Adverse Psychological Evaluations in Civil Suits Involving Sexual Misconduct by Professionals
Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and Hollida Wakefield, M.A.*
Psychologists are often asked to perform adverse
psychological evaluations in cases of alleged sexual harassment, sexual
contact by therapists with current or terminated clients, and sexual
contact by clergy, teachers and other professionals. Issues go be
explored in such evaluations include the emotional status of the plaintiff,
the probable causes of any emotional problems, the probability that the
alleged event occurred as claimed, and whether the sexual misconduct fits
the state's legal definition of actionable behavior. Additional
issues occur in cases involving children and when the plaintiff is
claiming a recently recovered memory of repressed childhood abuse.
Civil suits against professionals have skyrocketed. One
law firm in Minneapolis is defending 75 suits against clergymen alone
alleging sexual contact and seeking millions in damages. One attorney, who
has specialized as a plaintiffs attorney in actions against clergymen
alleging sexual involvement, reportedly has over 300 such cases.
It is estimated the Roman Catholic Church has paid over
$300,000,000 for actions involving sexual improprieties by priests. The
largest known court-ordered financial award for adult sexual abuse by a
priest was $1,200,000 from the Colorado Episcopal Diocese (1).
A recent attempt to summarize the research evidence on
therapist-client sexual involvement (2) concluded the frequency of sexual
contact between a therapist and a client may have decreased in the last
twelve years. However, Schoener (3) observes that the evidence does not
appear to support that conclusion. The best stance now appears to be that
there is no way of knowing the actual frequency of sexual contact between
therapists and patients or former patients. However, what is known is that
sexual misconduct has been the leading cause of
malpractice suits against psychologists since the mid-1970s (4).
A number of states have criminalized sexual involvement
between therapists and patients and that number is likely to increase.
Psychologists and clergymen in Minnesota have been convicted and
imprisoned. Complaints against physicians in Minnesota went from about 500
in 1986-1987 to 1,399 in 1988-1989. Health Board complaints went from 6 in
1974 to 1,500 in 1988 (5).
The stakes are high when there is an accusation of
sexual involvement between a therapist and a patient or client. There is
the nature of the institutions served by the professionals, the social
contract between a society and its professional groups, that may be
markedly altered both in reality and in perceptions. There is the issue of
the level of trust and confidence in a profession and its practitioners.
society pays a price for a jaundiced view of its leading authority
figures. There are the individual emotional and personal costs to both
victims and perpetrators of the sexual impropriety. In addition, along
with the increase in reports and civil suits, there goes an increase in
false reports (5, 6). With the emergence of deep pockets in the insurance
companies, the possibility of an accusation primarily aimed at getting
money increases as well.
Professionals accused of sexual misconduct include
psychologists, psychiatrists, clergy, social workers, teachers, and
chemical dependency counselors. Some child psychologists have been accused
of sexually abusing child clients. Surveys attempting to assess the extent
of sexual involvement between professionals and patients indicate that a
large number of professionals admit to sexual contact with their patients (7).
Psychologists have also been successfully sued for sexualized dual
relationships with their students or supervisees (8).
Whereas in criminal cases, an adverse psychological
evaluation is sometimes, but not usually, granted, in civil cases
involving claims of emotional damage, such evaluations are almost always
ordered. Sometimes the attorneys agree to this without a court order but
at other times a court order is necessary. Frequently, the
attorney will attempt to place limits on the evaluation in terms of time
available, tests that can be given, and whether the evaluation is to be
taped. The attorney may ask to be present in the room during the
evaluation. The psychologist conducting the adverse evaluation should
resist any limitations that interfere with the standards for an ethical
and professional evaluation. To permit another professional group to
affect the inner workings of psychology's self-regulation so as to limit
the psychologist's responsibility to do a thorough and adequate
professional assessment is itself unethical behavior for the psychologist.
The Specialty Guidelines for the Delivery of Services by Clinical
Psychologists contains these instructions in footnote 19 (9,
p. 650):
Support for the independence of psychology as a
profession is found in the following:
As a member of an autonomous profession, a psychologist
rejects limitations upon his [or her] freedom of thought and action other
than those imposed by his [or her] moral, legal and social
responsibilities. The Association is always prepared to provide
appropriate assistance to any responsible member who becomes subjected to
unreasonable limitations upon his [or her] opportunity to function as a
practitioner, teacher, researcher, administrator, or consultant. The
Association is always prepared to cooperate with any responsible
professional organization in opposing any unreasonable limitations on the
professional functions of the members of that organization.
