IPT Book Reviews

Title: Working Through the Pain: A Guide to Group Treatment for the Adolescent Male Survivor of Childhood Abuse  Neutral Review
Author: Coe Neil Cabe
Publisher: Rainbeau Counseling and Research Center © 1991

Rainbeau Counseling and Research Center
147 East Aurora Road
Northfield Center, Ohio 44067


This 75-page book was written by a therapist and clergyman and is designed for those therapists who want to do group psychotherapy.  The author does not distinguish between groups comprised of clients who are court referred and those who are not.  The titles of the book's chapters give a flavor for its content, and include "Preplanning Your Group," "Pre-participation Interview," "The 12 Sessions," "Individual Session Descriptions," and "Session Outlines."

The book closes with a small listing of documents used, resource listings and a limited bibliography that does not include anything on group therapy process.


Although the field of treatment needs books on the treatment of the (often overlooked) male victim this book tends to be mechanical, dry and cook-bookish and therefore may be too simple.

There is a noticeable lack of concern for adolescent rights, a push for therapy over political action, no mention of HIV fears, the sex industry, the use of resilience in therapy (see Valintine & Feinauer, 1993), mediation, or the disabling effects of the assumption of victimhood in clients.  In short, there is no effort to get us off dead center and to try new, more effective methods.  It seems we are trying to fit current problems into yesterday's methods.

Although the book is detailed, nothing is offered to the falsely accused (Schultz, 1990) or on family preservation.  There is no coverage of the questionable aspects of self-help or peer pressure (Kaminer, 1993; Wuthnow, 1994).  In addition, the use of a co-therapist may not be cost effective today and may prove impractical in some areas of the country without trained staff

This book should be read in conjunction with a group therapy book that deals with developmental aspects of adolescent sexuality and therapy processes.  Although the book may be useful in a university course, it may not be helpful to those working in the field.


Valintine, L., & Feinauer, L. (1993). Resilience factors associated with female survivors of childhood sexual abuse. American Journal of Family Therapy, 2(3), 216-224.

Schultz, L. (1990). Self help groups for the erroneously charged: A proposed model. Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, 2(2), 109-115.

Wuthnow, R. (1994). Sharing the Journey: Support Groups and America's New Quest for Community (Hardcover)(Paperback). NY: Free Press.

Kaminer, W. (1993). I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional! The Recovery Movement and Other Self-help Groups (Paperback). NY: Vintage.

Reviewed by LeRoy G. Schultz, Professor Emeritus of Social Work,
West Virginia University, Morganstown, West Virginia.

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