7. Crime scenes of alleged SRA cases would be hypothesized to
be more reflective of process focused, planned and organized events with victims
reflective of a mix of specific and nonspecific traits. They were either randomly
or nonrandomly selected with either an affiliative or stranger relationship
pattern. The motivation would appear to be power/control-oriented.
In serial
killers who are process-focused, there are usually elaborate fantasies preceding
the killings which may often be followed by abuse of body parts which forms part
of the satisfaction of the killing. Their methods are very brutal. An
understanding of their psychological characteristics is based upon studying
their acts and the physical evidence. Their planning is mixed with fantasies and
the organization seen at the crime scene is demonstrative of control over the
Victims are preponderantly strangers rather than known
to the male perpetrators in most serial killings (Holmes & De Burger, 1988;
Holmes, 1989), whereas in SRA perpetrators are hypothesized to kill their own children or the babies of their own children or of other children.
killers with such good control over the process, the victims and crime scenes as
alleged in SRA offenders would be occasionally seen to work in socially
cooperative pairs, but killing in networks would seem improbable. Sociopathy
would appear to be of central importance in the personalities of these
individuals rather than dissociative propensities, which would likely lead to
less organized and controlled criminal patterns. Yet, the alleged victims and
their parents are being described as often displaying dissociative features.
organized brand of serial killer is typically sociopathic, asocial,
self-focused, impulsive, aggressive, guilt-free, and treats people as objects.
Most would be diagnosed as suffering from personality disorders, while a few are
Women serial killers are very rare, and appear to cluster
more in the southeastern U.S. and typically use poison on their victims who are
usually family members or friends. Blanche Taylor Moore who was recently
convicted in Alamance County, North Carolina, is an example. She killed her
former husband, and had almost succeeded in killing her second husband with
arsenic. There were other deaths for which she was also thought to have been
We know quite a bit about serial killers who operate under
the control/power motive based on FBI and other studies over many years. Many of
the characteristics of these individuals can be studied psychologically and
identified even in nonadmitting offenders, as they permeate the individual's
entire functioning and lifestyle which are often built around their crimes.
8. The SRA offenders are described as nonexclusive,
nonpreferential offenders whose motives are poorly understood. Lanning
applies the term ''situational'' molestation to them (Lanning, 1989). This
stands in contrast with what is typically seen in the usual sex ring where
preferential patterns of sexual interest prevail and serve as the major
underlying motivation for the organization. In some cases a profit motive may
occur. In SRA cases, a religious motive is usually inferred although official
publications and public statements of so-called satanist organizations eschew
such violence. In fact, a large collective of "pagan and neo-pagan earth
religions" passed an anti-abuse resolution and condemnation of such practices in 1988 (G'Zell, 1991).
This is not to say
there are no abusers within their ranks; any religion can become a
rationalization for aberrant behaviors.
Some of the known cult group child abusers identified in
recent years were members of some kind of fundamentalist sect that
ritualistically physically punished or deprived their children, and in some
cases they were also sexually abused. The motive seemed to be based in part on
living up to their distorted notions of a biblical model of disciplining
9. Surprisingly, according to Lanning, an ever increasing
number of these cases include allegations involving a custody/visitation dispute
over the alleged child victim(s). The disclosing child victims may be taken
"underground" and the mother may provide the authorities with diaries
or tapes of her own interviews with the children. The child is thus held in
isolation by one parent during which time the allegations become more and more
detailed. In my own experience with two of these cases, the children seemed to
be parroting the beliefs or delusions of the mother, and the allegations simply
did not appear valid upon careful study, which was also consistent with highly
competent law enforcement and social services investigations.
In short, the hypothesized descriptions of this new class of
sexual and homicide offenses and offenders are very difficult to relate to past
studies of the patterns of known sex offenders and killers. It would appear that
one would have to keep in mind all manner of possibilities where almost anyone
could be hypothesized to be an SRA perpetrator. There are no predictable or
known regularities and certainly no way at this time to generate a
"profile" of such an individual based on known criminological,
sociological and psychological characteristics.
To evaluate someone who is accused of such crimes at this
time requires covering all the potential bases. One could be dealing with a
predatory serial killer or a well-educated middle class female who appears to
have no notable characteristics typical of most child abusers. Another
possibility is a very disturbed parent operating individually who
"ritually" and repetitively abuses a child physically or sexually
where the memories of the victim include a mix of actual and distorted events.