This insistence upon professional autonomy has been
upheld over the years by the affirmative actions of the courts and other
public and private bodies in support of the right of the psychologist
other professionals to pursue those functions for which he [or she] is
trained and qualified to perform.
Organized psychology has the responsibility to define and develop
its own profession, consistent with the general canons of science and with
the public welfare.
Psychologists recognize that other professions and
other groups will, from time to time, seek to define the roles and
responsibilities of psychologists. The APA opposes such developments' on
the same principle that it is opposed to the psychological
profession taking positions which would define the work and scope of
responsibility of other duly recognized professions.
The psychologist must go into the evaluation with an
open mind Pope (10) stresses that "each accusation and denial must be
painstakingly evaluated on an individual basis" and states that
"Psychologists serving as expert witnesses in court settings...or
other deliberative bodies have an especially significant responsibility to
ensure that they render a thoroughly honest, truly professional
judgment." Gonsiorek (11) notes that there has been a great change in
consciousness about therapist sexual misconduct in the past decade and a
half with the result that, contrasted with several years ago, false
reports can now pay off. Gonsiorek also stresses that assumptions cannot
be made and that each case must be assessed on its merits.
At the beginning of the evaluation, the psychologist
should make his or her role clear to the client. The nature of the
evaluation should be explained and the client asked to give informed,
written consent to provide the results of the evaluation to the attorney
for the defense and court. Ordinarily, the report is provided to the
attorney who retained the psychologist who then gives the report to the
plaintiff's attorney. The raw test data should be made available to the
plaintiff's expert if requested. However, we require that such data,
including any computerized interpretations of tests, such as the MMPI-2
and the MCMI-II, not be shown directly to the client or used by anyone not
qualified to interpret them.
Documents, such as medical, job, and school records
should be requested and reviewed. School records will often contain
information about behavior problems, health, and referrals for counseling,
in addition to grades. This will help determine what problems may have
predated the abuse incidents. With adults, there sometimes will be an MMPI
or other evaluation records prior to the date the abuse was said to have
Such records can provide extremely useful information
in evaluating the claims. In one repressed memory case against a school
teacher, the young man maintained he began gaining weight in fifth grade,
the year the alleged abuse took place. He said that he changed from a
happy, normal boy into a fat and unhappy child who was then
scapegoated through school. However his medical and school records had
weights noted at different ages so his weight could be charted from early
childhood through high school and his claim of a sudden weight gain in
fifth grade disproved.
The psychological evaluation should include a
diagnostic interview, a social/sexual history, and a battery of
psychological tests, with emphasis on objective tests such as the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Millon Clinical
Multiaxial Inventory-II, and the California Psychological Inventory.
use the Shipley for intellectual screening, and if necessary perform a
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Depending upon the responses to the
initial tests, we may add other tests. The basic selection criterion for
tests should be demonstrated validity and reliability. Projective
techniques such as the Rorschach (unless the Exner system is used), the
House-Tree-Person, and the Thematic Apperception Test should be used only
with the ethically required appropriate qualifications and limitations (12).
In the interview, attention should be given to details
of the plaintiff's adjustment before, during, and after the sexual
relationship with the defendant. The plaintiff should be encouraged to
describe specific symptoms or observable behaviors that underlie general
complaints such as depression or anxiety. Other events that occurred that
might have contributed to the plaintiff's problems should be explored.
Although in some civil cases the major defense is that
the abuse did not occur, in others, the abuse is admitted. There may be
acknowledgment of the abuse but dispute as to its intrusiveness and
extent. Therefore, in conducting an evaluation of the plaintiff, the
following questions should be addressed:
1) |
What are the personality characteristics and
current psychological functioning of the plaintiff? |
2) |
What is the probable cause of any emotional
problems? |
3) |
What is the probability that the alleged event
occurred as claimed? |
4) |
What are alternative explanations for the
statements being made by the plaintiff? This is possibly the most
important element in the assessment. |
5) |
(In recovered memory cases with adults) When did
the plaintiff realize he or she had been sexually abused? This goes to
the statute of limitations. |
6) |
Did the sexual misconduct between the plaintiff
and the defendant meet the state's legal definition of actionable
behavior? |
7) |
What are the future treatment needs, if any, of
the plaintiff? |
Other considerations include: What is the defense
strategy for the case? Is the goal to reach settlement or to go to trial?
