Reviewed Books (H-M):
Title: | Handbook of Individual Therapy |
Editor: | Windy Dryden |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1996 |
Psychotherapy is a diverse endeavor. There are many names used to describe what purport to be different therapy approaches. All have in common, however, people talking to each other in an artificial relationship that is intended to be helpful to one person while the other is the helper. This heterogeneity can be rather confusing. This 413-page edited handbook can help sort out some of that confusion. After an initial chapter that describes the current scene in English psychotherapy, 12 therapy approaches are described.
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Title: | Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex |
Author: | Alice Domurat Dreger |
Publisher: | Harvard University Press, ©1998 |
This 268-page book begins with a description of an 1886 encounter between Sophie, a 44-year-old domestic servant who had just married her first husband but "could not accomplish the conjugal act," and a physician, Professor Michaux. Professor Michaux examined Sophie and quickly ascertained the nature of the problem Sophie, contrary to what she had been led to believe all of her life and to what her husband believed was really a man.
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Title: | Hoax and Reality: The Bizarre World of Multiple Personality Disorder |
Author: | August Piper, Jr. |
Publisher: | Jason Aronson ©1997 |
This book, written by psychiatrist August Piper, argues that the multiple personality diagnosis (MPD) is invalid. Piper also notes that the diagnosis is a fad because, while there were only 200 cases in the literature prior to 1980, today hundreds of such cases are diagnosed every year. He points out that the definition of MPD is vague, imprecise, and contradictory, and there is no way to rule out a diagnosis of MPD. Many MPD symptoms only appear after the patient has been in treatment with a therapist who specializes in dissociative disorders and some patients develop up to 4500 personalities. Some psychiatrists have even accused other psychiatrists as having the disorder.
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Title: |
The Hostage Child: Sex Abuse Allegations in Custody Disputes |
Authors: | Leora N. Rosen and Michelle Etlin |
Publisher: | Indiana University Press, ©1996 |
In 11 chapters, the authors describe CARCO, the Children at Risk Classification Office. The book begins with five case histories that dramatically support the authors' premise that law enforcement, courts, and child protection all fail in protecting women and children. They recommend that CARCO take all such cases away from child protection and criminal court and process them according to child risk.
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Title: | The Impact of Mandated Reporting on the Therapeutic Process |
Authors: | Murray Levine and Howard Doueck |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1995 |
This short (165 pages) book discusses the many dilemmas posed for therapists by the mandated reporting laws. These laws, which were passed with little consideration for the therapeutic process, were passed in all states as a result of the 1974 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. Some states have added as many as 50 amendments, mostly to cover more professions.
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Title: | Inaccuracies in Children's Testimony: Memory, Suggestibility, or Obedience to Authority? |
Author: | Jon'a F. Meyer |
Publisher: | The Haworth Press, ©1997 |
This 164-page book by a sociologist at Rutgers University combines the literature on obedience with the research on children's suggestibility. Meyer's thesis is that how children are questioned to learn what they have witnessed is crucial to the effects the questioning sessions may have on their eventual court testimony. She argues that the research on obedience (the Milgram studies) has been overlooked in the literature on children's susceptibility to leading and suggestive interviews.
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Title: | International Perspectives on Child Abuse and Children's Testimony: Psychological Research and Law |
Authors: | Bette Bottoms and Gail Goodman |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1996 |
Although the United States has led the way in attending to the reality of child abuse, physical, emotional, and sexual, other countries have also chosen to develop approaches to reducing the frequency of abuse. There are various patterns of law that have emerged while the scientific research has tended to proceed along similar lines around the world. This 312-page book presents 14 short chapters describing the current scientific and legal positions in the US, the Netherlands, Israel, Canada, Great Britain, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong, and India. There is also a chapter giving the overall current status of the scientific research on suggestibility of children. A final chapter tells about the efforts around the world to accommodate child witnesses in the various legal systems. The book ends with an author and subject index.