Or one could be dealing with an ordinary brand of child physical and sexual
abuse which has become distorted and altered in the mind of the victim. The
reality is that at this stage, we really don't know. If multigenerational SRA
offenders exist, then we are dealing with an entirely different breed of cat.
Each case must be assessed on its own merits. Many situational variables must be taken into account
aside from the personal characteristics of the accused in making judgments about
these issues.
In Re B. D., P. A. and K. B., by and through her Guardian Ad
Litem, B. B., Plaintiffs vs. Ellen Roe, et al., Defendants
In February, 1991, I was contacted by a defense attorney
regarding evaluating an elderly, upper middle class female who was accused by
her two adult daughters and a granddaughter of satanic ritualistic abuse. According to the complaint, gross crimes of physical, sexual, and emotional
abuse were perpetrated against the adult daughters from infancy to approximately
age 25, in the case of the oldest child, now in her late 40s; from
infancy to 15 years of age in the case of a daughter now in her mid-30s; and
from infancy to age 8 in the case of a now 11-year-old granddaughter. The
allegations were actually very similar to many such stories which have been
published or broadcast in recent years, including torture by drugs, electric
shock, rape, sodomy, forced oral sex, along with satanic ritualistic abuse where
babies were repeatedly born and killed. The facts of the case provided here were
presented in Court in April, 1991 and the public trial was videotaped.
Evolution of the Complaint
The defense attorney requested that I evaluate his client for
any abnormalities or propensities for any kind of abuse. The defendant
absolutely denied any form of abuse at any time in the lives of her children, and,
in fact, it appeared that the family had been rather close over the years and
the adult children had been indulged in certain respects, e.g., monetary gifts,
mother making clothing, mother assisting in taking care of household tasks,
parents having provided business opportunities, etc. The plaintiffs did not deny
that this was true. The older daughter had apparently been the favorite of her
father, while the younger daughter was closer to the mother. There was a
significant age gap between the two daughters, and the mother's perception was
that the older daughter had never fully accepted or been very close to her
younger sister until the accusations evolved which drew them together.
The allegations appeared to have evolved after the death of
the father, who was said to be more indulgent of the children than the mother.
The oldest daughter, who appeared to have been the primary instigator of the allegations, had gone into psychotherapy after the break-up
of her third marriage. The following are interpretations derived from comments
made by the mother: the older daughter seemed to be a person who had never
"found herself' occupationally and who often had required the financial
help of the parents. There may have been a prior pattern of identifying with a
charismatic leader and educating herself in his mode to "find" herself
through participation in a religious group.
As she "discovered" that she was suffering from MPD
and then SRA, she brought her younger sister and her own daughter into the
therapy. One interpretation is that, consistent with her prior life pattern, she
found another leader to emulate in the therapist. She testified that she is now
studying to be a therapist, taking her training in a master's program where her
own therapist teaches. The younger sister's husband was also brought into the
therapy but basically balked when told that he also had been abused by his
parents, which he believed was not true. Ultimately, the second daughter's
marriage also broke down. The husband stopped attending the therapy.
He later
came forward, when he realized there was actually going to be a trial against
his former mother-in-law and testified in her behalf regarding his perceptions
of the technique and the role of the therapist in the development of the abuse
All of the plaintiffs were seen by the same counseling
center, one which was known for its involvement in the treatment of MPD and
alleged SRA cases. The therapists were largely master's level or below,
including persons who were in training for MFCC (marriage family child
counselor) licenses in the state of California. All were under the supervision
of the oldest daughter's first therapist. Reportedly at this facility, there was
considerable interaction among the therapists and clients including special
MPD/SRA therapy groups and training sessions in a close-knit network of
therapists and student therapists.
The defendant in this case was confronted by her daughters
and from her perspective forced into counseling with an intern from this same
counseling center who was being supervised by the daughters' therapist. The
elderly defendant feared that her daughters were trying to have her committed to
a mental hospital, and, not understanding her rights in the situation, complied
with the "treatment" for a few months before deciding that this was
not going to help her family situation. It was after she quit that the suit was
filed against her.