Reports may differ depending upon whether the goal is trial or settlement.
Some attorneys may not want a formal, written report. Others may want only
the relevant data and conclusions but not a long, detailed report that
will give the plaintiff's attorney the opportunity to prepare a lengthy
cross-examination. Also, while the final test of truth or falsity is for
the fact finder judge, jury, licensure board the clinician needs to have a
personal opinion sufficient to base the decision to accept or reject the
In conducting an adverse psychological evaluation, an
important question is whether the behavior of the defendant, even if it
occurred as alleged, meets the state's legal requirements for actionable
behavior. The psychologist should know the applicable statutes for the
state in which the lawsuit takes place. Gonsiorek (11) observes that there
is enormous variability in the statutes from state to state. It is also
important to learn from the attorney whether this is an issue of dispute.
In some cases, the statute of limitations may apply and
the behavior is not actionable. However, there has been increasing civil
litigation involving claims of recovered memory of childhood sexual abuse (13-15).
In such cases, there are no memories for years because the abuse
is said to have been completely "repressed" until, generally
with a help of a therapist, it is then "recovered" (16,
17). Because of this, many states have extended the statutory period of
limitations in civil cases until several years after abuse is remembered and/or after it is understood
there was damage done by the abuse (13, 14,
18-21). Therapists and
survivors' groups often encourage such litigation (22-24).
Although most
of the claims are of abuse by parents, there are also lawsuits against
professionals such as teachers and the clergy.
Whether a particular professional is liable depends on
the state statutes. Some professionals may be liable whereas others,
engaging in similar behaviors, are not. For example, in Minnesota, if the
professional is a psychotherapist and the complainant a patient, a sexual
relationship is prohibited. If a member of the clergy engages in behavior
that can be defined in any way as psychotherapy, the church and the clergy
may be sued. A sexual relationship with member of the clergy who is not in
a counseling role cannot be used as the basis for a lawsuit. In Minnesota
there are dozens of ongoing cases involving the clergy.
Also, in some states, a therapist may be liable for
sexual behavior with a former patient after treatment is terminated.
Minnesota, the professional is criminally liable for sexual behavior that
occurs within two years of termination of therapy if the former patient is
"emotionally dependent" on the former psychotherapist, rendering
the patient unable to consent, or if the contact occurs "by means of
therapeutic deception" (25). Minnesota Statutes
148A.01 subd. 2
defines emotionally dependent as follows:
"Emotionally dependent" means that the
nature of the patient's or former patient's emotional condition and the
nature of the treatment provided by the psychotherapist are such that
the psychotherapist knows or has reason to believe that the patient or
former patient is unable to withhold consent to sexual contact by the
In 1986 Minnesota created a civil statutory cause of
action against a psychotherapist, and current and past employers for
sexual exploitation of patients and former patients. As in the criminal
statute, the violation with former clients who were treated within two
years prior to the onset of the sexual contact exists if there has been
therapeutic deception or emotional dependence. Gartrell et al. (25) note
that even before this statute passed, civil suits against therapists for sexual
misconduct were common in Minnesota.
Cummings and Sobel (26) reviewed cases handled by the
APA Insurance Trust and noted cases where treatment had been terminated, a
sexual relationship started, and a malpractice suit was subsequently
filed. They observe that the courts have ruled that the emotional transference is
still present even though therapy was terminated.
In a case involving a lawsuit against a chemical
dependency counselor who began dating a former client a year after she
completed treatment, this was a primary question addressed in the adverse
psychological evaluation. The records documented numerous incidents in
which the plaintiff initiated contact, sought out the defendant, and
controlled the relationship. These events indicated that the plaintiff was
unlikely to be emotionally dependent upon the defendant and that the
defendant most likely perceived them as involved in an equal relationship
and had no reason to believe that the plaintiff was unable to withhold
consent to the sexual contact. The jury accepted this defense and gave no
monetary damages.
