Issues In Child Abuse Accusations
Issues In Child Abuse Accusations (ISSN 1043-8823) is a multidisciplinary
journal presenting scholarship from disciplines such as law, law enforcement,
psychology, psychiatry, sociology, social work, medicine, history, and theology.
Its goal is to advance our care for children through pointing to the mistakes
of the rush to solve the problem of child abuse, sharing demonstrated facts
about the reality of abuse, and discussing new ways for professionals to
respond to accusations, victims, perpetrators and those accused. Issues
In Child Abuse Accusations has been in print publication from 1989 through 1998,
and published on our website since 1999. 
Hollida Wakefield
1989 - 2001
2003 -
Ralph Underwager
2001 - 2003

Associate Editors |
Ralph Underwager
Psychology Editor, 1989-2001 |
Zachary Bravos
Legal Editor |
LeRoy Schultz
Social Work Editor |
Robert Fay
Medical Editor |

Publishing and Editorial Offices
Institute for Psychological Therapies
5263 130th Street East
Northfield, MN 55057-4880
(507) 645-8881
Fax (507) 645-8883 |

Copyright © 1989-2015, The
Institute for Psychological Therapies. All rights reserved.
May not be copied or reproduced without
Issues in Child Abuse Accusations welcomes manuscripts dealing
with issues of child abuse and allegations of child abuse. The
style for references for social science manuscripts should adhere to the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
and for legal references to the Harvard Law Review
Association's A
Uniform System of Citation. Send manuscripts to Hollida
Wakefield. When submitting, indicate if the paper is available on
a computer word processing system and specify the system and
software. If you submit a disk along with your manuscript, make
sure it contains copies in both the native word processor and ASCII
formats. Because of our fast editorial feedback, simultaneous
submission to other journals is not allowed.

Tables of Contents for Back Issues (by year):
1989 | 1990 | 1991
| 1992 | 1993
1994 |
1995 |
1996 | 1997
| 2002
| 2003 | 2004 |
2006 | 2007 |
2009 |
2012 |
Index by Author