The allegations evolved from a belief on the part of the
oldest daughter that someone had hurt her, from which the mother allegedly did
not protect her, so that she could give her to some unidentified cultic group.
mother could not recall whether the daughter originally specifically stated this
to be a satanic group or not. At the time the daughter was sharing this
information with the mother, they were still on speaking terms and she allegedly
indicated to her mother that she was "... going to stay in therapy
because she could remember everything that happened in her life. Yes, she
remembers being born, but there was an empty space (of time) between birth and
six weeks or six months. She is going to stay in therapy because she has to find
out. ..." Allegedly, the daughter stated to her mother that, "... she could
probably find the place she told me once where she was
tortured." In court, this place was never identified.
Areas of Life History for Investigation
The degree to which the accused can and will provide details
to inquiries such as those described below can be very telling. One should
anticipate that in individuals who may have been falsely accused there will be
an initial fright and guardedness, but as sessions continue, they are marked by
increasing openness, coupled with an ability and willingness to report negative
self-information and family information that appears consistent with external
data one is able to bring to bear. If there has been a history of perpetrating
any child abuse, one would anticipate that the defensiveness may not diminish,
and the clinical history will generally be consistent with the problems that
have been identified in such persons. If there has been abuse, it is generally
within the best interests of such an individual to frankly disclose what has or
has not actually occurred, and this is always a challenge in dealing with any
perpetrator of abuse. An examiner who is very experienced in dealing with known
perpetrators who have either admitted or denied as well as individuals who have
been mistakenly or falsely accused is probably in the best position to exercise
sound clinical judgment in weighing the disclosures of the accused in the light
of all known evidence about the case.
Early Life Factors
The earliest memories of family life, relationship with
parents, siblings, extended family, neighbors and community are important to
assess. Particularly, one should assess how the parents of the accused
disciplined or punished him or her, and any experiences which were viewed as
painful or traumatic. The patient's ability to recall experiences with a more or
less continuous memory from early childhood should be reviewed; if gaps occur, these may require
more extensive inquiry or investigation. I believe that any traumatic medical,
social, academic, or familial events should be covered. History of mental
illness or substance abuse or marital instability in the parents of the accused
may provide clues as to possible neglect or abuse. Losses by separation,
divorce, or death may be significant. The review of life history in the area of
early development is important for assessing the formative processes of the
accused and how he or she was shaped socially. Religious training or lack
thereof may be significant, particularly if there are any rigid or overly
punitive tones.
If there are relatives or nonrelatives with whom the
defendant has had long-term relationships who can be interviewed, this may
assist in determining whether or not the interview findings can be corroborated
and may fill in gaps of information that the defendant cannot provide. In this
case, we identified a couple, where the man had worked closely with the deceased
husband for many years, and they had socialized and known each other for over 40
years. These individuals testified in her behalf.
Marital/Sexual Adjustment
A broad social history of relationships is probably
foundational to assessing this area, beginning with friendships in childhood,
adolescent dating and sexual experiences, history of all marriages or common law
relationships, with a detailed history of sexual attitudes and behaviors. I
conducted a broad base inquiry in these cases similar to what I would do in any
case where sexually deviant and criminal behavior has been alleged. If the
person is married, the spouse should be interviewed in depth as well, separate
from the accused so as to look for any discrepancies. In most SRA cases, I would
guess that both parents of a plaintiff will often be accused.
In our case, the details of social/sexual development were
realistic and consistent with good marital/sexual adjustment. The defendant's
husband had died after 48 years of marriage, with no separations and no unusual
problems indicated at any time. The maternal grandmother had lived on their
property for the last 38 years of her life, dying a few years before the
husband. Relationships with her had been reported as generally positive,
although in her later years, some preexisting degree of enmeshment with the
defendant become more and more exacerbated and problematic, e.g., not wanting to
engage in any activities apart from her adult daughter. The adult grandchildren
(plaintiffs) looked after grandmother when the parents had to be away. She was
placed in a nursing home a few months prior to her death
when the situation became increasingly unmanageable at home. Interestingly,
there was no mention of any allegations involving the deceased grandmother in
the testimony even though she was present in the home from the time the older
daughter was about 10 years of age.