A direct causal relationship between the behaviors of
the defendant and the plaintiff's current problems is difficult to
establish. It is unlikely that all of a plaintiff's emotional problems
will have any single cause. To claim a direct, specific and singular cause
for anything human beings do goes far beyond any evidence in the science
of psychology (27-30). When psychologists attempt to meet the demands of
the legal system and assert that the litigated cause of action is the sole
cause of emotional damage to the plaintiff, this exceeds the competency of
the science itself and leaves the psychologist vulnerable to serious
No mental health professional can respond to this
expectation with anything other than subjective opinion. Psychologists who
try to predict that sexual exploitation will result in long-term damage
are likely to produce false positives. The dilemma this creates is
analogous to the prediction of violence. Mental health professionals are
notoriously poor at predicting violence, especially in the absence of a
history of violence, and they consistently overpredict violence (31-34).
In sexual abuse, although some victims of childhood
sexual abuse are reported to have a number of symptoms, including
depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, distrust, social isolation, sexual
dysfunction, eating disorders, and difficulties in close interpersonal
relationships, these problems are not specific to a history of sexual
abuse. The behaviors frequently offered as behavioral indicators of sexual
abuse are instead nonspecific stress responses which can be linked to any
number of stressor experiences. Beitchman, Zucker, Hood, daCosta, and
Akman (35) conclude that, with the exception of sexualized behavior, the
majority of short-term effects noted in the literature are problems that
characterize child clinical samples in general. Two recent review articles
on the long-term effects come to similar conclusions. Beitchman, Zucker,
Hood, daCosta, Akrnan, and Cassavia (36) and Pope and Hudson
(37) report
that empirical research has not established a relationship between
disorders frequently claimed to be caused by sexual abuse (bulimia, multiple personality disorder, borderline personality).
Also, the type of abuse is important. There appears to
be more emotional harm if the perpetrator is a father or stepfather, if
coercion, force, or violence are present, and if the abuse consists of
more physically assaultive, intrusive acts (35, 36,
38, 39).
Family dysfunction must be considered. Although few of
the studies on the effects of abuse have controlled for family
characteristics, those that have indicate that it is difficult to separate
the effects of abuse from the effects of the accompanying family
dysfunctions. This is because both extrafamilial and intrafamilial sexual
abuse are closely associated with families that are dysfunctional and
pathological (35, 40-45). Since the problems observed in an adult who was
sexually abused as a child may be a function of a pathological home
environment rather than an effect of the sexual abuse, family
characteristics must be carefully explored and considered.
In addition, it must not be assumed that sexual abuse
will inevitably cause long-term psychological problems. Not all victims of
childhood abuse show later adjustment problems. Finkelhor (39) reports,
"Almost every study of the impact of sexual abuse has found a
substantial group of victims with little or no symptomatology."
Parker and Parker (46) observe, "It is far from clear if the abusive experience
itself plays a significant causal role in subsequent maladjustment."
Therapist-patient sexual contact is often compared to
child sexual abuse, rape, and incest (10). The literature on the effects
of therapist-patient sexual contact reports a wide range of problems
including inability to trust, hesitation about seeking further help from
professionals, depression, suicide attempts, guilt, sexual confusion,
suppressed rage, emotional liability, and cognitive dysfunction (47).
fact, Pope (47) postulates a "Therapist-Patient Sex Syndrome."
However, as with child sexual abuse, this research suffers from a variety
of problems. Borys and Pope (48) note that there is much that is not known
about the frequency, nature, and effects of patient abuse and discuss
several validity issues in the research.
It cannot automatically be assumed that clients who
have sexual contact with a therapist will have the above problems and it
cannot be concluded that most, if not all, of their problems were caused
by the sexual contact. Schoener (49) notes that some clients who have been
the victims of outrageous and unconscionable behavior by their therapists
emerge with little damage whereas others suffer greatly as the result of
much more innocuous behavior. In evaluating plaintiffs he stresses
focusing on the actual damages rather than the outrageousness of the
therapist's alleged conduct.
Another factor to be considered is the the fact that
many personality characteristics appear to have a high heritability (50,
51). The University of Minnesota twin studies have produced powerful
evidence that personality factors are strongly affected by genes. This
must be considered when forming conclusions concerning the cause of an
individual's emotional problems.
