Analysis of the Report on the 186 (minus one page)
Manhattan Tunnel Project (MTP) by E. Gary Stickel
Stickel asks his readers to believe that the goals of the excavation project
were "to objectively search for data bearing on the questions of whether
there were subterranean openings (tunnels and/or rooms under the
preschool)," and that his staff was "up to the challenge" of
fulfilling those goals under the highly emotional circumstances surrounding the
McMartin case.146
But incredulity sets in with the report's introduction
written by Roland C. Summit. From that point on the reader becomes increasingly
aware that the author set goals beyond his own reach.147
The result is a highly partial and needlessly uninformed historiography.
Stickel begins his report by referring to an
"Emmy Award-winning segment" of the McNeil/Lehrer Newshour,
which (like most other press accounts of that time period) was highly
slanted against the defendants and implied that the prosecution withheld
vital evidence.148
Stickel praises it as a "good visual summary of the case."149
Stickel's subsequent assurance to the readers
that "in every instance . . . the only newspaper accounts that are
cited in this report are those that have witnesses to corroborate the
accuracy of their statements" does not overcome our skepticism on
the degree of objectivity actually involved in this and other matters
discussed in the report. As with the author's abundant reliance on
McMartin protagonist Jackie McGauley as a major source of guidance and
information in what follows, 150
objectivity succumbs quickly to bias.
For example, (a) one paragraph of Stickel's introduction cites 21
"clinicians" who give credence to claims of ritual abuse, versus
citing only two other publications among the many available written by
academically reputable sociological, psychological, and psychiatric researchers
who are highly skeptical about so-called "ritual sexual abuse," and
(b) another paragraph of the report cites as "definitive" Waterman's
1990 study of the long-range effects upon the children of unproven ritual sex
abuse, a study that accepted carte blanche the truthfulness of the stories
elicited from the alleged child victims.
Page 26-32
Two out-of-sequence but important sections fall within these pages:
"History of the Project Parcels" and "Geological/Natural
History of Soil Deposit and Methodology." The first section
provides basic information about the property's history of ownership,
including the construction and location of a house and garage that once
stood on the side lot. Dates and notes about the construction of the
school are also provided. But important information available in the SRS
report, which tends to contradict Stickel's conclusions, has been
For example, there is no reference to the large broken concrete garage slab
that the author and parents seem to have mistaken as a "mysterious"
object. There is no mention of the tar paper and glass greenhouse that once
existed on the neighboring property. And the author assumes, without considering
other publicized accounts that claim otherwise, that the "first
construction on the preschool lot [i.e. Manhattan Beach Blvd.] was the Virginia
McMartin Preschool itself."
Nor is their any mention of the fact, clearly noted in the SRS report, that
the area of the side lot was used as a trash dump prior to 1942. All of these
facts, if known, shed a completely different and exculpatory light on the
artifacts interpreted later in the MTP report as incriminating evidence.
The next section on the geological/natural
history of the soil on the project contains a discussion of artificial
fill defined as "earth materials placed for some sort of
construction" or "any soil, mineral, or rock material,
indurated or unindurated, and any included materials of whatever origin,
such as trash, physically emplaced by man."151
A 1982/83 Walt Disney sandwich bag, found in the alleged tunnel entrance
under the foundation footing of classroom 4, is said to indicate the
date after which the defendants allegedly refilled the tunnel. This
issue is discussed later.
Page 6
The MTP report states, "For reasons unknown, the defense decided to
explore the site with its own excavation. Mr. Paul Bynum, a former
Hermosa beach Police lieutenant who was hired as a defense investigator
. . . conducted a dig for evidence at the subject site. The prosecution
never questioned the appropriateness of allowing the defense to conduct
its own excavation, or why the defense would even want to conduct such
an excavation (i.e. if there was no evidence as they argued, then why
even look for any?)"
Stickel points out the "keen interest" in animal remains, since
children had "testified that tortoises, rabbits, and other small animals
were mutilated" to scare the children into silence. He continues,
"Bynum was slated to testify on these data [excavated animal remains] . . .
but was found shot to death the night before. . . . It is not surprising that
the defense could dismiss its own gathered data as irrelevant."
The insinuations that the McMartin defense had something to hide, that they
suppressed evidence, and that Bynum's death was somehow connected to his
recovery of animal remains from the McMartin property are irresponsible and
without foundation. If the author has real evidence to support these claims, why
not present it?
The defense investigator's excavations were conducted on
the vacant lot next to the school for the purpose of collecting any existing
evidence of animal remains and having it examined by veterinary pathologists for
evidence of traumatic death. The remains of two tortoises were examined and no
evidence of trauma was found.152
Page 6
Stickel begins a chronological history of the parents' search for tunnels
and the subsequent excavation by the District Attorney's team of
archaeologists. In constructing this history Stickel is either unaware
of or ignores the atmosphere of parental, public, and media hysteria and
other sources of pressure upon all participants, including children,
parents, police, CII social workers, therapists, and District Attorney
representatives during the period antecedent to the preliminary hearings
and the two trials. This atmosphere gave rise to cross-germination of
abuse stories and direct or indirect manipulation of the children by all
of the above-listed sources of pressure to create these stories, as
noted earlier.
It is also significant that Stickel is apparently unaware of the two smaller
excavations conducted by McMartin parents near classroom #4 prior to the
particular parental excavation he first recounts in this report. He also appears
unaware of critical aspects of the DA's investigation regarding the reported
locations of underground tunnels and secret rooms. Other facts known to Stickel
are similarly ignored.