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Title: | Interrogations and Disputed Confessions: A Manual for Forensic Psychological Practice |
Author: | Gregory DeClue |
Publisher: | Professional Resource Press, ©2005 |
Dr. DeClue's book is designed to assist psychologists working on criminal cases involving interrogations and confessions. It is also clear and readable enough for a lay person to understand and comprehensive enough to be of great value to police and attorneys.
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Title: | Investigative Interviews of Children: A Guide for Helping Professionals |
Authors: | Debra A. Poole and Michael E. Lamb |
Publisher: | American Psychological Association, ©1998 |
This 295-page book combines theory, research, and practice, and provides practical instructions for conducting effective, noncontaminating interviews of children.
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Title: | Jekyll on Trial: MPD and Criminal Law |
Authors: | Elyn R. Saks and Stephen H. Behnke |
Publisher: | New York University Press, ©1997 |
This book is divided into nine chapters, an appendix, a table of legal cases, a list of references and an index. The authors begin by decrying the entertainment aspect of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) (now called Dissociative Identity Disorder) on television talk shows. They observe that the disorder is a popular fad today and that there is disagreement over whether it actually exists as an independent disorder. This professional disagreement creates significant problems for the courts, who must deal with cases where witnesses claim to have MPD.
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Title: | Jeopardy in the Courtroom: A Scientific Analysis of Children's Testimony |
Authors: | Stephen J. Ceci and Maggie Bruck |
Publisher: | American Psychological Association, ©1995 |
This 312-page book addresses the issues and current research concerning child witnesses, primarily in sexual abuse cases. The book is built around seven actual cases: the Salem Witch Trials, Little Rascals, Kelly Michaels, Bobby Fijnje, Country Walk, Devil's Dyke (England), and Frederico Martinez Macias. The relevant scientific research is discussed in terms of the interviews and investigation of these actual cases which "illustrate the potential for error and misinterpretation when scientific knowledge and common sense are banished from the forensic arena" (p. i). The authors note that a child's testimony, whether in interviews, preliminary hearings, or trials, may result in life-altering decisions so it is essential to understand the factors that influence children's testimony.
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Title: | Juvenile Sexual Offending |
Editors: | Gail Ryan and Sandy Lane |
Publisher: | Jossey-Bass Inc., ©1997 |
In 491 pages, the editors, who also write 18 of the 22 chapters, offer a summary of the conventional wisdom about juvenile sexual offenders. The initial discussion of what constitutes sexually abusive behavior is so inclusive and so broad that almost any interaction between two human beings can be labeled as sexually abusive. It may be that a need to be politically correct has overridden other considerations. The definition of sexual abuse is not limited to behaviors, but includes intentions, relationships, dynamics, and impact. A child playing school may be sexually abusive if there is any implication of authority while playing the role of teacher. Coercion may determine that an interaction is sexually abusive if there is anything other than complete perfect equality intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
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Title: | The Language of Confession, Interrogation, and Deception |
Author: | Roger W. Shuy |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, ©1998 |
It is now generally accepted in the scientific community and the justice system that the way in which people are questioned is an important variable in understanding the meaning of any statement elicited by questioning. This applies to the questioning of children as well as adults. This 205-page book is a suggested procedure for understanding the language used both by those asking questions and by those answering. It will assist in determining the weight to be given to statements made in response to questioning. False confessions are a fact, and the overinterpretation of what looks like a confession is a frequent behavior of law enforcement and prosecutors.
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Title: | Law and Mental Health Professionals: Wisconsin and Minnesota volumes |
Editors of the Series: | Bruce D. Sales and Michael Owen Miller |
Authors Wisconsin Vol.: | Leonard V. Kaplan and Robert D. Miller |
Authors Minnesota Vol.: | Eric S. Janus, Ruth Mickelson, and Sheva Sanders |
Publisher: | American Psychological Association, ©1996 |
With the rapid fundamental and structural changes taking place both in the health care system and the science of psychology, any psychologist can benefit materially from knowing and understanding the laws relevant to whatever the psychologist is doing. This series of volumes is intended to provide a single book for each state, federal jurisdictions, and the District of Columbia that brings together all the applicable and relevant laws and legal reasoning for the jurisdiction.