The diagnosis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is
often found in civil suits involving sexual misconduct. The sexual
misconduct is said to have caused the plaintiff a variety of significant
problems. The PTSD diagnosis sometimes is used to support the assertion
that abuse that may be in dispute is, in fact, true.
According to the DSM-III-R, PTSD cannot be diagnosed in
the absence of a verified traumatic event that is "outside the range
of usual human experience ... (and) would be markedly distressing to almost
anyone, and is usually experienced with intense fear, terror, and
helplessness" (52). Observed present behaviors on the
part of the
alleged victim cannot be used to reason backwards to prove that the
claimed prior event actually occurred. This is the logical error of
affirming the consequence. It has been identified as an unacceptable form
of reasoning since Aristotle.
The Task Force Report of the American Psychiatric
Association (53) maintains that a DSM-III-R diagnosis cannot be used to
conclude that criminally actionable conduct has occurred. They state that
"In the absence of a scientific foundation for attributing a person's
behavior or mental condition to a single past event, such testimony should
be viewed as a misuse of psychiatric expertise." Also, the basis for
the diagnosis must include sufficient documented symptomatology to meet the
requirements of DSM-III-R.
In addition, we have seen the diagnosis of PTSD given
when the alleged abuse was admitted but consisted of gentle fondling over
the clothing, or as the sequelae to what appeared to be a consensual
relationship with a member of the clergy or a job supervisor. This is not
the type of traumatic event needed for a diagnosis of PTSD.
There is no dispute that there are professionals who
have inappropriate, unethical, illegal, and/or actionable sexual
relationships with parishioners, clients, and students. Some of the
behaviors are unconscionable. Surveys indicate high enough prevalence
rates for this to be a serious concern. But some alleged behaviors are
simply not probable. It is important for the evaluator to be aware of the
low base rates for behaviors that are sometimes alleged. However, we often
see highly improbable and uncorroborated behaviors accepted without
question. For example:
A third-grade teacher was alleged to have
removed her clothes in the classroom and made the children touch her
genitals, to have forced the children to eat spinach and to eat their
vomit when they threw up, and to have locked the children in a
storeroom. This case was pursued even when the records indicated
spinach was never served at that school, there was no such
storeroom as described, and no one had ever observed anything unusual.
In a recovered memory case, a fifth-grade
teacher was accused of taking a boy to a construction site, tying the
boy up and making him perform oral sex. When the boy vomited, the
teacher became enraged and anally raped the boy and licked his
private parts. The teacher later abused the boy at school, in the
class-room, sometimes in the presence of other children. |
A woman accused a psychologist of raping her
when she helped him return materials to his hotel room following the
first day of a workshop. She claimed that he used force and violence.
She described making a telephone call to her mother from his room,
saying that she would be home late. But when this call was shown to
have been made on the next evening, she changed her story to add that
she also attended the second day of the workshop, again came
voluntarily to the psychologist's room, and was raped by him a second
time. |
There are often civil lawsuits following the
criminal prosecutions in many of the highly publicized day care cases.
These cases often involve bizarre ritual abuse and the civil lawsuits
are pursued even when the criminal cases are dismissed or end in
acquittals. When there are allegations of feces and urine, animal
torture, and miscellaneous objects stuck into the genitals of children
during the regular course of the day care routines, the allegations
are highly unlikely to be true. |
Therapists specializing in uncovering repressed abuse
claim that large numbers of women have been sexually abused but that up to
half of all incest survivors do not remember their abuse. Therefore abuse
survivors must be helped to retrieve their memories in order to recover.
The therapists generally use intrusive and unvalidated techniques such as
leading questions, hypnosis, reading books, attending survivors' groups,
age regression, dream analysis, and a variety of unorthodox procedures to
uncover the memories (22, 54-58).
Although concepts such
as repression, dissociation, traumatic amnesia, body memories, and
multiple personality disorder are used to support their assumptions, there
is no support in the scientific literature for the way these concepts are
used (16, 17).
When there is litigation involving claims of recovered
memory, a psychological evaluation of the plaintiff is essential. In
addition to what was discussed above, this evaluation must include an
analysis of how the memory was recovered and all influences on the
plaintiff such as therapy, books and television shows. (See Coleman [59]
for an example of this type of analysis in a recovered memory case
involving civil litigation.) The psychologist performing the adverse
psychological evaluation needs detailed information about the individuals
involved, the origin of the disclosure, and the nature of therapy (16,
60, 61).