Health/Psychiatric History
A detailed history of medical problems, surgeries,
hospitalizations should be conducted, with all possible past health records
reviewed, including any hospitalizations for psychiatric or substance abuse
reasons. Sometimes there may be valuable information that is relevant to the
current legal issues. For example, in Ellen's case, there was a copy of a Cornell
Medical Index Health Questionnaire dating back to 1981; this instrument includes
a detailed psychiatric history. Results suggested that she was not trying to
minimize any problems she had at that time and were consistent with the history
she provided 10 years later. Ellen's self-report about her health and
drug/alcohol history appeared quite consistent with the records that were
Occupational History
A careful review of the defendant's entire work history
including any lapses in working, periods of disability, should be obtained,
along with all employment records. Sometimes individuals will have been
evaluated in a preemployment assessment, and those records may prove valuable.
If the work history could potentially feed into the allegations in any way, it
needs to be carefully scrutinized, e.g., a person who worked as a teacher, a day
care provider, a medical worker — anyone who might have had access to children or
to medications and drugs. Ellen was accused of drugging the children in order to
conduct satanic ritualistic rites. In Ellen's case, because she was a registered
nurse, she was accused of having access to drugs that were used prior to and
during rituals. Of note, however, is that she was never employed after the
children were born and, as far as could be ascertained, had never had more
"access" to any prescribed drugs than most citizens.
Psychotropic Drug Use/Illicit Drug/Alcohol History Factors
We carefully went through all occasions in her past family
history where psychotropic drugs of any kind would have been in the house or
where she would have obtained them. During her husband's final illness, such drugs
had been utilized to make him more comfortable. We learned during review of the
children's history that because the younger of the children had a history of
severe asthma, she had been medicated as a child. Ellen recalled an occasion
where she and the older daughter had had to force the child to take medication,
which had been provided by the physician.
The defendant recalled that during the children's growing up
years she had helped a neighbor by administering shots, but the paraphernalia
for injections was kept at the neighbor's house, and she did not believe that
her children ever observed these injections. She did not report ever giving
injections to her own children at any time.
There was no indication of any alcohol excesses or
recreational drug use of any kind. This is a lady whose habit was to have one
scotch and water at bedtime every night for the past 30 years. On one occasion
she could recall having had two drinks.
Religious History
One should inquire into history of formal or informal
involvement in religious groups from childhood to the present. An assessment of
the role that religion has or has not played may be valuable, and whether there
has been a change across time in the defendant's values or approach to ethics
and religion. The degree to which the religious orientation is integrated with
the person's life and relationships or functions as a social/ceremonial occasion
or as a stress-reducing device may provide insight into the network of
relationships established across his or her lifetime.
Ellen was a woman who appeared to value control of her
emotions and herself, as well as valuing social conformity. She appeared to be
genuinely ignorant about the kinds of "religious" groups in which she
was alleged to participate throughout her life; indeed, the plaintiffs
maintained that she was still "active" within the cult, and subsequent
to the trial, while appearing on the Sally Jesse Raphael show, the oldest
daughter continued to say that her mother is still involved. Prior to the trial,
Ellen's response was to withdraw from social participation and involvement with
almost everyone, and never go to out at night, so that no one could accuse her
further. She attended church, but very few people were taken into her confidence
about the impending case. After the trial, after receiving an outpouring of
support from many people, she began to relate to her friends again.
During her youth she attended a variety of churches, and then
as a young adult began attending one particular church which she has then attended all her
life since. Her involvement was, however, intermittent over the years.
this intermittent quality, she had a close relationship with a minister who had
known her for over 40 years, in whose church she was involved while the
daughters were growing up, who remembered the girls quite well; this person
testified at her trial.
Developmental History of Children/Plaintiffs
The examiner should go through a very detailed history of
each child, whether the child was one who entered into a suit or not. Every
stepchild, foster child, and natural child in the home or raised by the
defendant should be discussed from birth to present day adjustment. Any kind of
medical or psychological problems should be carefully reviewed. Any
psychological symptoms that occurred at various times for which no professional
intervention was sought should be identified, such as separation anxiety,
phobias, psychosomatic problems, nightmares, sleep disorder. If the parent has
old report cards, letters, mementos of any kind, movies or pictures or any
records regarding the child, these should be obtained and reviewed carefully
with the defendant. If there are extended family members, friends, or even
ex-spouses with detailed knowledge about the plaintiff, these individuals should
be interviewed if possible. Often an understanding of the dynamics of the
accusation will become more apparent through this process.