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(WI) Hardcover
Title: | Law and Objectivity |
Author: | Kent Greenawalt |
Publisher: | Oxford University Press, Inc., ©1992 |
This 288-page book is divided into three sections, each with three or four chapters. It has extensive footnotes at the end of the book, a list of references, and an index.
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Title: | Learning Statistics Through Playing Cards |
Author: | Thomas R. Knapp |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1996 |
This short (98 pages) and understandable book is must reading for all nonstatistically trained professionals in the justice system or in any authority where decisions are made affecting the lives of other persons. This would include most judges, lawyers, physicians, social workers, and some psychologists.
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Title: | Little Feelings |
Author: | Judy Spain Barton |
Publisher: | Prometheus Books, ©1998 |
This 67-page children's book begins with a note to parents saying "Feelings are the essence of our being. They mold and shape who we are" (p. 7). The book then contains 26 poems intended to help children understand and express their feelings. They are a valiant effort by an adult to put in child terms what a child feels. However, they suffer from a fundamental reality.
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Title: | Love Does No Harm: Sexual Ethics for the Rest of Us |
Author: | Marie M. Fortune |
Publisher: | The Continuum Publishing Co., ©1995 |
The intent of this 155-page book is noble. It seeks to support an ethics of love and apply such a code of love to sexual behavior. Unfortunately, two assumptions upon which the effort is based are problematical. The first is that sexual behavior currently is forced into something other than love by a patriarchal society. The second is that expressions of human sexuality are a power struggle. This leaves the author with no place to go except to substitute maternalism for patriarchy and leave sex a battleground but with a new commander in chief.
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Title: | Lying and Deception in Everyday Life |
Editors: | Michael Lewis and Carolyn Saarni |
Publisher: | The Guilford Press, ©1993 |
This 221-page book cannot be read without becoming rather distinctly uncomfortable. There is far too much accurate description of deception that every reader will immediately know he or she has done and does every day.
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Title: | Making Monsters: False Memories, Psychotherapy, and Sexual Hysteria |
Authors: | Richard Ofshe and Ethan Walters |
Publisher: | Charles Scribner's Sons, ©1994 |
This goal of this 340-page book is to demonstrate that devastating mistakes are being made by therapists who use questionable and unsupported techniques to help people recall long-buried memories of childhood abuse. The authors state that their book "is intended as an exposé of a pseudoscientific enterprise that is damaging the lives of people in need" (p. ix). Richard Ofshe is a social psychologist at the University of California at Berkeley and an expert on psychological coercion. He was the 1979 co-recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for public service reporting. Ethan Watters is a well-known freelance journalist.
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Title: | Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse: Ethics, Law, and Policy |
Author: | Seth C. Kalichman |
Publisher: | American Psychological Association, ©1993 |
Every practicing mental health professional, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, needs to be familiar with the contents of this 245-page book. Every physician, nurse, teacher, clergyperson, and even college professor, should know what this book tells about. It may even be smart for attorneys to know this book. Another class of beneficiaries would be administrators of hospitals, schools, churches, and medical practices. All of these groups are vulnerable to the impositions of mandated reporting laws on their professional lives in ways that can be quite distressing.
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Title: | Manual of Diagnosis and Professional Practice in Mental Retardation |
Editors: | John W. Jacobson and James A. Mulick |
Publisher: | American Psychological Association, ©1996 |
Mental retardation has been studied by psychologists for a long time. The assessment and conceptualization of human intelligence is basic to understanding the developmental progress of individuals and groups. Many social problems and social policies are affected by the differing levels of capacity and the cognitive structures of individuals. This includes allegations of abuse and the impact of individual differences in cognition on how the society responds to the abuse of children.
This 540-page book consists of 33 chapters by different experts in mental retardation, 73 pages of references, and author and subject indexes.