Some professionals have proposed ways of evaluating
claims of alleged sexual abuse based on recently recovered memories (16,
17, 61-63).
Since there is little empirical research in this area, these
suggestions are based on existing knowledge about memory, social
influence, suggestibility, conformity, the psychotherapy process,
hypnosis, and the characteristics and behavior of actual sexual abusers.
Children can also be sexually exploited by
professionals. Bajt and Pope (64) report that 24 percent of the
psychologists they surveyed were aware of instances of sexual contact
between therapists and patients who were minors. However, there are also
false allegations in such cases and a careful evaluation of the child
therefore is extremely important. An adverse psychological evaluation of
the child witness will most likely be granted in civil cases.
When the abuse is acknowledged, the focus of the
evaluation is in assessing the damage. The observations made previously
about the effects of abuse are relevant and should be considered in the
The interview of the child should include information
concerning the child's current life as well as the abuse incidents. Parents should be interviewed about their perception of the child's
problems. Psychological testing, such as the WISC-R and the Bender, will
provide information about the child's developmental level as well as give another
opportunity to observe the child's behavior. Parent inventories, such as
the Personality Inventory for Children and the Louisville Behavior
Checklist, give information both about the child and about the parents'
perceptions of the child. These latter tests can reflect a tendency to
exaggerate problems. If the parents are parties to the lawsuit and
claiming damages, they can also be evaluated.
The child is likely to have been placed into therapy
for the abuse. The therapy notes are important in assessing the probable
long-term damage. Such notes are likely to contain the therapist's
observations concerning the child's response to therapy and the parents'
reports of problems. In some cases, the therapy provided may appear
ineffective or even iatrogenic.
When the defense is that the abuse never happened, the
psychologist may be asked to assess the probable truthfulness of the
allegations. In such cases, the prior interviews may have been so leading
and suggestive that the information obtained is simply not reliable.
number of writers have examined memory development, cognitive and moral
development of children, and suggestibility of children to adult social
influence (65-72). Some recent studies have provided dramatic
demonstrations of the degree to which young children can be influenced by
an interviewer (73-76).
Even when there are videotapes of prior interviews, a
new interview can help sort out what may have actually happened. Young
children can provide useful information, but adults have to know how to
get it from them (65, 67). Although young children can provide accurate
information, they recall less than do adults (69).
But the less
information the child gives in free recall, the sooner the interviewer may
start using leading questions, which can influence the child and distort
the story. Also, young children may perceive the interview task
differently from adults and try to tell the interviewer what they believe
the interviewer wants them to say (77, 78).
They may answer questions they
do not understand and about which they have no information (79).
Therefore, the interviewer must attempt to tap into a
child's accurate free recall by encouraging the child to tell in his or
her own words what has happened. Several professionals have suggested
guidelines for conducting an unbiased evaluation and noncontaminating
interview (72, 80-87).
A promising procedure for interviewing children
and analyzing the resulting interview is Criterion Based Content
Analysis/Statement Validity Analysis (CBCA/SVA) (88-91).
All interviews of
the child should be video- or audiotaped, since a tape is the only means
whereby the procedures and information obtained during the interview can
be accurately documented (72, 84, 92-95).
In assessing the case and writing the report, the
procedures followed by the previous evaluators must be carefully examined
to assess possible contamination (72, 96).
The influence of multiple
interviews and leading questions is discussed by several researchers in
the American Psychological Association book, Suggestibility of Children's
Recollections (66). Ceci and Bruck (65) stress examining carefully the
conditions at the time of the initial disclosure and the process since
then to which the child has been subjected. Although the anatomical dolls
are most frequently used, books, puppets, drawings, projective cards, play
dough, games, and play therapy should be noted. None of these are reliable
or valid for assessing possible sexual abuse and their use may contaminate
the statements children may make, especially if the interviewer encourages
the child "to pretend" (95, 97-99).