Page 6-7
"The observation (in about April, 1985) of some unusual construction
activity on the side lot, as evidenced by a pile of dumped concrete
(McGauley, 1992: personal communication), led to the parents' interests
in exploring the site. In addition, on Wednesday March 13, 1985, the
parents observed a new feature of a squarish concrete slab, located
northeast of the avacodo tree and near the southwest corner of classroom
Stickel then notes that the parents obtained permission from side-lot's
owner, Mr. Arnold Goldstein, to dig for a secret room and that they began
"unsystematically digging on Saturday March 16, 1985." And then,
"They could find nothing under the mysterious concrete slab"
(emphasis added).
Considering the history of development of the lot next door by its successive
owners, it is hard to understand why Stickel thinks that the concrete slab
sitting on that lot was unusual or important. He does not consider the
possibility that at some previous date the side-lot property owners left the
discarded slab in the yard rather than hauling it to the dump. Does Stickel mean
to imply that the "mysterious" concrete had something to do with
tunnels? If so, he may not have read the SRS report which gives a logical and
perfectly normal explanation for the presence of a square of concrete on the
vacant lot, as follows:
The property comprising the McMartin Preschool and the
adjacent vacant corner lot was purchased by the Morris family in October, 1942
(Mark Morris, personal communication, 1985). The lot where the McMartin
Preschool now stands was vacant, and a small frame house, about the size of a
large garage, stood near the front of the lot. . . . A double garage on a
concrete slab occupied the northwest corner of the lot. The garage faced Walnut
Street and was located about two feet in from the street; there was no driveway.
From the rear of the garage (the east side) a door opened up into the back yard. A sidewalk was once located somewhere east of the structure, although Mr. Morris could not recall exactly where it ran (emphasis
An abundance of small cement slabs dispersed throughout
the site represent the remnants of a larger slab which once covered a portion of
the site. Roughly rectangular in shape, this slab encompassed a 25 meter square
area which extended from 2 to 10 m south of the northern property boundary and 2
to 5 m west of its eastern limits. This rough-poured slab, recently fragmented
as a result of unauthorized backhoe operations, apparently formed part of the
floor of a garage which previously stood on the northern end of the property.154
Morris' description would place the sidewalk in the same approximate location
as the parents' "mysterious" square concrete slab. (see photo, p. 117)
Page 11
"The District Attorney's Office made a decision not to explore under
the preschool building itself even though this was where the children
reported both entrances to the tunnels as well as the tunnels and
possibly the presence of the room or rooms." And on page 94 of the
report's conclusion, Stickel states, "It should be noted here that
most of the children's reports about 'tunnels' or buried 'rooms' have
repeatedly emphasized that they were located under the preschool not in
the adjacent side lot . . . Despite this fact, the archaeologists were
'limited' to digging in the side lot."
This misconception is also fostered by Roland C. Summit in his introduction
to the report: "Prosecutors, forced to a showdown, commissioned a
superficial search of open terrain and, without going under the concrete floor of the preschool,
branded the tunnel stories as bogus."
Searches conducted by SRS and prosecutors on the vacant
lot and school site, respectively, were not superficial. SRS excavated and used
the terrain conductivity meter in areas identified "by several
children" as the site of an underground secret room.155
And the District Attorney's investigators peeled back floor tiles and searched
other locations to find trap doors at locations described by 11 children at the
preschool site. There was no need to look under the foundation where openings or
seals in the concrete were nonexistent. It seems virtually impossible that at
least 16 trap doors, reported to be employed at different locations throughout
the school building, play yard and side lot, could have been constructed without
being noticed by visiting outsiders, including parents.
DA's investigators peeled back
floor tiles where children said trap doors led to underground
tunnels and devil rooms, but the trap doors did not exist.
(From court documents) |
In summaries of children's tunnel and secret room
accounts provided by therapist Martha Cockriel, prior to either of the parents'
first two excavations, none of the children said there was a room under the
preschool. Every location given for the secret room was in the vacant lot area
searched for by the parents in their first major dig and by SRS. Ten days after
the parents unsuccessfully searched the vacant lot for the secret room, some of
the 11 children interviewed at the school site by the DA's investigators said
that there were tunnels under the school building. About half of those children
said the secret room was in the vacant lot.156
Although four children from the combined groups reported trap doors in Ray's
room, none of them said that there was a secret room under his floor. (Stickel
claims to have found a "possible" secret room under Ray's room.)
Page 11
Stickel points out that SRS surveyors detected two underground soil
anomalies in the side lot and that the ground there was not excavated.
He thus concludes, "Thus the [SRS] archaeologists were put in the
position of not being allowed to search in the primary lot (the McMartin
Preschool lot per se), were not allowed to excavate and identify
the two anomalies detected by their own project's remote sensing survey,
and were even restricted in where they could dig within the side lot
Stickel's implication that possible tunnels or secret rooms went undetected
and that the preschool lot was not surveyed contrasts with the SRS report. The
SRS report indicates that "Terrain conductivity measurements were obtained
within a limited area on the McMartin property, primarily in the west and south
play yards," but that additional sensing work was precluded by interference
from "buildings, fences, and permanent metal fixtures." Both
conductivity anomalies detected were determined to be insignificant,
"possibly indicating the presence of a source of slightly altered ground
conditions at a shallow depth," not a likely indication of a tunnel or
secret room. Given the history of the two lots, animal remains or trash deposits
could have accounted for the anomalies.