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Title: | The Many Faces of Deceit |
Authors: | Helen K. Gediman and Janice S. Lieberman |
Publisher: | Jason Aronson, ©1996 |
This 258-page book, by two therapists, deals with the varieties of deception in psychotherapy. At the beginning, the authors state their underlying message that the therapist must maintain a healthy degree of skepticism about what clients say in treatment. The book addresses all types of deception and numerous clinical cases are used to illustrate their points. The book ends with a short index and a short set of references (mainly psychoanalytic).
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Title: | Massacre in Court Room 425 |
Author: | Flannigan O'Rorke |
Publisher: | Rivercross Publishing, ©1995 |
This book describes a false accusation of child sexual abuse and the accused man's fight to win his freedom after being convicted and given a 16- to 60-year sentence. The man, an iron worker, was arrested after a neighbor reported that he had raped his 7-year-old daughter.
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Title: | The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society, 1250-1600 |
Author: | Alfred W. Crosby |
Publisher: | Cambridge University Press, ©1997 |
This 245-page book gives an answer to the question of how Western Civilization emerged as the dominant culture of the world. Why did science come to its present position as the only viable perception and organization of reality? What is it about the West that may account for the ability of science to flourish more fully than elsewhere?
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Title: | Medical Evaluation of Physically and Sexually Abused Children: The APSAC Study Guides 3 |
Author: | Carole Jenny |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1996 |
This volume is intended to provide an introduction to the current knowledge about the medical assessment of physical and sexual child abuse. Each chapter contains concise and brief descriptions of various types of abuse, several suggested references for further study, and a longer list of references for continued study. The material given is simple, to the point, and understandable.
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Title: | Medicine Worth Paying For |
Editors: | Howard S. Frazier and Frederick Mosteller |
Publisher: | Harvard University Press, ©1995 |
Physicians become important figures when we are sick. We tend to accept authoritative pronouncements and to follow regimens and procedures we are told will make it better. At the same time, we are acutely aware of the cost of health care in our society and the many efforts to control costs. Managed care and the widespread use of HMOs have begun to appear questionable as the vehicle to deliver effective and good quality health care. At the same time, readers of this journal will continue to find physicians accepted as the most authoritative experts in courtrooms.
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Title: | Memories of Sexual Betrayal: Truth, Fantasy, Repression, and Dissociation |
Editor: | Richard B. Gartner |
Publisher: | Jason Aronson, Inc., ©1997 |
This 236-page book grew out of presentations at a 1995 conference entitled, "Memories of Sexual Betrayal: A Psychoanalytic Symposium on Truth, Fantasy, Repression, and Dissociation" sponsored by the Center of Psychological Trauma at the William Alanson White Institute for Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology in New York City. The Center is devoted to the psychoanalytic investigation and treatment of traumatic experience, including sexual abuse.
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Title: | Memory of Childhood Trauma: A Clinicians' Guide to the Literature |
Author: | Susan L. Reviere |
Publisher: | The Guilford Press, ©1996 |
The promise of the title of this 178-page book is a review of the relevant scientific literature about remembering childhood trauma that will help clinicians sort through conflicting claims. ... The book contains 18 pages of references and an author index and subject index.
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Title: | Memory Distortion: How Minds, Brains, and Societies Reconstruct the Past |
Editor: | Daniel L. Schacter |
Publisher: | Harvard University Press, ©1995 |
The broad ranging intellectual sweep of this book is evident in the title. Its depth is shown in the fascinating story of how parallel distributing processing was developed. This concept is persuasively advanced in the book as explaining at least partially how the brain works when memory is distorted.
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Title: | Memory Slips |
Author: | Linda Katherine Cutting |
Publisher: | HarperCollins Publishers, ©1997 |
The title of this book comes from an incident in which Linda Cutting forgot how to finish a musical number due to intrusive thoughts of her father's incest and physical abuse. The author, who has nothing good to say about either parent, basically cures herself and seeks refuge in music. Her parents deny abusing her.