A child's behavior in play therapy may be used to
substantiate abuse or to support a claim of emotional damage and behavior
problems resulting from the abuse. Such therapy may focus on reenactments
and talking about the alleged abuse. Although there is no evidence that
play therapy is an effective therapeutic procedure (72,
94, 99, 100),
children are frequently given play therapy for sexual abuse even before
there has been any legal determination that sexual abuse has occurred.
However, there is no support for the supposition that behaviors in play
therapy can be used as signs to establish the truth of past events. Campbell
(101) notes that play therapy can influence children to accept
the beliefs of the therapist and can be a contributing factor to false
allegations. Therefore, the case notes from therapy may provide extremely
important information in assessing a claim of emotional damage from sexual
Important factors to consider in analyzing the progress
of a case include the origin and timing of the original disclosure, the age
of the child, the nature of the alleged abuse, and the
characteristics of the child's statement (98, 99).
When there is a dispute concerning the behavior of the
defendant, a psychological evaluation can be performed. Such evaluations
are not usually performed when the defendant admits the behavior. An
evaluation of a defendant who denies the accusations can provide
information concerning the likelihood that he or she would engage in the
behaviors alleged. There is a regularity to persons and a link between
personality and behavior. A shy, introverted, individual is unlikely
(unless under the influence of drugs or alcohol) to tell loud jokes and
become the center of attention at a party. This behavior would not be
unusual in a histrionic, uninhibited extrovert.
Psychological evaluations are less helpful when the
behaviors alleged are closer to normal, acceptable behavior. But if the
allegations are of more intrusive, deviant or sadistic behaviors, a
psychological evaluation gives extremely useful information. A
psychologically normal individual is unlikely to violently assault a
preschooler, force students to eat vomit, or rape a client during a
therapy session.
Therefore the individual must be evaluated in light of
the specific behaviors that are alleged. When it cannot be demonstrated
that an accused person has the level of pathology expected given the
behaviors alleged, the likelihood of a false accusation increases. However, the presence of psychological problems does not mean the abuse is
real, since most people with psychological problems are not sexual
The psychological evaluation should include a
diagnostic interview, a social/sexual history, and a battery of
psychological tests, with emphasis on objective tests as is discussed
above under conducting the adverse psychological evaluation. Tests
intended for sex offenders, such as the Multiphasic Sexual Inventory,
should not be used for individuals who are denying abuse.
The one consistent finding from the literature on
therapist-patient sexual involvement is that males are much more likely
than females to have engaged in sexual relationships with their clients.
Gonsiorek (11) reports that the Walk-In Counseling Center finds that the
most common pattern is for a male therapist to sexually exploit a female
client (80 percent). The next most common pattern is a female
psychotherapist with a female client (13 percent), followed by a male
psychotherapist with a male client (5 percent) and least frequent, a
female psychotherapist with a male client (2 percent).
However, no differences have been found between
specific fields, such as psychiatry, psychology, and social work nor does
there appear to be a relationship between theoretical orientation and
propensity to engage in sexual contact with clients. No studies have
supported the premise that therapists who become sexually involved with
patients have less formal education or professional recognition (2).
Keith-Spiegel and Koocher (102) note that psychologists
who sexualize relationships with clients tend to be impaired and troubled
and that the stereotype of the sexually exploitive psychologist as
dashing, debonair, and self-assured is not true. Therapists who engage in
sexual intimacies with clients have been found to have one or more
personal problems, including vulnerability, fear of intimacy, crises in
their own personal sex or love relationships, feelings of failure as
professionals or as persons, high needs for love or affection or positive
regard, poor impulse control, isolation from peer support, and depression.
The Walk-In Counseling Center in Minneapolis, which has
handled 3500 cases where clients have alleged sexual exploitation by their
psychotherapists, has found a great diversity in the types of therapists
who sexually exploit their clients. Although there are a few psychopathic
types, these are in the minority. Most are socially isolated, become
overinvolved with work, and when they encounter a client who fits their
psychopathology, countertransference and boundary erosion begins (11).
types they have observed include uninformed therapists who lack
professional training and knowledge about standards of care and
professional boundaries; basically healthy or mildly neurotic therapists
who behave inappropriately because of stresses in their lives, whose
behavior is often limited to one client, and who feel genuine remorse;
severely neurotic or socially isolated therapists with significant
emotional problems who are vulnerable to eroding professionals boundaries;
impulsive character disorders who have long-standing problems with behavior
and impulse
control and who have a long history of inappropriate and unprofessional
behavior; sociopathic or narcissistic character disorders who are similar
to the above but who are more deliberate and cunning in their sexual
exploitation of clients; psychotic or borderline personalities who are
characterized by poor social judgment, impaired reality testing, and
disordered thinking (11).