Find out the history of medical and psychiatric care of the
accused as well as of the plaintiffs during their growing up years. One would
less likely anticipate that a true perpetrator would take a child to a
psychiatrist or psychologist for adjustment difficulties if the child is being
abused by that parent. Often the adult plaintiff has gone into therapy more than
once, and everything that can be learned about the nature of the problems leading
to therapy, the approach taken in therapy, and an understanding of who the
therapists were when the allegations unfolded will be also useful.
In cases I have evaluated for defense where I made a judgment
that a defendant was guilty of abuse of the now adult child, the quality and
range of information provided about the child and about the parent/child
relationship was significantly different than seen in admitted offenders or in
the falsely accused and contributed to my understanding of the case. These were
incest cases which did not allege SRA problems. One would expect a range of both
positive and negative information, with the ambivalence and loss suffered by a
falsely accused parent apparent. But in cases of true abuse being denied by a defendant, my experience has been
that the characterization of the victim is selective, skewed or skimpy. The
description of the parent's relationship to the child across time will also show
some differences from what would be anticipated, e.g., more blaming and
denigrating with poor boundaries.
I would be very suspicious of any parent/defendants who are
not able to frankly provide detailed information about mistakes they perceive
that they made in parenting, normal problems that are anticipated in raising
any child, and both negative and positive reactions they have experienced in
relation to the child across time. In this case, the defendant easily
acknowledged that she was not the perfect parent, and could describe instances
in which her own behavior reflected a less than optimal response to the
children, but she was overwhelmed with having such atrocities as alleged in this
case attributed to her and her husband.
Looking for "Kernels of Reality" That Could be
Related to the Complaint
It is important to go through all life events attempting to
ascertain whether there is anything that was abusive, neglectful, or damaging
and learning as much as possible about those events, how or if they fit into any
kind of recognizable pattern. The defendant should be told it is in his or her
best interest to be truthful and complete. There may also be events that
transpired which, from the perspective of a young child, were not intended to be
abusive but were frightening and traumatic. Examples might include intrusive
medical procedures, hospitalization, certain injuries, application or
administration of medication that may have been uncomfortable or painful to the
child, including punishments of various kinds. In non-SRA cases I have seen
several young children with urethral infections or labial adhesions whose
parents were attempting to treat the condition, where the young child suffered
pain and misconstrued the parental intentions. Could such a child grow up to
believe they had been abused in such cases? I don't know the answer to that
In the case of the two adult plaintiffs in this case, such
incidents that may have figured into perceptions 'of harm were identified with
the mother. The younger child had severe asthma as a child and had to be placed
on a respirator for treatment and missed several months of school in her early
elementary school years. On one occasion, she became hysterical and fought the
mother and older sister when they tried to force her to take medication she did
not want. This child also developed "nightmares," which as best as we
could reconstruct were possibly night terrors. The plaintiff presented these as
nightmares related to PTSD. But the father also had had a history of asthma and
associated night terrors that appeared to have some genetic and/or medical basis
when he was growing up, and it appeared that this daughter suffered similarly.
This daughter, the younger, was taken to a psychiatrist on one occasion prior to
attending college.
The older daughter had been taken to a psychiatrist around
age 12, because of repeated psychosomatic complaints and a habit of picking at
her skin and pinching herself. The mother recalled being interviewed by the
psychiatrist to ascertain what problems might be occurring at home that might
account for the child's anxiety. Past functioning of the plaintiffs as children
and the nature of any known psychiatric problems is relevant to understanding
their current psychiatric complaints.
Psychological Testing
I believe that testing should be geared toward assessing the
less-than-willing participant, operating under the same assumption as in any
person accused of abuse that the responses may not be candid or complete. I use
a range of tests for assessing personality, including projectives, and assess
abuse potential, substance abuse issues, or other specific concerns. In some
cases, recently developed instruments designed for assessing dissociative
experiences and propensities may be used although responses to these seem to be
very face valid and could be easily faked. If there has ever been any previous
psychological testing done with this individual, obtain the raw data and
reanalyze it and compare to current findings.