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Title: | Memory Systems 1994 |
Editors: | Daniel L. Schacter and Endel Tulving |
Publisher: | The MIT Press, ©1994 |
This 407-page edited book brings the most recent theorizing and study of human memory into a well-organized and systematic presentation. What is new about the developments in understanding memory is the recognition that memory is not a single unitary function but rather that there are multiple memory systems. While there is attention to the processes of memory, it is the structure of memory that is of most interest in the current research. The 12 chapters in this volume are the expanded and revised presentations made earlier in a 1990 special issue of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. The charge given to the authors was to relate their concepts to the ideas of the other contributors. The contributors have succeeded admirably and this makes the book more unified and cohesive than many edited works.
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Title: |
Memory and Testimony in the Child Witness |
Editors: | Maria S. Zaragoza, John R. Graham, Gordon C. N. Hall, Richard Hirschman, and Yossef S. Ben-Porath |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1995 |
This 298-page book consists of presentations delivered in 1993 at the Fifth Annual Kent (Ohio) Psychology Forum. The stated goal of the book is to provide a readable and comprehensive overview on current research on assessing and enhancing the quality of children's eyewitness testimony.
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Title: | Men, Women, Passion and Power |
Author: | Marie Maguire |
Publisher: | Routledge, ©1995 |
The relationship between men and women is both absolutely basic and crucial but also troubled. In this 248-page book, Marie Maguire, a practicing psychoanalyst in London, is not afraid to speak to the knottiest issues in the psychoanalytic community, that is, the nature of human sexuality and the involvement of historic and ongoing disputes over gender.
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Title: | Moral Judgment: Does the Abuse Excuse Threaten Our Legal System? |
Author: | James Q. Wilson |
Publisher: | Basic Books, ©1997 |
Yes, is the answer James Q. Wilson gives to the question in his title. He sees the legal system as both allowing and contributing to the decay of personal responsibility for behavior. Since the legal system is built on the assumption that individuals are responsible for what they do, inevitably the expansion of legal opinion and case law holding persons not responsible for their acts will destroy the system.
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Title: | A Mother's Nightmare Incest: A Practical Legal Guide for Parents and Professionals |
Author: | John E. B. Myers |
Publisher: | Sage Publications, Inc., ©1997 |
Law professor John E. B. Myers aims at a real problem and sets out to fill a vitally important need. The problem is what can be known and what to do if a parent begins to suspect there is sexual abuse of a child. The need is to improve the accuracy of the decisions made by the justice system to give maximum protection to children when there is an allegation of abuse. This 246-page book is at least a partial response to both issues.
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Title: | Multiple Identities & False Memories: A
Sociocognitive Perspective
Author: | Nicholas P. Spanos |
Publisher: | American Psychological Association, ©1996 |
Spanos critically examines the nature of memory and defines the relationships among Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), hypnosis, and the purported recovery of memories of childhood abuse during therapy. The book contains almost 50 pages of references and author and subject indexes.
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Title: | Multiple Victimization of Children |
Editors: | B. B. Robbie Rossman and Mindy S. Rosenberg |
Publisher: | The Haworth Press, ©1998 |
Abuse of children by adults can take many forms. There is a wide range of behaviors that are held by someone to be abusive. While there is overlap, there are also disagreements about what is abusive. Nevertheless, it appears both reasonable and likely that some children are abused in several different ways simultaneously. This is an important and significant issue. This book is about that possibility.
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Title: | Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment |
Editors: | Alex V. Levin and Mary S. Sheridan |
Publisher: | Jossey-Bass Publishers, ©1995 |
Not much is known about the pattern of behavior subsumed under the label Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which was first identified and described by Roy Meadows in 1977. This 479-page book is the first attempt at a systematic review of what is known about this puzzling and highly dangerous form of child abuse. The 32 chapters by a variety of contributors consist mostly of anecdotal accounts, summaries of clinical observations, and case studies.
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