The allegations are less likely to be true when there
is no corroborating evidence and the allegations are of extremely deviant,
low-probability behaviors. This becomes even less likely when a
psychological evaluation of the defendant indicates no pathology.
If the case involves "repression" until the
memory is uncovered in therapy, the abuse is unlikely to be true. If the
recovered memory is for abuse that occurred at a very young age, it is
extremely unlikely that the memory is for a real event.
If the accusations only emerge following reading The
Courage to Heal (22), hypnosis, survivors' group participation, or dream
analysis, the recovered memories are apt to be the result of therapy.
However, if the abuse has always been remembered but the individual is
only now disclosing, it is more likely to be true, especially if the
allegations are consistent with what is known about the behavior of actual
abusers and the dynamics of actual abuse.
Although personality disorders or serious emotional
problems may make individuals more susceptible to the influence of a
therapist, this does not appear to be a necessary factor. Therefore the
presence or absence of a history of emotional problems in itself does not
prove or disprove alleged abuse. Also, any claims that the individual must
have been abused because she has problems that are associated with being
the victim of sexual misconduct must be viewed cautiously. The existence
of eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, anxiety, depression, or low
self-esteem cannot be used to support the probability of abuse since these
can all be caused by a variety of factors (36, 37).
When the abuse allegations progress across time to ever
more intrusive, bizarre and improbable behaviors, the growth of the story
is likely to represent the effect of therapy. Also, allegations of
ritual abuse by intergenerational satanic cults are extremely unlikely to
be true. Despite hundreds of investigations, no corroborating evidence for
the existence of these cults has ever been found (105,
Corroborating evidence obviously makes the allegations
much more likely to be true. Such evidence includes a childhood diary with
unambiguous entries, photographs that support the plaintiff's accounts,
letters documenting the relationship, or witnesses to the alleged events.
Ambiguous evidence, however, such as a childhood story or drawings now
reinterpreted in light of the believed-in abuse, cannot be used as support
that the abuse actually occurred. Also, the defendant's denial of the
alleged sexual misconduct can be supported by witnesses to events that
contradict the allegations, letters, consultations about a difficult
patient, and case notes.
A credible admission by the defendant makes the
allegation more likely to be true. However, the circumstances of the
admission should be carefully evaluated. We have seen cases of childhood
sexual abuse where there are coerced confessions, where the defendant is
hypnotized to help uncover memories of committing the abuse, or where the
confession takes the form of "I don't remember doing anything but she
wouldn't lie ... maybe I did it when I was asleep" (107).
If several clients who do not know each other and have
not spoken to one another provide similar accounts about the same person
this makes it more likely the allegations are true. However, frequently in
such cases the clients do know one another. They may attend the same
support or therapy group where they discuss the abuse.
Although the above suggestions may aid in sorting out
what has happened, there are no easy answers. The psychologist must begin
the evaluation with an open mind and each case must be be assessed on its
merits. A psychological evaluation based upon sound scientific data and
representing the highest standards of the profession can provide useful
information that is legally relevant to the finder of fact.
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Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and Hollida Wakefield, M.A. are
licensed psychologists at the Institute for Psychological Therapies in
Northfield, Minnesota. They provide treatment to victims, families and
perpetrators of child sexual abuse and have consulted or testified in
cases of alleged sexual abuse in thirty-six states and several foreign
countries. They have presented workshops and seminars on the topic and are
the authors of Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse ( )( ), published by
C.C. Thomas
in 1988 and The Real World of Child Interrogations ( ), published by C.C.
Thomas in 1990.
Correspondence should be addressed to Ralph Underwager,
Institute for Psychological Therapies
, 5263 130th Street East
, Northfield, MN 55057-4880
. [Back] |
Copyright 1993 American Journal of Forensic
Volume 11, Issue 4. The Journal is a publication of the
American College of Forensic Psychology, P .0. Box 5870, Balboa Island. California 92662. |