Final Thoughts
These are very difficult cases. I haven't ever participated
in an alleged SRA adult civil case from the plaintiff side, and this was my
first SRA defense action
although I have had two court-appointed child custody/dependency cases involving
SRA allegations. Most of what I have described above would be applicable to
evaluating the accused party in those cases also. Evaluation of an accusing
adult party who is not the alleged victim poses some very different issues, as
does the evaluation of an alleged adult or child victim. In all of these cases,
one should perform as thorough a review of the case from every angle, making no
assumptions that abuse is absent because of the SRA presentation, while attempting without engaging in
witch hunting to make certain whether some form of abuse has or has not in fact
There is no adequate theory or data available at this point
in time against which to compare SRA defendants. The same is true for alleged
SRA victims. In this case, I was asked on the stand how many satanic ritualistic
abusers I had evaluated in the past: of course, I had to say none, even though I
have evaluated at least 500 sex offenders and 50 homicide perpetrators in
my professional lifetime.
Based on communications with several attorneys who inquired
in the aftermath of our case, it appears that there are many elderly parents who
are being accused of SRA; most of them prefer to settle rather than go to trial,
so as to avoid the stress and embarrassment of having the allegations aired
publicly. If they have abused their children, such a course of action is
probably in everyone's best interests, but if they have not, this group of
elderly may become a new group of victims. I believe that if Ellen had been a
little old lady living on social security benefits, these allegations would have
never been raised. From her own perspective, she just did not die fast enough
for her children. The children claimed that they were not interested in the
money, as they assumed she had willed her worldly goods to them anyway. But when
no monetary damages were awarded, further litigation occurred in the hope of a
financial award. The Court commented that he thought the plaintiffs got exactly
what they had wanted — publicity.
Whatever the personal or interpersonal difficulties that Mrs.
B. may have had in her life, she simply did not show evidence of the lifestyle
or the range and severity of personality disturbance that one would expect to be
present in a person perpetrating crimes of the magnitude alleged spanning over
half a century. Why and how this degree of profound alienation developed between
her and her daughters is uncertain, but she absolutely denied that she is or has
ever been satanist in her orientation, thoughts, experiences or behaviors.
believed her.
In this litigation, the defense was at a tremendous
disadvantage, in that due to the illness of Ellen's first attorney, the trial
attorney began working on this case only a few days prior to the actual trial;
there had been no discovery, no independent medical exams of the plaintiffs, and
not one document other than the legal papers making the allegations. The
previous attorney had not prepared for the case at all. The trial attorney and
his staff made use of a cadre of mental health professional advisors and studied
the data that emerged daily in the trial to develop cross-examination for
plaintiffs' witnesses. The plaintiffs alleged that they had all become MPDs as
a result of the alleged abuse. The only means of assessing
this claim was through their testimony and effective cross-examination of them
and their experts. This required development of research materials even while
the trial proceeded, which led to extensive use of consultants around the
country who were able to provide key information.
The defense was not totally successful in responding to this
suit; the hole in the defense was an incomplete response to whether the
plaintiffs in fact had suffered some kind of emotional problems that were
somehow related to their upbringing. The jury verdict reflected this problem
which resulted from the lack of discovery and inability to directly assess the
quality of diagnostic work and therapy which had gone on with the plaintiffs.
They found that there had been neglect but explicitly did not find that the
defendant had intentionally done anything to harm the daughters and
granddaughter. They awarded no monetary damage.
There is probably no single mental health professional who
would have extensive knowledge in all the areas needed, so one should not
hesitate to reach out for consultation in handling these cases. Utilization of
historians, sociologists, anthropologists, criminologists, and folklore experts
should be considered. as well as mental health and forensic experts.
The defendant in this case commented at the time I reviewed
the contents of this article with her for her approval, that she cannot imagine
anything more devastating happening to an individual, going through a case of
this nature and losing the family that she loved and to whom she had devoted
herself. But she seems to he recovering well, with many more friends than
ever before. She has willed her estate to various small charities. She stated
that now, "I do not have a bad time too often, but I have worked at it.
am busy at the hospital in volunteer work and at church, and I am going on a
couple of trips. I cannot sit here and allow them to mess up the remaining years
of my life. I am a survivor. I have survived it, and I do not spend much
time on the gruesome part of this. But I am so sorry that (granddaughter) is
tied up in this and so sorry for (second daughter) who I wish could get into
good legitimate therapy because she is a very special person. So I think about
those things, but life is going on."
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* Martha Rogers is a clinical and forensic psychologist at
17662 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 12 Tustin, California 92680. [Back] |