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The Staff of the IPT

Hollida Wakefield has been providing evaluation, assessment, and
treatment for sexual offenders and victims of sexual abuse since 1976.
She has conducted several research projects dealing with various
questions about child sexual abuse and written extensively in the area.
She has conducted professional workshops around the world in how to
interview children so as to allow them to provide the most reliable
information they can. She provides expert consultation and forensic
services in a wide range of legal issues including sexual abuse, sexual
harassment, and sexual assault.

- Ralph Underwager first responded as a professional to child
sexual abuse in 1953. Since then he provided evaluation, assessment,
and treatment for victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse.
He dealt with the full range of childhood and adult disorders during his
clinical practice. As Director of the Institute for Psychological
Therapies he maintained private practice of clinical psychology since
1974. He conducted several national research projects funded by NIMH
and foundations. He testified in civil and criminal cases for both
plaintiff and respondent and prosecution and defense. He directed the
ongoing treatment program for sexual offenders offered by the
IPT since 1974.